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Fabricio Coloccini (now retired)


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Just heard that on Totalsport on way home.


When an open letter from the club captain begins with... "I don't usually speak publicly too often" then is there any point reading/listening on?


Then the squad apologising for "the moment we are going through".... a moment that's now 8 matches long and counting.


And ending by drilling home that support is needed, despite the fact support has always been there, and results have still nose-dived.


Just a complete joke, and a very obvious PR exercise.


However, I'm sure some sheep will be taken in by it.


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Guest chopey

If the club was that bothered they would give the spare tickets away for nothing guaranteed full house of supafans then !

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The players are committed to this and if you stay with us, if you join us, we are going to fight together for our black and white family.


Blaming the fans again :lol:


They are going to fight, ONLY IF, we join them.


Never mind your fucking wages lad.

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Its proper Mr Burns stuff with Smithers...treat everyone like shyte but then when they need help send out some stupid gesture claiming "we're all in this together" for the good of springfield.

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Paddy Power ‏@paddypower  4m4 minutes ago

Fabricio Coloccini has penned an open letter to Newcastle fans... pic.twitter.com/OOoeE9enDS






How the hell did they get their hands on the unedited version?

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"The players are committed to this and if you stay with us, if you join us, we are going to fight together for our black and white family."


That implying if 'we' don't stick with them (i.e. make it a full house on Saturday) then they won't fight?


"Neither players nor staff would like to be in the position that we are in at the moment. This is something that has happened for many reasons and right now there is no time to look back and correct those mistakes."


There's never fucking time with Ashley in charge!!  We'd need to sit out an entire season for there to be enough time to produce a lessons learned report.


I concur with previous posts....if Colo wrote that I'm a fucking rocket scientist!




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Guest chopey

8 years of cost cutting, lies, dragging the good name of Newcastle through the gutter and Ashleys bullshit and now we have a letter from the captain to try and sell tickets, lower than a snakes belly this lot

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