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Fabricio Coloccini (now retired)


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I don't know about this 'we'll not let him go for nowt' like.


Don't underestimate his age or him supposedly being the club's highest earner. Let him go for a nominal fee, bring in someone younger and cheaper - it's the Ashley way.

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If he goes Cabaye will be captain, maybe there is a power struggle between the two, colo doesn't seem the most vocal of leaders, Cabaye has a lot of French buddies to back him up.


Interesting point. Maybe there's truth to this whole French/Spanish-speaking thing Macdonald got a lot of abuse on here for and Colo feels that he's not valued any more. When you look at the Debuchy transfer it makes you wonder about the influence Cabaye now has at the club.


Sorry like I don't buy the 'not valued' thing at all. They valued him by making him the highest paid player at the club, the manager compared him to Bobby Moore. Even Cabaye has mentioned in interviews in the past that he sees Colo as out best player. The players all seem to admire and respect him, for me this is either something in his personal life or something directly related to the manager.


Just a suggestion, I'm not saying it's the case. :thup:

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Cabaye In Canaries Contention


says it all.  :'(


:lol: :lol: don't let the press get a hold of that


Cabaye In Canaries Contention



What's Southgate doing at the training ground? New CB?


Isn't that his pretendy job? Advising and visiting clubs for the Fa :dontknow:


TEAM Argentina yet again banished from the main group of players in a sensational bid to see them both sold in the next 8 months.



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If he goes Cabaye will be captain, maybe there is a power struggle between the two, colo doesn't seem the most vocal of leaders, Cabaye has a lot of French buddies to back him up.


Interesting point. Maybe there's truth to this whole French/Spanish-speaking thing Macdonald got a lot of abuse on here for and Colo feels that he's not valued any more. When you look at the Debuchy transfer it makes you wonder about the influence Cabaye now has at the club.


Sorry like I don't buy the 'not valued' thing at all. They valued him by making him the highest paid player at the club, the manager compared him to Bobby Moore. Even Cabaye has mentioned in interviews in the past that he sees Colo as out best player. The players all seem to admire and respect him, for me this is either something in his personal life or something directly related to the manager.


The fact he ONLY wants to go to San Lorenzo suggests it's not a problem with any one at the club otherwise he'd just want to leave and go anywhere decent that would bid for him.

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Heard a couple of weeks ago that there was a personal issue which could lead to a hasty departure, but absolutely nowt to do with the Pardew storm in a teacup or MacDonald's rubbish.


Can only repeat that this has nothing whatsoever to do with football, it's a huge personal issue and he needs to get away.

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If it was rubbish it'd have been nipped in the bud immediately. It has been rumbling on in the background for ages, and the one thing that the dopey manager doesn't seem obliged to comment on.


If it is rubbish some need to learn not to shit the bed every time the media decide to print bollocks tbh, as said in the other thread they have absolutely nothing to lose printing whatever nonsense they like, they change the story and it will get lapped up again while the contradictory story is quickly forgotten.


Obviously I hope this isn't true but I don't hold enough faith in the media to get remotely concerned about it, let alone start looking at body language or pointing fingers at who might be to blame :lol:

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