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Mike Ashley

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Credit where credits due

We end January with







Then a "Ashley :clap:" would not be out of order

Six months too late to warrant licking his arse.


This - all Ashley is doing is trying to save his ar-e by avoiding relegation...something we shouldn't even have been thinking about after last season's efforts.

If he's done the right thing in Summer, all this panic buying may not have been necessary.


Wait until the start of next season before you start 'being grateful' for having a football club.

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Guest Argileye

Credit where credits due

We end January with







Then a "Ashley :clap:" would not be out of order


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Credit where credits due

We end January with







Then a "Ashley :clap:" would not be out of order

Six months too late to warrant licking his arse.


This - all Ashley is doing is trying to save his ar-e by avoiding relegation...something we shouldn't even have been thinking about after last season's efforts.

If he's done the right thing in Summer, all this panic buying may not have been necessary.


Wait until the start of next season before you start 'being grateful' for having a football club.

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Shouldn't need to have done this now though, this should have been done during the summer.


As for future windows, I expect a return to the one in, one out rule with a few squad players brought in too. This has been the exception due to Ashley seeing his money potentially going down the shitter. 


Overall to stay competitive in the PL you need to look to improve the team every summer and strengthen where you are weakest.  We could all see we needed another CB and RB.


Failure to do this last year has cost us and could still cost us very dearly.

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My own, somewhat simplified way of looking at things:


Short-term, you look at the players who are out of form and analyse what they're doing wrong.


Mid-term, you look at the manager and his tactics and what he's doing wrong.


Long-term, the buck stops with the owner.

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Why does it matter if he spends because his worried about his investment. Let's not pretend that he bought the club because he was a loyal ardent fans. Most football club owners do so as a business strategy. If we get all those players above, credit where it is due although as some mentioned at least 1 of that signing should have been done earlier. 

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Credit where credits due

We end January with







Then a "Ashley :clap:" would not be out of order


All he's done is what any Premier League owner should. That doesn't deserve special attention, it should be the norm.


I disagree. Any PL chairman whose club is in a perilous position like ours would have spent a lot of money bringing in several players to try to survive. What we have done is bring in 5 maybe 6 quality players for very little money. The work that Graham Carr, Llambias, Charnley and obviously Ashley himself have done this winter has been absolutely monumental. If the window closes and we're 4 or 5 players up then he will have gone a long way towards correcting the fuck up of the summer.



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Does badly - gets criticised.

Does well - gets criticised for not doing earlier.


Does badly - gets criticised for not strengthening us enough in the summer.

Does well - gets criticised for not strengthening us enough in the summer.


Fair enough IYAM.

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Fair play to him tbh, never ever cared how much money we spent, more important to get the right quality and enough of it.


The fact we have the scouting capability now is down to him and also he has sanctioned us to go after these players.


For all the issues we have the club is being ran very well these days in the background

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He should have done more in the summer, but from his POV I can understand why he didn't. I don't think even the most pessimistic on here expected us to be flirting with relegation.


Pleased with this window, it looks a bit mental from the outside but the end result is that we're much stronger than before, so I'll focus on that.

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He should have done more in the summer, but from his POV I can understand why he didn't. I don't think even the most pessimistic on here expected us to be flirting with relegation.


Pleased with this window, it looks a bit mental from the outside but the end result is that we're much stronger than before, so I'll focus on that.


Relegation or not, it was a missed opportunity. That's what has frustrated me more than anything.


Anyway, he appears to be trying to rectify this now in relatively spectacular fashion so fair play for that.

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He should have done more in the summer, but from his POV I can understand why he didn't. I don't think even the most pessimistic on here expected us to be flirting with relegation.


Pleased with this window, it looks a bit mental from the outside but the end result is that we're much stronger than before, so I'll focus on that.


I know I shouldn´t, but I can´t stop thinking about this coming summer. I have a bad feeling :undecided:

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He should have done more in the summer, but from his POV I can understand why he didn't. I don't think even the most pessimistic on here expected us to be flirting with relegation.


Pleased with this window, it looks a bit mental from the outside but the end result is that we're much stronger than before, so I'll focus on that.


Relegation or not, it was a missed opportunity. That's what has frustrated me more than anything.


Anyway, he appears to be trying to rectify this now in relatively spectacular fashion so fair play for that.


Oh I agree, but his sights might not have been quite as high as the fans'. Either way I hope he's learning a bit about what is actual required to maintain a top-half football team.

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Pardew must have had influence on the spending spree as well. He must have pointed out just how much of a weak link Simpson and Williamson were. He was probably told that he had to make do with our youngsters at the start of the season, and practically told us as much.


Hopefully we've maneuvered ourselves into a position from which we can start to win matches again and build on last season, next season.

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