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Gary Speed (1969–2011)


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on the sat feed it sounded like the singing was bit ave.  I was bit suprised the opera singer had to read the words toward the end.  Thought professionals memorise stuff.


what was the singing like in the ground? apart from the bloke belting it out....thought the camera would pan to the welsh fans, to see them singing, but no.



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heart breaking stuff. They had a bust up and Garys wife slept in the car, then the next morning when she tried to get in the house she could see him hanging through the window.

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heart breaking stuff. They had a bust up and Garys wife slept in the car, then the next morning when she tried to get in the house she could see him hanging through the window.


Horrendous. :( Is someone tweeting from the inquest?


yes, @emmamurphyitv

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He had talked about killing himself days before in texts to his wife. So i wouldn't put that argument with his wife, as the reason he did kill himself, although it obviously pushed him over the edge, but it wasn't the only reason. Unfortunately he had a serious form of depression and never opened up to anyone about it.

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This is just horrible for her. She has talked about how they were having problems in their relationship but they were working through it. The sort of problems all relationships have.

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heart breaking stuff. They had a bust up and Garys wife slept in the car, then the next morning when she tried to get in the house she could see him hanging through the window.


That is fucking horrific. :(

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Guest bimpy474

Beginning to know a little about how he may have felt, i'm seeing someone getting dragged down myself and as with Gary its got nothing to do with depression, or obvious signs anyway. Helpless is such an accurate term of how you feel seeing in front of your own eyes.


Feel so sorry for her, heartbreaking  :'(.

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