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Cronaldo's trademark 30m shot at the legs of his marker :snod:


Glad the commentator that isn't Lawro has stopped actually referring to him as 'CR7' now. If that had caught on...


Sadly, it has in Spain. The pro-Madrid media do it all the time.

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Don't know why more people don't put the 5live commentary on instead of just moaning about the nuggets they put on Match of the Day, miles better.


Chris Waddle. :lol:

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What a surprise, the group most had written off provides two thoroughly entertaining matches while 'the group of death' serves up two borefests.


Always likely to be the case with 2 teams who are generally a lot better than the other taking place so one teams plays for one chance and nick rather than both teams going for it.


Probably be the same everytime Spain/Ireland/England play n all.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Strangely amusing having watched the BBC campaign against the Racism at the Euroes... and then for Match of the Day pundits to make several racist based jokes about the Germans.

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Strangely amusing having watched the BBC campaign against the Racism at the Euroes... and then for Match of the Day pundits to make several racist based jokes about the Germans.


Aye I counted at least Nein

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