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Dogawful Officiating: PL to keep VAR next season (official)


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Howard Webb's just said that Coloccini was lucky not to be sent off for that tackle on Coquelin :lol: Genuinely cannot believe what I'm hearing.

Wait, that tackle right at the end, you serious :lol:


Dafuq. :lol:

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I wonder what it will take to get referees to actually be held to account for their performances? Every other participant in the game be it staff, managers, players are held accountable for performances but referees aren't for some reason. Can only assume it's because there is actually money changing hands and accountability might reveal something more untoward.

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Just finally got round to watching MOTD, seriously pretty much every red card shouldn't have been :lol:


:lol: I'm a couple of days behind, because I wanted to compose myself so I could watch as a neutral, after my weekend anger and shit week at work, etc. I can only echo the thoughts of every right-minded football fan - what is OUR game coming to? The slightest touch and tough professional athletes are screaming and throwing themselves to the ground, looking up to see if daddy the referee is going to give them something nice. Pathetic.


I am really fed up with it. Sigh. It has come to something that when a player DOESN'T dive it is noteworthy; in a game where there is a ball controlled by feet by numerous fast and/or big guys there will be some accidental collisions involving feet, ankles and shins, and also some deliberate ones. Picking the bones out of that is tough, so I have some sympathy for the well-paid referees. I think they should explain themselves though.


Having made a token attempt at being neutral, that Noble one was fucking ridiculous, studs-down toepoke. Wtf? And Craig Gardner should be so ashamed of himself that he goes to a land where only whining twats exist. My lass wouldn't even flinch at Afellay's bitchslap, she'd laugh in his face and pull him to his feet and say "get on with it, man." Not that she'd do the girly wind-up cheek thing in the first place. It's full-on punches for her, or nothing. She's easy to referee.


I was going to avoid our match, but on that Soccer Saturday thing, which I usually just delete, both Paul Walsh, who was laid back on a sofa watching it live, and Jeff Stelling immediately said it wasn't a red and the cavalcade of yellows were an indication that Marriner had completely lost control, and that our fans were righteously furious. Come half-time the media consensus seemed to kick in and they went along. Again, pathetic. Can never understand the revision of history. You saw what you saw, man. This is why eyewitness evidence is so unreliable.


And finally, getting back to MotD, I noticed that Sissoko's yellow was described as "another yellow". I don't give much of a fuck, but are they still persisting with the conceit that it is all commentated on live?

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