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Dogawful Officiating


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12 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

VAR should be done remotely by independent referees who aren’t in a room together and who have no context of the original call or the match score. Just get sent a clip to review and vote on the outcome.


10 referees or so, majority wins.


At the end of each game they need to do a write up giving their perspective of each event they judged, which can be publicly viewed.




Who decides what needs to be reviewed?

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It's a fucking joke this VAR like. Just watched a Leeds pen similar to Jacob Murphy at Stamford Bridge not given and then Marsch red carded for complaining. Feel very sorry for the guy.


I've said it for years but nothing will change until managers start to walk their teams off the pitch when these blatant bullshit decisions are made. I'd fully back it in any game by any manager tbh.

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If it's not incompetence or corruption then there is a 3rd option, which is the effect of the intimidation that the so-called big clubs exert over officials on and off the pitch. This has been the case for a number of decades now, it was definitely going on when I was a kid in the 90s (it was the cause of Keegan's 'Love It' rant, obviously) and imo the effect of it can't be under-estimated. 


The way that coaches and players from these clubs get at these officials is disgusting, just look at Klopp the other night in the 4th official's ear the whole game with a face like a psychopath every time an innocuous incident occurred on the pitch.


And it's human nature from the refs (well it's gutless as well but it's somewhat understandable) that 1) they let the unrelenting noise influence them, 2) they veer towards decisions that will give them an easier life, and 3) they make decisions while factoring in the fuss they may cause afterwards, and we all know this fuss is amplified by the media when a decision goes against one of their favoured clubs. 

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4 hours ago, midds said:

City drew

Liverpool drew

Spurs won

Chelsea won,


none lost


Job done, let's move on. VAR triumphs again, "getting the big calls for the right teams right"

I mean, we did get two goals (rightly) chalked off by VAR today. If they wanted to help us out they could have. Chelsea is another kettle of very pungent fish entirely.

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As always the reaction of the defenders tells you as much as anything and Mitchell did and said nowt just like the rest of them.


Also, being mega devils advocate surely it’s a booking for Willock if it’s a foul. Off the ground, catches him head height, out of control. So that was fucking wrong as well. Useless cunts.

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12 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

They’re professional referees, for all we can lament how shite they are incompetence of this level is extremely unlikely.



I know they are professional, but there seems to be a lot of new referees without the experience. They mentioned it on MOTD in relation to our game, but that West Ham ref looked like another newbie. Then you've got the Aussie. 

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They've gone out of their way and tried very hard to disallow three goals this week.

Stuff benefit of the doubt, goals and entertainment - the wrong teams are scoring


why would someone commit the subtle foul of a flying cross-body on the keeper that also injures themselves?



Edited by Wolfcastle

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50 minutes ago, Newcastle Fan said:

Do you guys think its incompetence or are they doing it on purpose? I can't wrap my head around why anyone let alone an experinced official would make those calls?

When they used to review this stuff in the studio on Monday Nights, Andy Gray and some guest and whoever did ITVs' version, they would have come to the correct conclusion with the benefit of replays nearly every time if not every time. Now that same tech is applied in real time mistakes are being made on a regular basis?

I don't know how that's possible.

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So what we're saying is either the 'officials' are being corrupt and deliberately making the wrong calls for some nefarious end, or they are in a small minority who seem to regularly get these decisions wrong when most others clearly see what the correct call should be? The technology of VAR works fine, it's the decisions being made that are wrong... and it's that which makes it even more infuriating, to be honest I think the refs should be wearing a mic, the same as rugby refs, so everyone can hear what they're discussing while looking at VAR as well.

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I see there is often a call for ex pros to get involved as they've played the game at the highest level.


I'm not sure that's necessarily a solution, the majority of football fans haven't played the game at the highest level but some of the decisions made today have been beyond ridiculous, not even subjective.


The most subjective one being the Oliver one, which he stuck with.


The Leeds penalty, West Ham goal and our goal were all clear, just anyone that watches football knows the officials got it wrong.

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