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Dogawful Officiating


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Faintly ironic that the existence of VAR has actually enabled the Liverpool whinge-in. No VAR means offside and no goal. 

Got into an argument intense and rewarding discussion with my (Arsenal fan) plasterer this morning who said we should give Liverpool the three points, we should be ashamed to celebrate etc etc. Won’t bore you with all the details but his initial argument was that if the goal had stood then Liverpool wouldn’t have gone down to ten men and would have won easily. I’ll leave you to spot the flaw there.


We can all play this game. One of my responses to him was that the Nketiah tackle should have gone to VAR and I would be pretty confident of a red if that happened. You could argue it was a failure of the VAR system and thus the game should be replayed with them down to ten etc etc. Most Spurs forums have had the post up showing the McAllister tackle on Tanganga, Jota kicking a standing Skipp in the head and others. We can all play this game.


It was an egregious and inexcusable mistake. Agree totally with Pilko or Tron or whoever it was who said it should be a dedicated VAR team. Just…fuck me this last couple of days have been boring. And I stress, anyone asking me to have any sympathy for a Liverpool fan over this beyond “yeah, it does suck” is asking more than they could possibly know.

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Liverpool are fucking scum like. The way they've went on. It's a mistake, they've admitted it and explained where it went wrong, "not good enough sorry". They can get to fuck, man. 

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Just now, Optimistic Nut said:

Liverpool are fucking scum like. The way they've went on. It's a mistake, they've admitted it and explained where it went wrong, "not good enough sorry". They can get to fuck, man. 

I love the end of the statement:


“In the meantime, we will explore the range of options available, given the clear need for escalation and


:lol: You pompous fucks

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9 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

Liverpool are fucking scum like. The way they've went on. It's a mistake, they've admitted it and explained where it went wrong, "not good enough sorry". They can get to fuck, man. 


By far and away the biggest moaners and gloaters in the land. Cannot stand that fanbase and their prick manager.

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Steven Warnock was on saying Klopp should have pulled the ref over to tell him he was wrong, then they let Liverpool through to score, trying to compare it to a Leeds goal from a few years ago.


Huge fucking difference being it was the team who benefitted from the initial outcome who told his team to do that, not just "Nah, you're wrong, let us score now". :lol:

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Always the victims aren't they. Yes, there was an incorrect decision, it happens occasionally - I'd like to think that they even out over the course of a season, but we all know Liverpool get more dubious decisions go their way than not. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't really have anything to do with VAR anyway, other than if the official involved had used it correctly then the decision could have been corrected - that's a problem with the official, not VAR. As others have said, take VAR away and the decision would still have been incorrect. God I hate Liverpool and their constant whinging when they don't get their own way, such a bunch of cretinous scumbags.

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6 minutes ago, Wilson said:

Not sure I remember this much uproar when this very familiar situation went their way? 


Fuck them. 


Entitled, whingeing, prick fucks. 




I'm never going to forget the freekick they got when Fabinho dived, giving them the winner from a freekick at our place. Fuck them.

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Won't be long til there is a referee strike or something mind

Not one profession gets as much abuse as them thesedays...


No wonder there is a shortage of them at grassroots



Edited by jack j

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14 minutes ago, Wilson said:

Not sure I remember this much uproar when this very familiar situation went their way? 


Fuck them. 


Entitled, whingeing, prick fucks. 




:lol: Will never not be upset about this.

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1 minute ago, jack j said:

Won't be long til there is a referee strike or something mind

Not one profession gets as much abuse as them thesedays...

Yep. I actually think that refs need to have a bit of immunity (well I think they already do and it’s a good thing). 

If you start to introduce essentially public punishments of them I don’t see what it achieves. Clubs would push for a televised apology every time, fans abuse will get more personal if they don’t like the explanation. 

Adapting to how the ref is managing the game is just something you have to do. Just got to get on with it. 

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24 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

Steven Warnock was on saying Klopp should have pulled the ref over to tell him he was wrong, then they let Liverpool through to score, trying to compare it to a Leeds goal from a few years ago.


Huge fucking difference being it was the team who benefitted from the initial outcome who told his team to do that, not just "Nah, you're wrong, let us score now". :lol:


Almighty God of Thundercunts Klopp should've led his players in walking off the pitch in protest imo. It's the only way the league will learn that Liverpool FC must be respected as the legendary powerhouse they are.

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That such failings have already been categorised as “significant human error” is also unacceptable. Any and all outcomes should be established only by the review and with full transparency.


What does this even mean, btw? What else did they expect the reason to be other than 'we fucked up soz'? :lol: What other excuse are the vomit-inducing pricks angling for, exactly?

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5 minutes ago, wormy said:


What does this even mean, btw? What else did they expect the reason to be other than 'we fucked up soz'? :lol: What other excuse are the vomit-inducing pricks angling for, exactly?


I loved Dermot Gallagher's reaction to when the presenter read this out to him. Was basically something like "I haven't got a clue what they mean". :lol:

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Would happily see Liverpool fuck off into a little mini league with Celtic, Dublin can create a club and then they can tour Asia, Australia, USA and play whoever they fancy with their own refs. Fucking hate them.

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3 hours ago, Aiston said:

If we banned every ref for a bad decisions we'd have no football :lol:


We struggle enough to get refs as it is.



I think a large part of the problem is the refs themselves flitting between VAR and on the field. Leave the current lot on the field, yes I think they're largely shite by the way. There should be a dedicated VAR team who are intensively trained on the technology, regularly tested on it with practical examples etc, who purely perform the VAR duties and the referees purely perform refereeing/fourth official etc.

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5 minutes ago, Pilko said:


I think a large part of the problem is the refs themselves flitting between VAR and on the field. Leave the current lot on the field, yes I think they're largely shite by the way. There should be a dedicated VAR team who are intensively trained on the technology, regularly tested on it with practical examples etc, who purely perform the VAR duties and the referees purely perform refereeing/fourth official etc.


Maybe have retired refs (Dean etc) in VAR? Sure they'd happily work on for a canny wedge if they're sitting watching rather than having to keep up with play any more. I know he was a knob but their experience would be better, let the younger ones ref the matches onfield.



Edited by Optimistic Nut

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I'd be interested in a system like cricket or tennis where each side has a limited number of challenges they can ask VAR to look at again during a match. Would be hilarious because you know Klopp would have wasted all his challenges by half time and then get screwed over anyway in second half.

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3 minutes ago, Tiresias said:

I'd be interested in a system like cricket or tennis where each side has a limited number of challenges they can ask VAR to look at again during a match. Would be hilarious because you know Klopp would have wasted all his challenges by half time and then get screwed over anyway in second half.

Said this for ages.  Also lose a sub if you challenge incorrectly.  Max 3 per game.

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7 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:


Maybe have retired refs (Dean etc) in VAR? Sure they'd happily work on for a canny wedge if they're sitting watching rather than having to keep up with play any more. I know he was a knob but their experience would be better, let the younger ones ref the matches onfield.





Yeah I think former refs or former players would be ideal for this. As long as they are absolute experts at understanding the laws of the game and also how the technology works it fixes a lot of the problems.

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