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Hatem Ben Arfa


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Concerned by those quotes tbh. I remember him saying Pardew promised him (and everyone) a certain type of football, and it's not what he's described there.


Don't know where the f*** this relentless long-ball s*** has come from, tbh. We didn't use it earlier in the season, and it doesn't work now that we are.


Bizarre and infuriating.


We've played long ball most of the season, we're just doing it more than ever now.


we did it all last season aswel, one positive thing i thought may happen from the sale of carroll was that we wont have to launch it at the bean pole anymore. 


just using leon best and demba for that role now.  f***ing horrible,  pardew is  soon becoming a fraud, he told players like cabaye we were suppose to change and play more passing game, and starting to look like a real fukking bulshitter right now.


i know if i was player and got conned in moving countries by my boss on false premises i would be furious and lose all respect for the t***.


Demba's in the form of his career and we're sitting 7th. Take it easy.


look mate i aint knee jerking and i aint asking for the manager to get the sack, im actually grateful for what he and ashley has done so far believe it or not. 


but jesus, why does he insist on long balls and crosses crosses crosses,  it didnt work vs swansea, didnt work against norwich, didnt work against wba,  and it


We scored twice against WBA and Norwich. Defensively frailties cost us in those games. The only problem I have with us using lots of crosses is the fact both our wingers are basically terrible at it.

TBF calling them wingers is probably going a step too far.

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Guest hatem garrincha

SunSteveBrenner I met Hatem Ben Arfa yesterday.He's frustrated at not playing but wants to stay at #nufc.He also has shiny trainers.Will be on website soon




So maybe HBA met him with "Le Parisien" journalist. Anyway, the same words about the style of game and Pardew philosophy  are in both papers.

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Farcical situation. Imagine somebody like Bobby Robson or KK leaving a player of Ben Arfa's attacking talent on the bench. :lol:


That's a redundant comparison. Neither of them had a player of Ben Arfa's type to leave on the bench.

ginola and robert spring to  mind.


Both were simply too good to leave on the bench in any situation. Robert especially had the type of game that didn't rely on those around him.


Ginola = always played by Keegan. Dropped by Dalglish.


Robert = always played by Sir Bobby. Dropped by Souness.


Zog = told to fuck off by JFK.


IMO there's an obvious pattern here, irrespective of whether these players being dropped improved the team or not in the short term (in the long term it didn't). I.e. that s*** managers who focus too much on the defense will drop a quality but unpredictable flair player because it's the easy thing to do, especially as soon as there's a slight dip in form. They aren't concerned with what these players bring to the team, only what they don't bring. Hence, that's what makes them s*** managers, unlike the good managers who'll take the risk (and the bad along with the good) because they have the balls and the courage as managers to do so.


Pardew falls into the "s***" camp for me atm because he did the exact same thing with Tevez that he's seemingly doing with Ben Arfa. West Ham fans (much like ours) were regularly calling for Tevez to be played because Zamora/Harewood/Cole were all s*** and had them struggling badly. After Pardew was sacked for being a t***, Curbishley came in and did what the fans wanted, and whadayaknow? They immediately had one of the best playmaking forwards in the league playing for them, instead of the Championship standard stodge Pardew had put his faith in. If Pardew was smart enough he'd learn from that absolute and undeniable mistake, a mistake that would have had his team relegated and a world class star player wasting away for no reason on the bench (had he not been sacked), and apply it here with Ben Arfa. If he does, then good on him - if he doesn't then it'll only highlight why he had to resort to being a desperate, recently unemployed League One manager whoring himself in Casinos as a footballing f***-buddy for footballing philistines like Ashley and Llambias.



Window cleaner, Sunday footballer...slogging it out in South London parks...Drinking in Croydon..80's football...Prozone..Average left back...Oversaw West Hams worst run of defeats in the clubs history(2006/07).:lol:...Sacked.  Went to Charlton (relegated) then FINISHED IN THE BOTTOM 3 OF THE FIRST DIVISION..:lol: Sacked (Nov 2008).


2009: SOUTHAMPTON: Five months later Pardew was dismissed by the club[22][23] amidst reports of low staff morale and conflicts between Pardew and club chairman, Nicola Cortese.[24][25]


2010 The dunce miraculously takes over at Newcastle United. :lol:



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Guest icemanblue

Simon Bird @simonbirdmirror 1m  Reply  Retweet  Favorite · Open

can't see #nufc putting up with Ben arfa much longer after his dig at club and pardew


I could swing for this shit-stirring cunt.

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Simon Bird @simonbirdmirror 1m  Reply  Retweet  Favorite · Open

can't see #nufc putting up with Ben arfa much longer after his dig at club and pardew


I could swing for this s***-stirring c***.

"Which one of you is Simon Bird?

You're a cunt"


I wouldn't believe anything the man writes.

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Looks like he had a sit down with various local journalists and a dude from france?


Surely something like that would be arranged through the club anyway, so I'm not really seeing the "dig at the club" angle.

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simonbirdmirror Simon Bird

Killer quote: "maybe me and the gaffer don't share the same philosophy..." add that to behind scenes attitude and pardew has a problem #nufc

How is that a dig you stupid wanker?


How could you think it won't be seen as one?

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simonbirdmirror Simon Bird

Killer quote: "maybe me and the gaffer don't share the same philosophy..." add that to behind scenes attitude and pardew has a problem #nufc

How is that a dig you stupid w*****?


How could you think it won't be seen as one?

Because all it means is that the two people involved have a difference of opinion. Ben Arfa didn't say something like "Pardew isn't playing me so fuck him"

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The thing is that Ben Arfa was supposedly regarded as the "crown jewels" at the club. I interpreted that as meaning they expected to get big money for him once he was sold on.  Unless he starts playing regularly, that won't happen but I reckon there will be plenty clubs willing to buy him for what we paid for him.


Is this another Tevez at West Ham situation where Pardew would not play him?


As we know, a lot of foreign players take a while to adjust to the Premier League but Ben Arfa has had very little playing time so he is still learning the league.  He will make mistakes but at some point, they just have to take the risk and get him up to match speed.


There was a lovely moment in the Liverpool game when he was warming up and came towards the away end where he was applauded and his name sung and he responded with a huge smile.


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The only doubt we had over Pardew was whether he was instructing his players to be more direct or whether it was a by product of lacking confidence and not following instructions.


Now we know Pardew WANTS us to play direct, shite football I honestly have lost all faith in him. Call me knee-jerk, I don't care.


Tbh I would rather Pardew didn't play Ben Arfa now. I said even before I read these quotes that if Pardew has more faith in route one football then he should continue to play the Ryan Taylors and Leon Bests, at least he'll be true to himself and won't make good footballers look bad trying to play in a fashion they find alien to their instincts. If I was Mike Ashley I would be concerned though, because Pardew is going to devalue his best assets.

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Hopefully Pardew fully intends on playing him and is simply trying to motivate him and/or squeeze a little more from him before taking the plunge. The injury in pre-season was a major setback from the perspective of trying new lineups and formations; we've already seen how reluctant Pardew is to move away from what has provided results in the past.


Hopefully. :undecided:

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His ego has taken a twat, the broken leg has set him back but I think Pards is near enough spot on with how he has handled him.. Yeah ok as fans we are desperate to see him play but we don't work with him day in day out and see the effort he puts in in training.

No one has doubted his talent and everyone knew he could become a problem player attitude wise but I guess all the fans singing for him to come on only gives his ego a boost and maybe encourages him to act up a bit more.

I am still 100% convinced he has a massive future here and will come good sooner rather than layer but its down to him to put this right. Lets not forget how we got him as much as we all loved the fact he just jumped on a plane and came over it was a massive insight as to what kind of character he was, an insight for us as the club.

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Guest hatem garrincha

It'll be a real shame if Hatem gets forced out cause of Pardew's obsession with VHS and other brilliant things from the 80's like long ball.



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