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The other games today - 2011/12


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Is anyone else finding the BBC update thingy incredibly irritating today?


I hate that the scores are no longer level with the top of the updates, so you have to keep paging down and up to keep both in view.


The whole thing pisses me off. The live text doesn't appear in dropdown of the live bookmark thing on firefox which f***s me off the most. Then if you're not in the tab the auto updates don't happen, so when you switch to the tab about 20 happen at once, it's actually quicker to just manually refresh. Then there's the scores not being in line thing, so I can't see the most recent happenings alongside the scores for the games. Just a load of horseshit.


Sometimes you refresh and the recent stuff disappears. Then you refresh again and the missing older posts are interspersed among the recent ones. It's a mess.


TBF, they do seem to have the current scores in that summary at the top. Only the Prem though.

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