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Papiss Cissé

Guest kingdawson

Happy Cisse has left?  

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I got shot down by Ron for suggesting that Riviere would be a 'great' partner for Cisse last week after the Hull game, I still maintain that he would be a Great partner for him because Riviere would dovetail well and make space for Cisse.


There's a difference between a great partner and a great striker.

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He's had a season with Falcao and Berbatov to learn how to play with good finishers and I believe Cisse also is if he isn't completely shot of confidence and played on the flanks.


Had a good goal record considering he played off the bench too. Doesn't prove he's PL quality, but he should be able to make space for a partner in a 2 up top lineup, the way he played his first few PL games shows he's willing to drag defenders all over the place which is what Ba used to do for Cisse when he first signed. We have just had no-one making use of the space because 4 days a week all our players are told to get behind the ball.

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Until we get a new manager. Most players get a free pass for me 'cept the Captain and his motley crew of centre back buddies.


But our Captain will never stand up and be counted. He's hid the day Cabaye left. Wish He'd retire or go back to Lorenzo.


Clear as day who our captain was and even he wanted out under this shower of garbage and s***. The lad who can take people on in the final third also dared to take the world and team on his shoulders and he was shipped off too bc the broad shoulders and brilliant leader that is Colo couldn't stand him. f*** off.

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Canny tiresome from TCD like, it's constant and way over the top where Cisse's concerned.

He got the same amount of league goals as Shola Ameobi last season man. Prior to Hull he had 10 league goals in 2 seasons. What's over the top? He offers nowt when he isn't scoring. Things are so desperate now we have no other option but to pray he can find his shooting boots.


He's been nothing short of abysmal for 2 years. I'm tired of watching this non-entity of a player.


I come on here and people constantly blame others for Cisse's shortcomings. Williamson & Dummett get pelters for not contributing to attacking play but the striker who does nothing useful outside the box escapes such criticisms. He made Peter Crouch look like Diego Costa on Monday man.

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Guest firetotheworks

It's tiresome. We get it, you don't like him. Others can see his quality as well as his shortcomings. The fact that you're so quick to jump on his back if he specifically doesn't do something, after scoring a brace in the previous match,  in a team that's shocking in pretty much every area anyway is the bit that's over the top.


You just say things. Abysmal this, Made x look like y that. The Cisse thing is just getting a bit old.

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It has nothing to do with personal opinion. He has been terrible for 2 years and our failure to replace him/Remy is a major playing factor in why we might get relegated.


There's not a single senior lad i've not criticised except Janmaat on the books. People just care more when it's one of their favourites. When it's Colo it's okay because everyone now thinks he's been crap and he blocked MYM's progress.

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I got shot down by Ron for suggesting that Riviere would be a 'great' partner for Cisse last week after the Hull game, I still maintain that he would be a Great partner for him because Riviere would dovetail well and make space for Cisse.


There's a difference between a great partner and a great striker.


A great partner for Cisse would be someone who can slips balls through for him and be comfortable enough getting into the box to effectively make space. I think de Jong's probably the best partner for Cisse in our squad.

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The one player we thought we could rely on not to fuck things up.


He was always going to score goals man. Just a shame he couldn't have waited two more games and done it for a new manager.

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