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Papiss Cissé

Guest kingdawson

Happy Cisse has left?  

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People, on here and elsewhere, have criticised Ben Arfa plenty for his 'greed'. And even his biggest fan would say something if he did something blatantly moronic, you have an obvious, weird agenda against the lad.


On the whole I thought Ba's shots from distance tended to be hit decently and I'm pretty sure I can remember at least a couple causing problems for the keeper that led to goals in the follow up.

James Perch scored at Old Trafford after a long range effort from Ba had been parried by De Gea.


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Guest firetotheworks

The Ba/Cisse myth is annoying. Whenever we got a hammering under Pardew in those times we would revert to 4-4-2 in the next game. That happened when we went to Wigan. We got dismantled. Back to 4-4-2 against Chelsea, we win that game - Cisse scores two magnificent goals. We continue that formation into the next season. Staring with a 2-1 win at home to Spurs.


We fail to kick on. At some point Cisse skies a penalty then we face Everton. Ba is dropped (despite being in good form) and we go 4-3-3. We are losing at HT 2-0. Ba comes on, grabs a brace. Ba's agent kicks off about him being benched. Ba back in the team and scoring. Cisse plays RW for 6 games.


What myth? At no point in your explanation is the formation


Ben Arfa - Cisse - Ba


in that season. Because that formation never once happened at any point during that season. Whether it was down to Pardew being shit, or Ba whinging doesn't change the fact that it never happened. As soon as Ba thought he was big time he wanted to leave. And where did it get him? Third in the Turkish league.



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Guest firetotheworks

What myth? Isn't what you've just said pretty much the point?

Nobody was forced for selfish. It was typical Pardew tepidness - which sometimes worked to move 4-4-2. Cisse was playing shite, Ba was playing well = Ba main man. Earned through performance.


Cisse was scoring for fun until Pardew fiddled with a winning front three for no logical reason.

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What myth? Isn't what you've just said pretty much the point?

Nobody was forced for selfish. It was typical Pardew tepidness - which sometimes worked to move 4-4-2. Cisse was playing s****, Ba was playing well = Ba main man. Earned through performance.


Cisse was scoring for fun until Pardew fiddled with a winning front three for no logical reason.


Nope. He changed after we lost to Wigan to a 4-4-2. The next game, in that 4-4-2 we beat Chelsea 2-0 (or 1) and Cisse scored twice. A number of Cisse's goals came from being in a 4-4-2. We only played 4-3-3 for something like 4 matches.. of which where among the best performances of the season I will agree. We played 4-4-2 for most of the season we finished 5th.


We started the following season 4-4-2. Only went back to 4-3-3 when it became obvious we where shit and Ba played up top primarily which his performances deserved. We initally went to a 4-3-3 when we tried 4-4-2 for awhile, Cisse was scoring but Ba wasn't - so he went wide. Both occasion they rotated a fair bit.


Cisse after a shit start to the season up front in the same 4-4-2 he excelled in 6 months prior.

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Guest firetotheworks

'Nope' followed by absolute fiction. I don't even know where to begin.


Cisse wasn't scoring for fun at the end of 11/12 was he not?


It was in a 433 with Ba Left, Ben Arfa right and Cisse in the middle that we played our best stuff. Next season that formation never happened, not at any moment in any game until Ba was sold. I know because I was at every match and I was specifically looking out for it.


If you're going to be a patronising little prat, at least get your facts right.

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Cisse scored 2 in 3 after the Wigan defeat (both against Chelsea), before Wigan he scored 8 in 6 (7 in 5 in the 4-3-3 with HBA and Ba). Those successive 5 games were by far and away the best we've played under Pardew.


Interesting that when checking the stats I came across this from our game against Norwich at the start of the following season (game after Everton):




"His agent has also reportedly professed displeasure at Pardew's now preferred 4-3-3 formation, which is designed to maximise Ben Arfa's talents but has frequently seen Ba deployed in a wide role to the left of Papiss Cissé."



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Also, 2 of the BBC's match report headlines from the first 3 games of that season:


Hatem Ben Arfa's penalty gave Newcastle an opening-day victory and ensured Andre Villas-Boas began his tenure as Tottenham manager with defeat.


Hatem Ben Arfa's spectacular strike earned Newcastle a draw as they came from behind to deny Paul Lambert a first league win as Aston Villa boss.


:lol: No way he would have won us any points last season though.

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Yes, HBA would have definitely earned us extra points had he been here last season. However, I don't think the the number of those points would have been significant enough to 'earn' us more than mid table mediocrity. Don't even think for one moment that HBA would have guided us to anything higher.


So, taking the above scenario into consideration, I would say that this is probably a blessing in disguise as a mid table finish could well have been enough, in Ashley's eyes, to give the job to Carver. :yao:



Incidentally, the only time I remember Ba and Cisse 'linking-up' well, was when one of them (don't remember which) won a penalty against Wigan at SJP. (3-0) apart from that, they played very much as individuals.

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That wasn't aimed at you btw Dinho, some clampit the other week.


The thing with Ba and Cisse was that Ba was the only capable player we had who could play on the left, although they did link up well still (WBA especially). When you pull Ba into the middle you have to change the whole system to either a 4-4-2 or some really random shit like Cisse on the right.


If we had a proper left winger there would have been little problem with Ba and Cisse battling it out for the striker role.

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I think the HBA comment was aimed at the guy who said HBA wouldn't have gotten us a single point more than we got last season :)


And no, the HBA Love In shall never be stopped. Deal with it.

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Just had a flashback of when everyone breathed a sigh of relief cos they thought Ba's contract clause had expired in the summer. Next day, Pardew, straight in the papers: "don't worry you massive clubs, the clause is back in January"


:lol: he's such a cunt.

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Cisse scored 2 in 3 after the Wigan defeat (both against Chelsea), before Wigan he scored 8 in 6 (7 in 5 in the 4-3-3 with HBA and Ba). Those successive 5 games were by far and away the best we've played under Pardew.


Interesting that when checking the stats I came across this from our game against Norwich at the start of the following season (game after Everton):




"His agent has also reportedly professed displeasure at Pardew's now preferred 4-3-3 formation, which is designed to maximise Ben Arfa's talents but has frequently seen Ba deployed in a wide role to the left of Papiss Cissé."




My point is, the initial change in formation had nothing to do with Ba. We got hammered. Changed formation. Then subsequently had our second best result of the season. Cisse scored a brace in that game. We went on to lose at home to City and away at Everton (results that nearly always happened under Pardew).


Those 5 games are over-rated. We where superb against WBA & L'pool. But the Bolton game for example was just typical of our season. Tight at the back. That bit of magic = win.


In that same article it said Ba & Cisse swapped positions in that system: "Although he began on the left, Pardew encouraged Ba to regularly switch positions with Cissé, thereby affording him plenty of time in the central-striking role. On one occasion he gave Cissé a friendly, if slightly pointed, shove towards the left."


This of course being after the Everton game that Ba single-handily got us 1 point. And the Norwich game a match where Ba got us all 3 points. And Cisse went on to blast that penalty into Heaven. By the Norwich game Ba had 4 goals in 6 games, Cisse had 1 or 0. Of couse Ba would get time up front.


That article makes me miss Hatem so much.


We had great runs and poor runs under Pardew. They all about keeping it tight and having the confidence to score goals with a bit of magic. He managed better results with a far inferior team this season. Success under a Pardew side is rarely to do with systems.

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Based on comments on .cock not sure he is going anywhere this summer!?


Personally like to see him stay, think with a more progressive coach and hopefully attacking support, we could see the Cisse of old again. I would offer him another 2 years on his contract and that at least preserves some value as well (albeit less and less as he gets older).

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