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Guest Craig-NUFC

I go to Sunderland uni and would say that on my campus there is probably a 60/40 split between English students and foreign students. I also made the awful decision to live in this hellhole for the last 3 years, but I'd say it has improved with the number of foreign students, especially as the Chinese seem to be taking over the city centre. Much prefer Chinese restaurants, bars and stalls than pound shops and people shouting at me to buy s*** then calling me a t*** for not doing so.


edit: I'm not sticking up for the place, because it really is like some sort of social experiment that went wrong during the 50s. My girlfriend's from Blackburn and even she says it's the worst place she has ever been to and she regrets moving here. She was distraught at her decision when I took her around Newcastle.


Do they still give the personal attack alarms to everyone in the Uni 'welcome' packs?


They do indeed. Make good 'grenades'

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The TF articles on their so called legend/heroes really are so funny. Points them out to be nothing more than average/poor players who played vital roles in achieving mediocrity/relegation. Seems like the biggest legend of all is Niall Quinn, the man who signed up Keane,Bruce and then Bruce again,spending shitloads to take them backwards.

Only a scummy little club's fans could turn that bunch of losers into legends.


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The TF articles on their so called legend/heroes really are so funny. Points them out to be nothing more than average/poor players who played vital roles in achieving mediocrity/relegation. Seems like the biggest legend of all is Niall Quinn, the man who signed up Keane,Bruce and then Bruce again,spending shitloads to take them backwards.

Only a scummy little club's fans could turn that bunch of losers into legends.



he also got them NETD for 3 seasons and o'neill

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Guest johnson293

This carrier bag thing should be interesting. Quite funny (and sad) reading their tales of how they managed to get 5 bags for making one purchase at Sports Direct (or one of its subsidiaries).


Sports Direct/World/Lillywhites boycott obviously no longer in force then.

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It must be brilliant for them knowing they have nothing to lose on Sunday. Even if they lose they know they have classy fans supporting a classy team from a classy City.

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Guest johnson293

what exactly are they planning to do with said carrier bags?


chucking them about in an attempt to make our pitch look as trampy as theirs?


Nah, just hold them up, wave them about just to rub it in about Sports Direct, etc.


I'm sure said bags will end up around/on the pitch though, making them feel right at home.

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ah, well in our collective faces i suppose...because we don't usually see the sports direct logo when we go to St James' Park


hilarious thought actually....think what they'll look like when the camera pans onto them for a second and they're standing waving carrier bags around :lol:

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Guest Spark

Just reading the 'Sports Direct Carrier Bags' thread on RTG. Fucking hell, they're actually doing it, aren't they? What a bunch of mugs.

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At the end of the day they will always be known in association to Newcastle. That says it all and is something they will never be able to ignore.


It may as well be renamed Sunderland-near-Newcastle. I am a southerner and constantly hear about Newcastle being a place people want to go, I am asked if Newcastle is a good night out. I will never, ever, ever be asked if a stag do/weekend away should go to Sunderland. No-one gives a fuck about Sunderland, even shit holes like Norwich/Nottingham get a mention ahead of Sunderland.


It's a pathetic city that only gets more pathetic the more 'outsiders' visit, which is only away games where they will spend as much time in Newcastle as realistically possible.


It's a slightly bigger Luton, at least the people of Luton can admit they live in a slum.


Its the same for me. I live in London and am at the age where a lot of people are applying for uni and stuff and loads of people ask me what Newcastle is like and fuck loads of people have applied for Northumbria and Newcastle. Its also quite often mentioned just in general conversation in a postive way. Nobody really speaks about Sunderland, i would actually go as far to say that my non football supporting friends wont even know its in the north east, and my footballing friends would only know where it is because of the derby.

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It's funny cos it's not as if there isn't already a million SD logos all over SJP, what difference is a handful of carrier bags going to do?


this is one of the two days in the year when they feel important, let them have their fun.

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Every time I mention this to the Mags at work they keep referring to the fact it was so long ago. Not sure what their thinking is to be honest. Must be that because it was before 1992 it didn't happen.


TBH they never shut up about the 5-1 score line and that was ages ago in my eyes. a couple years or a couple decades, its still in the past same diffrence really.


Aye, what's the difference between a result that happened nearly a century ago before we were all born and one that happened last season..?  :crazy2:

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