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Flash in the pan or here for good?

Guest sicko2ndbest
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To be honest, even with CL money, a stupid offer would still tempt the powers that be, the only difference would be the definition of stupid and an added variable that a successful CL campaign adds value.


Carroll was top of the market at £35m. Tiote at £20m isn't, especially with a European audience.


Same with any club though

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To be honest, even with CL money, a stupid offer would still tempt the powers that be, the only difference would be the definition of stupid and an added variable that a successful CL campaign adds value.


Carroll was top of the market at £35m. Tiote at £20m isn't, especially with a European audience.


Same with any club though

with more cash coming in from elsewhere it has to change the prices you'd sell at ?
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To be honest, even with CL money, a stupid offer would still tempt the powers that be, the only difference would be the definition of stupid and an added variable that a successful CL campaign adds value.


Carroll was top of the market at £35m. Tiote at £20m isn't, especially with a European audience.


Same with any club though

with more cash coming in from elsewhere it has to change the prices you'd sell at ?


Agreeed, I think CL is vital - and it would probably be in our best interests to resist offers and build our squad up.  Esp with the windfall of cash that accompanies the CL and progressing to the knockout stages (if we put together a fantastic run). 

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The danger we have imo, is if we do get top 4, then say come 6th next season, the likes of Krul, Cisse, HBA, Ba, etc. will have the whiff of Champions League in their nostrils and want to go elsewhere for regular Champions League football.

I understand that to an extent but surely it would be partially those players faults that we hadn't qualified again.


It's funny how the media say certain players of ours will leave if we don't qualify for Europe (and now that we've qualified for the Europa League they'll change that to the Champions League). How many of our players expected us to qualify for Europe when they signed their contracts with NUFC? I believe top 10 was the stated target this season and then top 8 next season. We've performed better than expected. I don't see why our players would want to leave now when they presumably signed their contract not expecting us to qualify for Europe.

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Guest Brendan_Rice

The danger we have imo, is if we do get top 4, then say come 6th next season, the likes of Krul, Cisse, HBA, Ba, etc. will have the whiff of Champions League in their nostrils and want to go elsewhere for regular Champions League football.

I understand that to an extent but surely it would be partially those players faults that we hadn't qualified again.


It's funny how the media say certain players of ours will leave if we don't qualify for Europe (and now that we've qualified for the Europa League they'll change that to the Champions League). How many of our players expected us to qualify for Europe when they signed their contracts with NUFC? I believe top 10 was the stated target this season and then top 8 next season. We've performed better than expected. I don't see why our players would want to leave now when they presumably signed their contract not expecting us to qualify for Europe.


All depends how much they get offered by other clubs, only player I can remember turning down a big money move was Shearer

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Added a poll, just gauging expectations for next year. Hoping we're not all getting carried away tbh.


I expect us to challenge for the European places again - so that's looking to win the 'battle for 7th' and see where it gets us. Having said that, it would be a major disappointment IMO if we don't build on what has been achieved this season and strengthen our grip on being best of the clubs not paying silly money.

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Always difficult to follow up on such a great season, especially with the squad stretched over European and domestic competition.


Not really able to make any predictions or expectations about next season, I just hope we play with the same team spirit, with a smile on our faces and with the same style of football we've finished this season.


If we put that together with another couple of great signings it should be a season to enjoy again.

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I think we can keep pushing for CL places.  With the club spirit, good scouting and a more methodical approach from Ashley there is no reason why we can't push for top 4.


ManUre and Man City will be top teams. Arsenal will also be right there.  Chelsea will still be aging and will lack the vision and patience to rebuild.  Tottenham will lose Modric and Bale as well as 'Arry.  Liverpool will continue to flounder.  That will leave the door open for us, IMO.

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I'm not expecting us to have as good a season next year mainly due to the fact I think Liverpool & Chelsea will be stronger, but I think we'll be around 6th-7th which is a sign we're back for a while yet.


Chelsea will either have Di Matteo or someone completely new, added to the fact that they need to bring in quite a few new players, it wouldnt be stretching the imagination too much to say that might not go as well as they hope. If Liverpool stick with KKK they won't improve much at all, and I don't think they'll sack him this soon. Spurs could well be bringing in a new manager as well, it's an absolutely brilliant chance to get ourselves in amongst them permanently imo.

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I'm keepign expectations down. Worry there'll be loads more pressure that simply hasn't been there and we may well tire ourselves out playing many more games.


On the other hand I certainly will be udnerstanding of that this time next season, if we're 8th or 7th as long as we've had fun...

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The fact remains that only 4 sides get into the Champions League no matter what.  If we are in that mix of 6-7 teams (Manchester United, Manchester City, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Spurs, us) next year, it means we're a legitimately top team and one which would be attractive to our own players as well as others.  We're never going to escape the constant, grinding, tedious speculation of BIG MASSIVE CLUB X wants NEWCASTLE PLAYER for HUGE MONEY but if we can stay in that group of teams, it means we've got an awful lot to offer.  The fact that we extended Colo's deal means we are willing to pay top wages for top players, even those who might be out of our preferred policy - that will mean a lot to players in the changing room.


We attracted the likes of Cisse, HBA, Tiote, Cabaye, Santon, Colo, Ba, etc without any attraction of Europe or even paying particularly high wages.  All of those players will have had varying personal reasons for making the move, but the point remains we built an excellent side without the attraction of even the Europa League; we can continue in that vein and then some with it.  As long as we can keep the majority of our best players and bolster the squad appropriately, I see no reason why we can't be in the Top 7 mix, which is all any sane person can ask given our lack of financial clout compared with the other teams in that group.

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The fact remains that only 4 sides get into the Champions League no matter what.  If we are in that mix of 6-7 teams (Manchester United, Manchester City, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Spurs, us) next year, it means we're a legitimately top team and one which would be attractive to our own players as well as others.  We're never going to escape the constant, grinding, tedious speculation of BIG MASSIVE CLUB X wants NEWCASTLE PLAYER for HUGE MONEY but if we can stay in that group of teams, it means we've got an awful lot to offer.  The fact that we extended Colo's deal means we are willing to pay top wages for top players, even those who might be out of our preferred policy - that will mean a lot to players in the changing room.


We attracted the likes of Cisse, HBA, Tiote, Cabaye, Santon, Colo, Ba, etc without any attraction of Europe or even paying particularly high wages.  All of those players will have had varying personal reasons for making the move, but the point remains we built an excellent side without the attraction of even the Europa League; we can continue in that vein and then some with it.  As long as we can keep the majority of our best players and bolster the squad appropriately, I see no reason why we can't be in the Top 7 mix, which is all any sane person can ask given our lack of financial clout compared with the other teams in that group.


Great point. :thup:

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If we do get in the champions league I can't see Ashley selling any of our players unless it's for a ridiculuos fee, that ego thing will do us, him impressing via his NUFC side. Business sense will also influence given that our mareting revenues should increase as well as telly fees.

Even if we only make 5/6th place it's an amazing achievment and I think the boys will deffo want to kick on next year and stay at the club, with the most affectionate fans ever (F*** off williamson and Simps boo boys!!) :knuppel2:.

I think next year we will almost certainly challenge for the top 4:

We have found a formation that suits our players, makes us hard to beat without sacrificing the goals.

We should buy a couple of defenders which will add to the need to be able to grind games out.

Another couple of aquisitions and we should have enough depth to see the season through reasonably.

My major worries would be:

replacing  Guthrie if he leaves

Getting two new right backs if simpson digs his heels (contract)

Sale of Tiote; Ben Arfa or Krul

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P.S. as somebody mentioned before:

a lot of teams will be going through rebuilding processes (Tottenham/Liverpool/Chelsea) and new manager decisions...

Only Arsenal and both mancs will probably remain steady...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Top 6 and getting past Christmas in the Europa next season I'd be bloody happy with.


I'd be delighted with that tbh. Would be another good season with a lot of wins.

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Top 6 and getting past Christmas in the Europa next season I'd be bloody happy with.


I'd be delighted with that tbh. Would be another good season with a lot of wins.


Wouldn't be nearly enough wins in the second half for my liking if we're only in EL 'till Christmas. It's final or bust tbh.

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Top 6 and getting past Christmas in the Europa next season I'd be bloody happy with.


I'd be delighted with that tbh. Would be another good season with a lot of wins.


Yeah, that would be great.


Without wanting to sound like Dogleash's excuses at Liverpool, some kind of commercial tie up to bring in revenue would be nice too. We've had a superb, nay incredible, run in the transfer market and getting the wage bill down, but it's unrealistic to keep expecting miracles on the cheap. More commercial revenue would also help build the squad for more European games and ease any pressure to sell the players we have.

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we are are becoming a very attractive club for many players again...and should we qualify for CL it will only mean even more would like to come here. I hope we will continue the strategy which have been so succesful. Keep the wages system we have....buy cheap....its hard years for many....lets see if we can stay up there among top 6 for the next years. If we continue to qualify for euro the coming years and if we manage to sell players with huge profit (and replace them rightly) then we should reevaluate our wage-structure....coz if we wanna be up there year after year it will cost.


But first i think we should build a strong business which will only help us in the future.


it is also more exciting seeing us sign "unproven" exciting players like tiote, cabaye, cisse etc. then over the hill players like we used to.

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I think we'll strengthen in the summer but we can't really count on Chelsea and Liverpool to have another utter shitstorm of a season like they have this year.


Realistically I think we're looking at 7th. I'd be happy with that and a good cup run.

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