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Vurnon Anita (now playing for RKC Waalwijk)


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I thought he was good for most of last year and was one of our better players. Then he got kicked out of the team for little reason. I thought it was a bit bizarre and he probably thinks so too.


I don't think he really cares tbh. (Part of the problem)

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I thought he was good for most of last year and was one of our better players. Then he got kicked out of the team for little reason. I thought it was a bit bizarre and he probably thinks so too.


I don't think he really cares tbh. (Part of the problem)

I don't get that impression at all personally.


I don't think he's suited to our style of play though, he's a possession orientated player and our relationship with the ball is fleeting at best.

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I thought he was good for most of last year and was one of our better players. Then he got kicked out of the team for little reason. I thought it was a bit bizarre and he probably thinks so too.


I don't think he really cares tbh. (Part of the problem)


Is this from your ITK, LERL

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I thought he was good for most of last year and was one of our better players. Then he got kicked out of the team for little reason. I thought it was a bit bizarre and he probably thinks so too.


I don't think he really cares tbh. (Part of the problem)

I don't get that impression at all personally.


I don't think he's suited to our style of play though, he's a possession orientated player and our relationship with the ball is fleeting at best.


I've never seen a performance from him which shows he cared, also coming from Ajax first team to sit on the bench for almost all season; if he cared he'd have kicked off and left by now.


We don't have a style of play, which is why he suffers more than most, but I just think the league doesn't suit him at all. He's too light to cope with the shitter teams and not good enough to make an impact against the bigger ones. He's a Swansea player, Southampton at a big big push, but really that's about as good as he is in this league. Bad signing for us, even worse move for him. Guess he's waiting on De Jong to come back to see if they can get an understanding going, but really that's the last roll of the dice for him here.




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I thought he was good for most of last year and was one of our better players. Then he got kicked out of the team for little reason. I thought it was a bit bizarre and he probably thinks so too.


I don't think he really cares tbh. (Part of the problem)

I don't get that impression at all personally.


I don't think he's suited to our style of play though, he's a possession orientated player and our relationship with the ball is fleeting at best.


I've never seen a performance from him which shows he cared, also coming from Ajax first team to sit on the bench for almost all season; if he cared he'd have kicked off and left by now.


We don't have a style of play, which is why he suffers more than most, but I just think the league doesn't suit him at all. He's too light to cope with the shitter teams and not good enough to make an impact against the bigger ones. He's a Swansea player, Southampton at a big big push, but really that's about as good as he is in this league. Bad signing for us, even worse move for him. Guess he's waiting on De Jong to come back to see if they can get an understanding going, but really that's the last roll of the dice for him here.

He'd shine at Swansea to be honest.


He needs to get on the ball and distribute it to players who are ahead of him.


He shows for the ball well and has good positional sense, if you noticed today he was the guy protecting the back four today (didn't work too well as colo likes to step out and leave massive gaps behind him).

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I know it's not the done thing to criticise Anita on here as this is the only place you'll find people who actually rate him but he's dog sh*t in all fairness. The lack of posts about him after today's game speaks volumes.


Blunt but true.


About the lack of criticism not that hes dog shit, has never been given the kind of run that Colback has to really settle into the team IMO.

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Guest firetotheworks

People are just sick of saying the same thing over and over again to people that don't rate Anita. More matches doesn't change the point.

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I thought he was good for most of last year and was one of our better players. Then he got kicked out of the team for little reason. I thought it was a bit bizarre and he probably thinks so too.


I don't think he really cares tbh. (Part of the problem)

I don't get that impression at all personally.


I don't think he's suited to our style of play though, he's a possession orientated player and our relationship with the ball is fleeting at best.


I've never seen a performance from him which shows he cared, also coming from Ajax first team to sit on the bench for almost all season; if he cared he'd have kicked off and left by now.


We don't have a style of play, which is why he suffers more than most, but I just think the league doesn't suit him at all. He's too light to cope with the shitter teams and not good enough to make an impact against the bigger ones. He's a Swansea player, Southampton at a big big push, but really that's about as good as he is in this league. Bad signing for us, even worse move for him. Guess he's waiting on De Jong to come back to see if they can get an understanding going, but really that's the last roll of the dice for him here.





This is 100% spot on about Anita.

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Calling Anita shite :lol:


He was the main reason we had a good spell last season and got things set up for Cabaye when he decided he would play for his move. Coincidentally it just happened to be a period when we were keeping the ball a lot, playing it on the floor and having decent possession stats. Strange that.


Shite :lol:

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I'm not totally convinced by him but seen enough to rate him over Tiote who is useless at the moment. However today he didn't show and he is completely unsuited for our style of play under Pardew however (he can pass the f***ing ball)


Quite often to a player in a red shirt yesterday. Can´t win the possession, positiones himself oddly (so did Colback too thou) and giving away possession cheaply. Played one good ball to Perez in the 2nd half iirc.


Sissoko was at fault for the first goal though

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Wouldn't go as far as shite but he has done absolutely nothing to deserve being labeled a 'very good midfielder'. Cabaye was a very good midfielder and was able to display as much despite the management. Didn't see much of his showing for the ball yesterday either. Passenger.

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Agreed, I like Vurnon but I don't understand why people rate him so highly. He's a decent passer, no more no less. He gives the ball away far too much and has been learning that pointless fucking pirouette thing from Tiote. He hasn't been given an extended run in the side (Pardew logic) but when he's been given the chance, he seems to struggle with the simple things. If I was him I would leave.

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He's a very lightweight dwarf who gets dominated in every game he plays.


Crock of shit and I can't understand the adulation he gets on here.


Because he symbolises everything we aren't, namely short passing and movement.


Anita is a decent player but totally unsuited to a Pardew team.

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I have gone on record before he signed saying he wasn't going to be a success, but I'm quite astonished to read so many posts on here saying he's s*** and never played well for us. Are you suffering from collective amnesia? Just to jog some of those brain cells:


http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,92469.msg4048313.html#msg4048313 (read on from here up until page 145 spanning more than a month)


Then again here: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,92469.msg4660459.html#msg4660459  (up to page 205 at least, spanning four months)


Simple fact is that he has had good patches and bad patches, has been unfairly dropped at times and what it all boils down to, he just isn't a Pardew player at all, simply because we are not a team trying to play football. Will go on the same scrapheap as the rest of the Pardew rejects, so probably join some CL club for less than we paid for.

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I have gone on record before he signed saying he wasn't going to be a success, but I'm quite astonished to read so many posts on here saying he's s*** and never played well for us. Are you suffering from collective amnesia? Just to jog some of those brain cells:


http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,92469.msg4048313.html#msg4048313 (read on from here up until page 145 spanning more than a month)


Then again here: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,92469.msg4660459.html#msg4660459  (up to page 205 at least, spanning four months)


Simple fact is that he has had good patches and bad patches, has been unfairly dropped at times and what it all boils down to, he just isn't a Pardew player at all, simply because we are not a team trying to play football. Will go on the same scrapheap as the rest of the Pardew rejects, so probably join some CL club for less than we paid for.

Good post, glad you posted the link cos seeing some of the comments about him being poop and never having a good game for us is nonsense


Even with Pardew as manager he has had good games and he did well with that run he got in the side last year, though we will never see the best of him under Pardew


He is a much better footballer than Colback and I would have him in the side over him every day of the week

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I have gone on record before he signed saying he wasn't going to be a success, but I'm quite astonished to read so many posts on here saying he's s*** and never played well for us. Are you suffering from collective amnesia? Just to jog some of those brain cells:


http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,92469.msg4048313.html#msg4048313 (read on from here up until page 145 spanning more than a month)


Then again here: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,92469.msg4660459.html#msg4660459  (up to page 205 at least, spanning four months)


Simple fact is that he has had good patches and bad patches, has been unfairly dropped at times and what it all boils down to, he just isn't a Pardew player at all, simply because we are not a team trying to play football. Will go on the same scrapheap as the rest of the Pardew rejects, so probably join some CL club for less than we paid for.

Good post, glad you posted the link cos seeing some of the comments about him being poop and never having a good game for us is nonsense


Even with Pardew as manager he has had good games and he did well with that run he got in the side last year, though we will never see the best of him under Pardew


He is a much better footballer than Colback and I would have him in the side over him every day of the week


No just no I think colback isn't as good with ball at feet but he offers more than anita as a whole- get the tinted glasses off

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I have gone on record before he signed saying he wasn't going to be a success, but I'm quite astonished to read so many posts on here saying he's s*** and never played well for us. Are you suffering from collective amnesia? Just to jog some of those brain cells:


http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,92469.msg4048313.html#msg4048313 (read on from here up until page 145 spanning more than a month)


Then again here: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,92469.msg4660459.html#msg4660459  (up to page 205 at least, spanning four months)


Simple fact is that he has had good patches and bad patches, has been unfairly dropped at times and what it all boils down to, he just isn't a Pardew player at all, simply because we are not a team trying to play football. Will go on the same scrapheap as the rest of the Pardew rejects, so probably join some CL club for less than we paid for.


:thup: He was our best player for a stretch during that awful 12/13 season. Quite clearly has what it takes to be a decent midfielder here, but it's not going to happen if he never plays.

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I have gone on record before he signed saying he wasn't going to be a success, but I'm quite astonished to read so many posts on here saying he's s*** and never played well for us. Are you suffering from collective amnesia? Just to jog some of those brain cells:


http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,92469.msg4048313.html#msg4048313 (read on from here up until page 145 spanning more than a month)


Then again here: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,92469.msg4660459.html#msg4660459  (up to page 205 at least, spanning four months)


Simple fact is that he has had good patches and bad patches, has been unfairly dropped at times and what it all boils down to, he just isn't a Pardew player at all, simply because we are not a team trying to play football. Will go on the same scrapheap as the rest of the Pardew rejects, so probably join some CL club for less than we paid for.

Good post, glad you posted the link cos seeing some of the comments about him being poop and never having a good game for us is nonsense


Even with Pardew as manager he has had good games and he did well with that run he got in the side last year, though we will never see the best of him under Pardew


He is a much better footballer than Colback and I would have him in the side over him every day of the week


No just no I think colback isn't as good with ball at feet but he offers more than anita as a whole- get the tinted glasses off

What does Colback offer? Far too often I just see him running around well out of position BUT because he runs hard and kicks people there is this false idea that he offers something

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Guest firetotheworks

Agreed, I like Vurnon but I don't understand why people rate him so highly. He's a decent passer, no more no less. He gives the ball away far too much and has been learning that pointless fucking pirouette thing from Tiote. He hasn't been given an extended run in the side (Pardew logic) but when he's been given the chance, he seems to struggle with the simple things. If I was him I would leave.

...because whenever we've played him in a three and passed the ball (last season when Cabaye was here) he looked very good. Before that he always looked perky, intelligent, forward thinking and he knows his pass before he gets the ball.


In a midfield 2 in a team that doesn't pass it and alongside Jack fucking Colback he's a fish out of water and a waste of time. He represents the redundancy of the way we should be playing in a system that's the opposite, imo.

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Agreed, I like Vurnon but I don't understand why people rate him so highly. He's a decent passer, no more no less. He gives the ball away far too much and has been learning that pointless fucking pirouette thing from Tiote. He hasn't been given an extended run in the side (Pardew logic) but when he's been given the chance, he seems to struggle with the simple things. If I was him I would leave.

...because whenever we've played him in a three and passed the ball (last season when Cabaye was here) he looked very good. Before that he always looked perky, intelligent, forward thinking and he knows his pass before he gets the ball.


In a midfield 2 in a team that doesn't pass it and alongside Jack fucking Colback he's a fish out of water and a waste of time. He represents the redundancy of the way we should be playing in a system that's the opposite, imo.


He represents everything that is wrong with the club and fanbase as well: why do we rate him? Because we can see he's class.


Why didn't we think our tactics during the 5th season were sustainable? Because they weren't.


There's no way to prove these things as such, they just are, and only fuckwits who know nothing about football can't see them.

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