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Vurnon Anita (now playing for RKC Waalwijk)


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Didn't play very well but he did have Kante right in his face all the time and that little bugger has unsettled far better players than Anita this season.


Maybe we should request that opposition players don't tackle him or get in his face and then he might play better?


It's clear you have an agenda against him.


Or he just thinks that he's rubbish? #HeIs

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Didn't play very well but he did have Kante right in his face all the time and that little bugger has unsettled far better players than Anita this season.


Maybe we should request that opposition players don't tackle him or get in his face and then he might play better?


It's clear you have an agenda against him.


My only agenda is that he's been here 4 years and played about 4/5 good games in that time. Shelvey's been here 2 months and has done more in that time than Anita has in those 4 years.

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Didn't play very well but he did have Kante right in his face all the time and that little bugger has unsettled far better players than Anita this season.


Maybe we should request that opposition players don't tackle him or get in his face and then he might play better?


It's clear you have an agenda against him.


My only agenda is that he's been here 4 years and played about 4/5 good games in that time. Shelvey's been here 2 months and has done more in that time than Anita has in those 4 years.


agree mind, the only agenda I have is he's been shit for 99% of his time here.



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Some more outstanding passing from this master of the technical game #AjaxAcademy.


Well he was one of the best passers in the team last night.




No, really he was. Despite giving it away in a couple of dangerous positions, he was our 3rd best passer of the ball. :lol:


Still needs to improve though, could tell he hadn't had much playing time recently.

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We'll never get a decent objective debate on Vurnon, suspect it's more about the style of play that people appreciate.


This is bollocks. He doesn't get on the ball enough. Doesn't make enough forward passes. When he has to make a meaningful pass he'll most likely lose it. When he's under pressure he'll lose the ball. Isn't a presence defensively. Doesn't break up play. Loses every aerial challenge.


An absolutely nothing player. Even Gini the Ghost had more influence at CM than him. Kept the ball under pressure at the very least.


Sunderland are going to come and shit deep. Knick a winner on the counter or hope we get a man sent off again. Get this guy out of CM. He doesn't offer anything.

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What I never get about the Anita supporters is the argument trotted out about his technical ability yet he regularly misplaces 10 yard passes when under no pressure and positions where we're left completely exposed. He puts a shift in and makes the odd interception. Other than that he is a waste of space. I'm really not sure what Rafa can do to improve his inability to complete a simple pass. I'm not gong to accept lack of time on the pitch or confidence, Rafa picked him in his first game in charge last night and he had a very important job to do. Christ knows who we play on Sunday, do we put Colback there, do we take a punt with Saivet or do we stick with Anita, Hobson's choice. If ever we needed an early goal it's going to be Sunday.

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We'll never get a decent objective debate on Vurnon, suspect it's more about the style of play that people appreciate.

What style of play? :lol: He can pass the ball well over 5 yards but the minute he tries anything difficult it goes straight to the other team. Don't think he'd get a game for any other team in the league.


You and others always peddle this shite about people not appreciating him or not understanding what he does or "he'd look better in a passing team". What I see when I watch him is someone who can't do anything particularly well. So what is it that you see in him?

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There's no point in going though this again.

Don't think I've ever heard anyone give a decent argument about why he's a good player like

Ajax academy. Dutch international. "Technical".


There is a good player there, no doubt about it imo.

However, he was not good yesterday, so sloppy passing.

Part of this is maybe a lack of match fitness.


For the role he plays, he is just to lightweight. Its not the lack of size or weight, but how effectively he uses size, and how he reads the game.

He is almost the same size as Kante, but fuck me there is a difference in the way they use their body and time the interceptions.


Not sure he have a future in the PL mind. At least he have to improve the movement and reading of the game.


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Whenever he ends up at right back it's normally when we're chasing the game and not actually doing any defending. Can't remember him starting there too many times to say if he's any better or worse than Janmaat

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Thought he did well when he came on today. I will probably get shot down with shit, but I prefer him right back to Janmaat, I don't think he is as much of a liability.


I'd prefer him as left back ahead of Colback. The only time I saw him start there he actually did pretty well. Janmaat's a tit but at least he can chase back to cover his mistakes, Colback looks like he's on smack.

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