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Luuk de Jong signs for PSV


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The way he has flopped in Germany does give me the feeling he may be another Alitidore or Alfonso Alves but willing to give him a chance. More than anything because he's not Shola.


Altidore and Alves didn't flop in Holland though?


Hopefully he'll have the opposite effect.


That's what I mean. De Jong was good in Holland as were they. But there has been a lot of strikers that have scored plenty in that league but struggled in others. Hopefully with the way we scout players these days and the impressive success rate of our other signings that this one will work out also.

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Hope this goes better than Stephen Ireland. A lot of similarities in the scenarios actually. :lol:


Think Ireland was injured almost the entire time no? Either way it was a complete waste of time that loan.

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If you look on YT, even the goals he scored for BM were pretty good actually. Good mix (there's only 6 i think) but there's left foot, right foot and headers.


Obviously, if he signs i hope he plays very well.


It's who is going to playing the ball out of midfield that's more of a worry. Anyway, that's another thread.

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Couldn't find anything else that sheds a bit of light on his failings in Germany.


Good stuff, he just needs a run of games and he'll be back in full motion. He's still very young too, so if he does well, he should only get better! He has a point to prove.

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Why am I not excited remotely about this.


A player who's not deemed good enough for a german club that's not Bayern or Dortmund, on loan, whoopideedoo :(


He's a good young striker, its all gone wrong for him in Germany but even then his goal record isn't bad there.


He's scored 6 goals since joining in 2012 !!  I supposed compared to Shola that's a fabulous return.


How can you score goals if you don't play?  Those 6 goals are from 23 games (of which 6 were sub appearances) last season, a goal every 3.8 games.  Not terrible in Germany for a player not regularly in the side is it?  Like I said its all gone wrong for him there, especially this season as he hasn't started a single game and hasn't scored.  But when he was getting in the side even semi regularly last season his goal record wasn't that bad.

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Why am I not excited remotely about this.


A player who's not deemed good enough for a german club that's not Bayern or Dortmund, on loan, whoopideedoo :(


He's a good young striker, its all gone wrong for him in Germany but even then his goal record isn't bad there.


He's scored 6 goals since joining in 2012 !!  I supposed compared to Shola that's a fabulous return.


Knew this would be the reply..  How can you score goals if you don't play?  Those 6 goals are from 23 games (of which 6 were sub appearances), a goal every 3.8 games.  Not terrible in Germany for a player not regularly in the side is it?  Like I said its all gone wrong for him there, no doubt about that since he's played so few games.  But considering that fact his goal record isn't that bad even there.


Hmm that's debatable, not terrible I agree but hardly prolific and the fact that his coach doesn't have faith in him scoring on a regular basis so he's not getting picked is even more of a concern. You write this in a way that suggests the German league is tougher than the one he's coming too. I know it's cool to knock the PL, but nowhere in the top leagues do you have a as much competition in games, it's a corny old line but there are no easy games here where strikers can up the goal tally.


Obviously we've got to give him a chance, and the fact that Unbelievable rates him is good to hear, since he's probably seen him play a lot more times than anyone else on here. But I can't help feel a little sceptical on this one, in many respects the club's done the right thing with the loan (as long as the option to buy thing is true).

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I'm actually at the point where I would prefer his brother Siem, although not covering the same position.


This 442 bs from Pards... whyyyyyyyyyy :(


You say that as if Siem de Jong is a bad player. He isn't, and neither is Luuk de Jong.

I hope you're just not being a Dutch version of Deuce here mate :lol:

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I'm actually at the point where I would prefer his brother Siem, although not covering the same position.


This 442 bs from Pards... whyyyyyyyyyy :(


You say that as if Siem de Jong is a bad player. He isn't, and neither is Luuk de Jong.

I hope you're just not being a Dutch version of Deuce here mate :lol:


I don't really know what to expect from Luuk de Jong to be perfectly honest. I didn't really rate Anita either, and he's proven that above average Dutch players can perform at PL level through being better technically than most. Luuk de Jong's biggest "problem" is he does not possess one attribute in which he really excels, such as pace or strength. He's a well rounded, young forward with good potential. A loan deal with an option to buy is probably a good idea from our perspective at this point in time. I think Krul and Anita will make him feel welcome, and I expect him to make a decent contribution this season, although not a Cisse type impact. He's still youngish though, and it wouldn't surprise me if we've got ourselves another very good player long term for a decent outlay. Worst case he doesn't do the business at all and we send him packing back to Germany.

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Why am I not excited remotely about this.


A player who's not deemed good enough for a german club that's not Bayern or Dortmund, on loan, whoopideedoo :(


He's a good young striker, its all gone wrong for him in Germany but even then his goal record isn't bad there.


He's scored 6 goals since joining in 2012 !!  I supposed compared to Shola that's a fabulous return.


Knew this would be the reply..  How can you score goals if you don't play?  Those 6 goals are from 23 games (of which 6 were sub appearances), a goal every 3.8 games.  Not terrible in Germany for a player not regularly in the side is it?  Like I said its all gone wrong for him there, no doubt about that since he's played so few games.  But considering that fact his goal record isn't that bad even there.


Hmm that's debatable, not terrible I agree but hardly prolific and the fact that his coach doesn't have faith in him scoring on a regular basis so he's not getting picked is even more of a concern. You write this in a way that suggests the German league is tougher than the one he's coming too. I know it's cool to knock the PL, but nowhere in the top leagues do you have a as much competition in games, it's a corny old line but there are no easy games here where strikers can up the goal tally.


Obviously we've got to give him a chance, and the fact that Unbelievable rates him is good to hear, since he's probably seen him play a lot more times than anyone else on here. But I can't help feel a little sceptical on this one, in many respects the club's done the right thing with the loan (as long as the option to buy thing is true).


Its not prolific no, but if he was prolific in that circumstance I'd be absolutely amazed.  Not suggesting Germany is better than the Premier League either, just saying its not a weak league that should be taken lightly, like for instance the Dutch league.


I'm reasonably excited to see what he can do if he's given plenty of starts, I can safely predict he'll be much better than Shola already :)

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