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The 2012/13 Betting Thread


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It wont work if Neil doesn't back it like. He's got more jinxing powers than the rest of us combined.


Exactly. Neil, do you even want us to stay up? Do this for your 2nd team....

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£2 on SkyBets offer of 14/1 on 2-2 and £2 on Wigan to win.


Trying to jinx the draw as well :smugdog:


:lol: Someone put a bet on them ending the game with 11 men too, and one on McManaman not getting his head kicked off his shoulders.

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£3 on Wigan 4-2 and £3 on a Wigan win. Definitely won't win now.


You just jinxed the jinx.  Jeez.




ouch - i dont agree that we wont win money by not betting on wigan to not win the game

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