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Alan Pardew


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Again what chances did we actually create until the Colocini header which was on the 35th minute?  They arguably should had been 2-0 up before that with Berbatov missing a sitter and having 1 shot cleared off the line.


There's no merit in this line of argument though really. Fair enough we didn't create a lot of chances, but it could easily have been 0-0 as well. Their goal was a lucky deflection.


We weren't brilliant, but we played well enough to deserve something out of the game. I can't see how anyone who watched it can deny that.


How?  You can't just starting playing for 45 mins in every game, you have to start off games well and continue that through the 90 mins.


After we went behind yes we probably deserved a point in the end, but again we started off a game on the back foot for much of 1st 40 mintues.


You just sound like Pardew with the lucky deflection stuff.  What about the lucky deflection for Ben Arfa's goal, for Cisse's against West Brom etc.


I thought we played alright even in the first half, although we did look too easy to get at.


I don't understand this 'you sound like Pardew' thing, it was a deflection, that's a fact. Obviously they sometimes go for you and sometimes against, but I was talking about this particular game.


There's no point in discussing this really, I'm just surprised that this particular performance has led to so much venom, when actually it was reasonable.

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I feel like Ian W here. :lol:


Not going to stay in this thread to argue the point.  Interesting how people I normally get on alright with on here take a fairly immature, mocking tone when you dare to take a different stance.  Grow up.


Some of you are angry and beyond reason tonight so I'm off. :lol: We tried to play good football tonight and it didn't pay off.  I can't remember being in a much happier defeated away end than I was tonight.


The problem is that the result and performance don't exist in isolation because we needed to win tonight as it was our last realistic chance of an away win before the middle of January (and I'll tell you now that we'll get fuck all at Carrow Road). We're long past the point where we can take encouragement from any sort of performance unless we've given someone a real battering or been robbed by a ref and that certainly wasn't tonight. They missed much better chances than we did.


Well we can take heart in it if you want us to start playing good passing football with 3 in midfield.  Because we've started playing it.  We've played like shite all season and I'm convinced we've been told to play that direct football up until now.  In which case it's a bit much to expect us to immediately switch into an incisive attacking unit as soon as we switch it.


I hope we stick to this sort of system/style until the end of the season, because it'll start working.


Yes we attempted to pass it around, I'll give you that. Just a shame it looked totally like a Pardew after thought instead of something drilled into the team from day one. If we had a coach who really believed in it we might have worked out how to put it to good use by now instead of resorting to Shola and hoof-direct at the first sign of trouble.


Completely and utterly this. It's everything we were talking about last season. Default style of play, rigid, don't move, kick it at the lad up front. Until that changes we're going nowhere.


Yeah this would appear to be the fundamental problem with the coaching. He certainly had the players at his disposal last night.

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Guest neesy111

Again what chances did we actually create until the Colocini header which was on the 35th minute?  They arguably should had been 2-0 up before that with Berbatov missing a sitter and having 1 shot cleared off the line.


There's no merit in this line of argument though really. Fair enough we didn't create a lot of chances, but it could easily have been 0-0 as well. Their goal was a lucky deflection.


We weren't brilliant, but we played well enough to deserve something out of the game. I can't see how anyone who watched it can deny that.


How?  You can't just starting playing for 45 mins in every game, you have to start off games well and continue that through the 90 mins.


After we went behind yes we probably deserved a point in the end, but again we started off a game on the back foot for much of 1st 40 mintues.


You just sound like Pardew with the lucky deflection stuff.  What about the lucky deflection for Ben Arfa's goal, for Cisse's against West Brom etc.


I thought we played alright even in the first half, although we did look too easy to get at.


I don't understand this 'you sound like Pardew' thing, it was a deflection, that's a fact. Obviously they sometimes go for you and sometimes against, but I was talking about this particular game.


There's no point in discussing this really, I'm just surprised that this particular performance has led to so much venom, when actually it was reasonable.


5 defeats in 6 games.  1 win in 10.  It's those statistics that are worrying people, especially with our run of games coming up.


Also we were playing against a very poor Fulham team btw.

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The performance was decent by recent dogshit standards yes. There was a little bit more passing and a little bit more 'hurry up' about the side. But the tactics and subs negated any chance of ever winning the game even tho we were lucky not to be 3 down by half time.


Pardew will never give up the long ball as his primary tactic. NEVER. :lol:

There's a reason we're top of the long ball league.

34 hit and hope crosses into the box (7 successful)

26 long punts to anyone somewhere in their half.

I'd say out of those 60 passes about 12 was to one of our players. No point in handicapping a side like this by

continually giving the ball to the other team.

No wonder he goes on about energy levels.

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Again what chances did we actually create until the Colocini header which was on the 35th minute?  They arguably should had been 2-0 up before that with Berbatov missing a sitter and having 1 shot cleared off the line.


There's no merit in this line of argument though really. Fair enough we didn't create a lot of chances, but it could easily have been 0-0 as well. Their goal was a lucky deflection.


We weren't brilliant, but we played well enough to deserve something out of the game. I can't see how anyone who watched it can deny that.


How?  You can't just starting playing for 45 mins in every game, you have to start off games well and continue that through the 90 mins.


After we went behind yes we probably deserved a point in the end, but again we started off a game on the back foot for much of 1st 40 mintues.


You just sound like Pardew with the lucky deflection stuff.  What about the lucky deflection for Ben Arfa's goal, for Cisse's against West Brom etc.


I thought we played alright even in the first half, although we did look too easy to get at.


I don't understand this 'you sound like Pardew' thing, it was a deflection, that's a fact. Obviously they sometimes go for you and sometimes against, but I was talking about this particular game.


There's no point in discussing this really, I'm just surprised that this particular performance has led to so much venom, when actually it was reasonable.


5 defeats in 6 games.  1 win in 10.  It's those statistics that are worrying people, especially with our run of games coming up.


Also we were playing against a very poor Fulham team btw.


Sure, obviously I wouldn't argue against the results. They are very poor.

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Looked angry and I think its about time they got screamed at, Pards knows Simpson & Williamson are not good enough but what can he do? MA had better fkn back him in January, non of this "its hard to get a good deal in January" bollocks pay the money sign who we need.


Simpson & Williamson are better than some of the players that West Brom, Norwich and Swansea have available yet they all play better football than us.  Even if we'd had Debuchy and A.N.Other centre-half on the pitch last night in their place what difference would it have made?  We'd have still launched hit and hope balls up to Ba and Cisse all night since that's all we've done all season.  What's the excuse for the other 9 players on the pitch?  You can't blame their inept performances on the mere existence of Simpson & Williamson. 


There is something fundamentally wrong with our approach to the game and replacing a couple of players won't do anything to improve the team if the overall approach to attacking is simply to launch it and hope for the best.

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Pards knows Simpson & Williamson are not good enough but what can he do?


not even sure he does considering the way he's going on with Jonas/Marveaux situation.  It's clear to everyone (except Pardew apparently) that he's been f***ing abysmal all season. 


Jonas' best attributes (carrying the ball, winning free kicks and work rate) have all seemed to disappear, total passenger at the minute and I just don't understand what Pardew is expecting from him at the minute.  :knuppel2:


He just doesn't seem to notice, or chooses to ignore, the glaring problems.

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Pards knows Simpson & Williamson are not good enough but what can he do?


not even sure he does considering the way he's going on with Jonas/Marveaux situation.  It's clear to everyone (except Pardew apparently) that he's been fucking abysmal all season. 


Our defensive weakness is why Jonas is getting the nod, Marv is a talent but a light weight who looks scared he will shatter under a tackle. Jonas may be lacking in the attacking sense but work ethic and tracking back is still 100%. Last thing we need is to weaken our 3 man midfield with Marv, especially away from home.

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Pards knows Simpson & Williamson are not good enough but what can he do?


not even sure he does considering the way he's going on with Jonas/Marveaux situation.  It's clear to everyone (except Pardew apparently) that he's been fucking abysmal all season. 


Our defensive weakness is why Jonas is getting the nod, Marv is a talent but a light weight who looks scared he will shatter under a tackle. Jonas may be lacking in the attacking sense but work ethic and tracking back is still 100%. Last thing we need is to weaken our 3 man midfield with Marv, especially away from home.


Think this is the only reason he starts.

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This spell has brought back those horrible memories of the Souness era where we had some excellent footballers turned cloggers. Souness had no influence on the way we played football as a team, and no impact on matches. He really had no gameplan, by his own admission.


Pardew is exactly the same. He rode the wave of some individual brilliance last season, and I reckon he couldn't believe his luck. I don't doubt that he's a good man manager, and that he has something about him when it comes to managing the CLUB overall. He's just a clueless football manager. He would make a good GM, but he's not a "football man". There is absolutely nothing in his PR, his press, his interviews that shows he's that much of a "football man". He is ineloquent, and speaks in vague generalizations. Unless he plays stupid on purpose, I don't really feel confident when I hear him speak or read his quotes.


We should have won last night. I don't know why, it's been really hard taking this defeat specifically. Before Monday I had mostly dismissed the bad run as just a bad run. Last night something changed. The fact that he did not bring Marveaux on for Ben Arfa spoke volumes for the way he sees the game in context of its particular situation. That substitution was a massive massive telling sign.

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Pards knows Simpson & Williamson are not good enough but what can he do?


not even sure he does considering the way he's going on with Jonas/Marveaux situation.  It's clear to everyone (except Pardew apparently) that he's been f***ing abysmal all season. 


Our defensive weakness is why Jonas is getting the nod, Marv is a talent but a light weight who looks scared he will shatter under a tackle. Jonas may be lacking in the attacking sense but work ethic and tracking back is still 100%. Last thing we need is to weaken our 3 man midfield with Marv, especially away from home.


Think this is the only reason he starts.


Pardew's first judgement on a player is what can that player do for the team when we don't have the ball. It is an important element, especially for us as we don't often have the lion's share of the possession. The crux of our problem is that Pardew still uses the same criteria when chasing a game. That habit will be his undoing imo.

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Pards knows Simpson & Williamson are not good enough but what can he do?


not even sure he does considering the way he's going on with Jonas/Marveaux situation.  It's clear to everyone (except Pardew apparently) that he's been f***ing abysmal all season. 


Our defensive weakness is why Jonas is getting the nod, Marv is a talent but a light weight who looks scared he will shatter under a tackle. Jonas may be lacking in the attacking sense but work ethic and tracking back is still 100%. Last thing we need is to weaken our 3 man midfield with Marv, especially away from home.


Yeah I can see the logic behind it, just don't think Jonas has even been doing that right this season. I love Jonas and defended him for years when he gets slated, pains me to say it but he just doesn't offer anything, even defensively, at the minute imo.


Marveaux being lightweight shouldn't be a reason not to play him, considering he's one of our few creative talents.  Think I just wish we'd have a go rather than filling our midfield with defensive players, suppose we need the likes of Tiote to get a grip before we can do that though.


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Pards knows Simpson & Williamson are not good enough but what can he do?


not even sure he does considering the way he's going on with Jonas/Marveaux situation.  It's clear to everyone (except Pardew apparently) that he's been f***ing abysmal all season. 


Our defensive weakness is why Jonas is getting the nod, Marv is a talent but a light weight who looks scared he will shatter under a tackle. Jonas may be lacking in the attacking sense but work ethic and tracking back is still 100%. Last thing we need is to weaken our 3 man midfield with Marv, especially away from home.


Think this is the only reason he starts.


Pardew's first judgement on a player is what can that player do for the team when we don't have the ball. It is an important element, especially for us as we don't often have the lion's share of the possession. The crux of our problem is that Pardew still uses the same criteria when chasing a game. That habit will be his undoing imo.


As daft as he is Ryder alluded to it last night, Jonas can be trusted to hold his position more than the replacements.

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Jonas was a key player when we were shite two years ago, and I was happy to defend him. When you've got Cisse and Ba up front then it's probably time to play wingers who can put in a decent cross once in a while rather than shoot your load every time he tracks back and tackles the opposition full back.



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Jonas was a key player when we were shite two years ago, and I was happy to defend him. When you've got Cisse and Ba up front then it's probably time to play wingers who can put in a decent cross once in a while rather than shoot your load every time he tracks back and tackles the opposition full back.




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This spell has brought back those horrible memories of the Souness era where we had some excellent footballers turned cloggers. Souness had no influence on the way we played football as a team, and no impact on matches. He really had no gameplan, by his own admission.


Pardew is exactly the same. He rode the wave of some individual brilliance last season, and I reckon he couldn't believe his luck. I don't doubt that he's a good man manager, and that he has something about him when it comes to managing the CLUB overall. He's just a clueless football manager. He would make a good GM, but he's not a "football man". There is absolutely nothing in his PR, his press, his interviews that shows he's that much of a "football man". He is ineloquent, and speaks in vague generalizations. Unless he plays stupid on purpose, I don't really feel confident when I hear him speak or read his quotes.


We should have won last night. I don't know why, it's been really hard taking this defeat specifically. Before Monday I had mostly dismissed the bad run as just a bad run. Last night something changed. The fact that he did not bring Marveaux on for Ben Arfa spoke volumes for the way he sees the game in context of its particular situation. That substitution was a massive massive telling sign.


Good post.

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What shocked me the most is that our midfield three (Tiote, Marv and Anita) was clicking against Wigan. THe only player in the midfield that day that was really below par was Jonas, and yet Pardew played him for 90full minutes. How is that even possible. I have no doubt in my mind that we would've been more balanced and had more movement had Marv started for Jonas. We need someone who could drive the ball from the middle with speed and open up play, all Jonas was doing last night was clogging up the running lanes for Ben Arfa and Santon.


Pardew now has 5 tough games to turn this around and I can definitely see us getting only 2p from those 5. And that will definitely put us into a relegation scrap come January.

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Another thing that struck me last night was that Fulham had a couple of moves that they repeated nearly all game whereby they could get the ball from their own half upto and around our box in a couple of passes. Just a few key offensive strategies that they'd clearly worked on that they could use to turn us around and relieve the pressure and also see if they could create a problem or two for us (which they managed tbh).


Now, you all know what i'm going to say next.......


It was brutally apparent that when we moved forward it wasn't in a well rehearsed manner. I understand the ideaology of not over coaching good, natural attacking players because their instincts will probably get the results you need anyway and you may just stifle them (i truly think this is Pardew's thoughts on it, remember what he said about HBA 'i leave the attacking stuff up to him, it's when we don't have the ball i want him to do it my way'.  However, it's clear Pardew's 'hands off' approach to attacking has been taken too far because we really do look disjointed and somewhat incoherent. We lack any real flow or rhythm to the way we go forward. When our players are under a bit of pressure they need to look around for a team mate instead of just knowing where one is. When we attack they all look like they'v only just met ALL THE TIME.


He's got to address this or he's going to lose his job.

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