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Alan Pardew


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Guest bimpy474

I'm now at the point where I find most of the s*** he comes out with pretty amusing tbh. We all know he's here for the long term so I don't really think it makes much difference what he says either way.


We just need to hope that the board backs him/Carr in the transfer market (pfft) and that he stumbles upon the right formula again sometime soon.


Proof right there that no matter what he does, he'll always get stick. Not "finds" the right formula, but "stumbles upon".


He's got us knee deep in a relegation battle man, you needn't trip over yourself to try and defend him.


The irony is that he did "find" a winning formula last season, and now we're nearly in 2013 and he hasn't tried it once this season. :lol:



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His favoured formation is 442 direct. I can see how our better players have had enough of it. Ba has said it along with Cabaye and Hatem said it last year (It's in my sig). For Ba to say it on French telly it means the 'debate' in the dressing room is pretty far gone.

Imagine a player at another PL club criticising the team/managers style of play on telly? He'd be dropped for a month. :lol:  Ba got to take the freekicks.


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Guest bimpy474

His favoured formation is 442 direct. I can see how our better players have had enough of it. Ba has said it along with Cabaye and Hatem said it last year (It's in my sig). For Ba to say it on French telly it means the 'debate' in the dressing room is pretty far gone.

Imagine a player at another PL club criticising the team/managers style of play on telly? He'd be dropped for a month. :lol:  Ba got to take the freekicks.



Ba took them free kicks like he was still using Pardew's hoof tactics :lol:

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Indy has something about it.




After a spat with his captain, Alan Pardew was keen to build bridges, but it was more about burning them for Harry Redknapp and several members of his Queen's Park Rangers squad.


Both men were nothing if not candid in the aftermath of a 1-0 home win for Newcastle United that brought a halt to the visitors' mini-revival and, Newcastle will hope, provide the kick-start their season desperately requires. When a manager is happy to reveal a falling-out with his captain, it often means an irrevocable breakdown in the relationship. Yet the very public display of olive branch-waving between Pardew and Fabricio Coloccini suggested anything but.


Redknapp's damning post-match critique of the over-inflated pay levels of some of his players makes a reconciliation rather more difficult. There is unlikely to be the kind of bear hug enjoyed by the Newcastle duo after the final whistle when it comes to Harry and some of his more well-remunerated individuals, whom he accused of earning money under false pretences, such has been their lack of input so far this season. It's safe to assume Jose Bosingwa won't figure greatly in Redknapp's future plans.


There's rather more bonhomie at Newcastle, where, after their differences, it was a case of friends reunited. "There was a reason for going on the pitch at the end of the game to see Colo," Pardew said, after Shola Ameobi's first Premier League goal for nine months allowed Newcastle to deliver on their rather ill-advised comment that this was a must-win game. "Colo was a bit upset. It was a very little thing – if it was more serious I would say so. It was important I went on to embrace him in that way."


The manager wouldn't go into detail; suffice to say that the differences were the result of six defeats in seven league games before some tentative steps on the road to redemption were taken courtesy of inflicting on Redknapp a first defeat since he took charge at Loftus Road.


"I said to Colo before the game, we're both winners, we're allowed to fall out," added Pardew, after his animated post-match clinch with the South American. "We fell out this week and we're entitled to do that, as the captain and the manager. It was just a silly little thing and I know he was determined to get the result today.


"Before the game, I said to him: 'Be our leader, be a captain and make sure they don't get a sniff of a goal'. When you ask someone to do a job and they do it, it's only right you pay your respects to them. You fall out with players all the time as a manager, because if not you're not doing your job. Sometimes I have to say what I think is right – even your most senior players can disagree with it. I have no problem with that.


"He was never off my Christmas card list because it wasn't me who had the problem. In any walk of life you have to be a man sometimes and admit when you're wrong and also pay your respects when someone does something right and I thought Colo was absolutely brilliant."


It was a fair summation. The visitors hardly had a shot in anger, but for a Djibril Cissé effort early in the second half, in stretching their winless run on Tyneside towards 20 years.


Pardew earned the displeasure of the locals for his second-half substitutions that finally shook Newcastle from their stupor. The derision that met the withdrawal of Papiss Cissé, who took a little persuading to shake his manager's hand, was soon overtaken by a rather more positive reaction when his replacement Ameobi produced a confident, close-range finish to seal a tense contest. Sylvain Marveaux, who teed up the winner for his fellow substitute, twice came close to embellishing the margin of victory, which would not have flattered the hosts, given their dominance of the final 25 minutes.


"At times, it was like the Alamo," Ryan Nelsen, the QPR captain, confessed. "I swear I heard the horns and the cavalry coming." The New Zealander and his centre-back partner Clint Hill were exempted from Redknapp's withering post-match criticism, but not Bosingwa, the Portuguese midfielder, who has been fined two weeks' wages – £130,000 – for refusing to sit on the bench last week. "That's not a bad amount to earn for two weeks' work, is it?" Redknapp said. "There are players here earning more than anyone was when I was at Tottenham. There are a lot of players earning far too much money for their ability and for what they give to the club."


A five-point gap to safety is by no means insurmountable, especially with gritty characters like Nelsen in the camp, but Redknapp may have trouble moving on some of his unwanted high earners to create room for manoeuvre in January.


Nelsen added: "St James' Park is one of my favourite places, especially with the rain lashing down, the wind biting and the passionate crowd. That's what English football is all about. Maybe I'm just old and sentimental."


Seriously, more look-at-me-style management again from Pardew the self promoting arrogance of his , winds me up no ends.


Basically reading between the lines he wants everyone to know he had a word with Colo before the game to shore up the defence and it worked so Pardew is a genius ,  just like how his post match interview he wanted people to know that his subs worked magnificently whilst ignoring the fact he put the wrong side out in the beginning.


Bet there was hardly that much drama between Colo and Pardew, but he had to let everyone know about it to spice up the interview, give me a break Pardew, this is really just desperate stuff and completely unnecessary.

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"He was never off my Christmas card list because it wasn't me who had the problem. In any walk of life you have to be a man sometimes and admit when you're wrong and also pay your respects when someone does something right and I thought Colo was absolutely brilliant."


Is he blaming Colo or am i understanding that wrong.


He is.


Why are we even hearing about this? Nobody knew anything about it until he swaggered onto the pitch and made himself the centre of attention.


Was probably asked about it. :pow:




f***ing sick of hearing that one.  "Well he was f***ing asked about it, how the f*** do you expect him not to be a boneheaded gobshite in response?"  f*** off.


Simon Foster: Come on, Malcolm, he asked me for a personal opinion.

Malcolm Tucker: Why didn't you say? He asked you. Fuck, of course, that explains it. If he'd asked you to fucking black up, or to give him your PIN number or to shit yourself, would you have done that?

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Just caught up four pages.


Nelsen is better than Williamson, but not much better. If we're going to make a step up, make a real step up. Otherwise two weeks into his tenure, he'll get burned for pace by Shane Long in a game where he's not allowed to sit in his own area with a midfield four in front of him in his own half - and we'll hear the usual stick being given to the CB who tries hard and is a model pro - but simply doesn't have the requisite ability.


Have nothing concrete to substantiate my deduction/inference from Pardew's comments, buuut: Pardew had a word to Colo about pulling his socks up defensively, to which Colo took offence. FWIW, I don't think Colo has been at his best recently - far from it in fact.


Pardew obviously places a great deal of emphasis on keeping a clean sheet, and its fairly key to his strategy of "nick a goal and keep it tight".

In the absence of our star players up top not producing as much individual brilliance, the defensive frailty has undermined his gameplan completely - which has him riled, as it's supposed to be the foundation of what he considers to be success.


Why Colo took offence I'm not sure - because he thinks he has been playing fine or something else. I hope it was something else/more dressing room dissent*.


* - still have hope, no matter how remote, that Ashley will turn on his stooge like any cold-hearted businessman that needs to

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O-Nut: Dave is capable of defending himself, but I too would have used the words 'stumble upon' because a large body of evidence (ie. his managerial career thus far) suggests he does not display tactical/managerial excellence with enough regularity to warrant any kinder term! The use of the term, for me at least, demonstrates our assessment of what I believe him to be generally capable of - not much.


Crouch scored a great goal last season and he meant it. He could stumble across a similar goal this season, and he may very well mean it, but it's definitely not his level in my view - based on watching him over the longer term.


I also don't believe he will get stick no matter what, either. There's nothing innate or inalienable to Pardew that stops him from being liked or a fan's favourite*. [* - well, among the majority]. Fans are a fickle bunch, very much willing to be won over by showing dignity, honesty, bravery, intelligence and skill.


Sadly for him, he's a weasely arsehole to compound his poor managerial skills though.

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I just think a manager who first steered a team with Lovenkrands, Ameobi, Best & Ranger as his four strikers to within minutes of a top 10 finish, as well as taking it to the last day for a top 3 finish last season, deserves a lot more leeway than what he's getting by some.


You're 100% right mate. The willingness of everyone to read the most negative possible spin on everything is, quite frankly, embarrassing at times.

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I just think a manager who first steered a team with Lovenkrands, Ameobi, Best & Ranger as his four strikers to within minutes of a top 10 finish, as well as taking it to the last day for a top 3 finish last season, deserves a lot more leeway than what he's getting by some.


You're 100% right mate. The willingness of everyone to read the most negative possible spin on everything is, quite frankly, embarrassing at times.


And vice-versa.

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'no matter what he does, he'll always get stick'


Yet currently over half say they're losing, or never had any faith in him...go figure.


They're losing faith in him because we're playing shite with results to match.


Rocket science.

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I just think a manager who first steered a team with Lovenkrands, Ameobi, Best & Ranger as his four strikers to within minutes of a top 10 finish, as well as taking it to the last day for a top 3 finish last season, deserves a lot more leeway than what he's getting by some.


Fair enough. :thup: Suppose that's where the difference of opinions arise. I've never been sold on results alone - I've been waiting for signs of sustainable footballing improvement/success (therefore never had any faith to begin with), whereas I assume through that season and a half you mention, he has bought himself more time with you.

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I just think a manager who first steered a team with Lovenkrands, Ameobi, Best & Ranger as his four strikers to within minutes of a top 10 finish, as well as taking it to the last day for a top 3 finish last season, deserves a lot more leeway than what he's getting by some.


You're 100% right mate. The willingness of everyone to read the most negative possible spin on everything is, quite frankly, embarrassing at times.


And vice-versa.

Your patter is lifting.

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I just think a manager who first steered a team with Lovenkrands, Ameobi, Best & Ranger as his four strikers to within minutes of a top 10 finish, as well as taking it to the last day for a top 3 finish last season, deserves a lot more leeway than what he's getting by some.


You're 100% right mate. The willingness of everyone to read the most negative possible spin on everything is, quite frankly, embarrassing at times.


And vice-versa.

Your patter is lifting.


Do you even lift?

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I just think a manager who first steered a team with Lovenkrands, Ameobi, Best & Ranger as his four strikers to within minutes of a top 10 finish, as well as taking it to the last day for a top 3 finish last season, deserves a lot more leeway than what he's getting by some.


You're 100% right mate. The willingness of everyone to read the most negative possible spin on everything is, quite frankly, embarrassing at times.


And vice-versa.

Your patter is lifting.


How's my "banter" and "craic" looking?

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I just think a manager who first steered a team with Lovenkrands, Ameobi, Best & Ranger as his four strikers to within minutes of a top 10 finish, as well as taking it to the last day for a top 3 finish last season, deserves a lot more leeway than what he's getting by some.


Were we not 12th when he took over and 12th at the end of that first season?  I'm sure we were 4 points above relegation when he arrived with more than half the games left and we finished 7 points above relegation.  Last season we finished in a better position than expected but that doesn't mean that he can now sit back and take all of the plaudits for that.  This season we're currently 9 places lower and I would be very surprised if we've bottomed out yet.


He deserves negativity towards him and he's getting it, even the players are having a go at him.  Something which was used as a plus for him when it wasn't happening.

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Anyway I don't want Pardew out. A good January could still go a long way towards turning this season into a respectable one because the league is so tight. I can't/don't want to believe that he is completely incapable of learning from his mistakes, and as long as we don't come perilously close to going down this year then he'll deserve next season to prove 11/12 wasn't a complete fluke.


But frankly I don't trust the cunts in charge to get anyone better anyway. Pardew's their man; the one they totally fucked over a favourite for against all good advice, the one they would supposedly back 100% in the transfer market as their number one choice. The one they get on with and who willingly arselicks them in public every other week, the one they've given an unprecedented contract to. They've made their bed and they'll lie in it. Look at their other managerial appointments - Keegan (stupid), Kinnear (laughable), Shearer (desperate), Hughton (enforced). I don't think they'd have a clue where to start to get an upgrade.


As I said, I just hope he finds something sooner rather than later. However he finds it.

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...there was much more to his on-pitch embrace with Fabricio Coloccini than first met the eye.


It looked as though the manager was just congratulating his captain for his part in securing a precious three points — only Newcastle’s second league win in nine.


And Coloccini certainly deserved a pat on the back as he looked back to his brilliant best against the R’s.


But Pards later revealed how he had had a fall-out with the Argentine centre-half in the build-up to Saturday’s St James’ Park clash.


:mysterysolved: :lol:

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