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Atromitos 1 - 1 Newcastle United - 23/08/12 - Post-match reaction from page 38


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Considering the fact that Obertan seems to get on quite well with the Francophones in the dressing room - Cabaye, HBA, Ba, Tiote, etc - you'd have to think they'll not be thrilled with it either.  I know if my mate was getting abused I'd be furious.  Not the brightest idea from the thick c***s to paint the support in that kind of light.  It's a small thing that can go a long way in player recruitment, or lack thereof.


:anguish: Can we stop this now?


Pricks need to be told that they're pricks otherwise they continue to believe their cuntish behaviour is acceptable. If enough people tell them they're pricks then eventually they'll stop behaving like pricks.

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Bang out of order booing any player unless he's done something to offend the fans/badge regardless of how s*** they are. Yes, they've travelled far but there is no need for that.

spot on, especially as those booing are likely to have been booing best,perch and raylor before obertan. booing our players is only going to help the opposition, go to the pub and slate him but in the groung get behind the team and everyone in it.
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Yeah, HBA and Cabaye gonna hand in transfer requests because someone called lightbulb heed shit.


Fucking morons though, especially as he visibly improved in the second half and probably got a bit of a confident boost.  Unfortunately every club will always have a minority of complete knackers behind them.

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Considering the fact that Obertan seems to get on quite well with the Francophones in the dressing room - Cabaye, HBA, Ba, Tiote, etc - you'd have to think they'll not be thrilled with it either.  I know if my mate was getting abused I'd be furious.  Not the brightest idea from the thick c***s to paint the support in that kind of light.  It's a small thing that can go a long way in player recruitment, or lack thereof.


:anguish: Can we stop this now?


Pricks need to be told that they're pricks otherwise they continue to believe their cuntish behaviour is acceptable. If enough people tell them they're pricks then eventually they'll stop behaving like pricks.


I meant the idea that the other players haven't seen anything like this before and will be horrified. They'll know as well as we (bar 1) know what happened and won't paint us all with the one brush.

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As shit as he was first half, Obertan looked about as useful as he ever has in a Newcastle shirt in the second half imo.


Proper terrible form if some of our lot have been barracking him like that, as has been said: by all means call him out and say he's crap on here, but in the stadium etc fans should know better, and get behind the lads. If you can't even bring yourself to cheer him then don't say anything at all.


It proper does my head in when people boo Shola coming on etc. As much as I don't rate Obertan, I'm not at all impressed by that if it's true.

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If you think it's going to go over well in the dressing room that a (seemingly quite popular) player lacking confidence is getting slated by some of what are supposed to be the most hardcore travelling supporters, you're foolish.  Doesn't mean transfer requests are coming, doesn't mean they won't have heard it before. It simply means they'll have tarnished the reputation a bit.  Never a good thing.

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He got called shit by a few fans ffs :lol:


He'll probably go cry himself to sleep. What is wrong with people? If you play for a big club and play shit then it's not that unrealistic that a few fans will call you shit.


Agreed but you just know he'll take it to heart. Can't believe were going as far as saying hba & co are going to be upset, ffs  :lol: if they are then fuk me sideways, the need to start acting like men.


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He got called shit by a few fans ffs :lol:


He'll probably go cry himself to sleep. What is wrong with people? If you play for a big club and play shit then it's not that unrealistic that a few fans will call you shit.




Sounded a bit worse than 'you're shit' from the fan who was there and actually saw what happened.


Even so supporters (imo) are supposed to support the team, not wait before after a game and lay into them.


What Midds said was spot on.

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He got called shit by a few fans ffs :lol:


He'll probably go cry himself to sleep. What is wrong with people? If you play for a big club and play shit then it's not that unrealistic that a few fans will call you shit.


Agreed but you just know he'll take it to heart. Can't believe were going as far as saying hba & co are going to be upset, ffs  :lol: if they are then fuk me sideways, the need to start acting like men.



and the fans staying behind to violently abuse players need to stop acting like fucking kids.

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He got called shit by a few fans ffs :lol:


He'll probably go cry himself to sleep. What is wrong with people? If you play for a big club and play shit then it's not that unrealistic that a few fans will call you shit.


Agreed but you just know he'll take it to heart. Can't believe were going as far as saying hba & co are going to be upset, ffs  :lol: if they are then fuk me sideways, the need to start acting like men.



and the fans staying behind to violently abuse players need to stop acting like fucking kids.


Goes without saying.

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He got called shit by a few fans ffs :lol:


He'll probably go cry himself to sleep. What is wrong with people? If you play for a big club and play shit then it's not that unrealistic that a few fans will call you shit.




From the way it was described it was a tad bit more vitriolic than someone saying "yeah, you were a bit shit there mate".

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He got called shit by a few fans ffs :lol:


He'll probably go cry himself to sleep. What is wrong with people? If you play for a big club and play shit then it's not that unrealistic that a few fans will call you shit.



A few fans or not you would obviously be affected by a group of people shouting abuse at you, especially when they're the people who are supposed to be supporting you. I cannot see how this is difficult to comprehend? He's not a robot.


I doubt he's going to throw himself off the Parthenon like.

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Madness IMO. The fans that did this are absolute pricks, but then again if it's 4 or 5 of them then you have to look at the bigger picture.


If he wants to leave then fair enough, I personally think he should be able to handle it considering it's so rare.

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Madness IMO. The fans that did this are absolute pricks, but then again if it's 4 or 5 of them then you have to look at the bigger picture.


If he wants to leave then fair enough, I personally think he should be able to handle it considering it's so rare.


I doubt he wants to leave over it but it doesn't help anything and is a bad reflection on Newcastle fans no matter how small the group.

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Bottomline is a few idiots reflect our image as a football club it's not just about abusing a human being for a average performance but in this act they are bad reflection on the club as a whole.


It's only a small group but it's still damaging.

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Madness IMO. The fans that did this are absolute pricks, but then again if it's 4 or 5 of them then you have to look at the bigger picture.


If he wants to leave then fair enough, I personally think he should be able to handle it considering it's so rare.


I doubt he wants to leave over it but it doesn't help anything and is a bad reflection on Newcastle fans no matter how small the group.

This, it's unacceptable no matter how big the group is. Absolute bunch of dicks

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Quick, somebody tell Obertan not to read this thread.




Seriously though, I think he'd be particularly disappointed/down to be slagged off by fans from such a small sample, all the way over in Greece, after a decent result. In amongst tens of thousands you can expect some grief, but I bet it would piss you off to get it so far from home. People going all that way and not supporting everyone is mental.

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Have to say, bit harsh but if it's like 5 fans then so what? Happens everywhere. Not condoning it but you can't go through life being pussyfooted around and constantly being patted on the back - i don't think anyone takes criticism well tbh.


If it was 2000 fans standing up shouting and pointing and laughing then fair enough you have a point, but it couldn't have been more like a couple surely?

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Have to say like, if it's like 5 fans then so what? Happens everywhere. Not condoning it but you can't go through life being pussyfooted around and constantly being patted on the back - i don't think anyone takes criticism well tbh.


If it was 2000 fans standing up shouting and pointing and laughing then fair enough you have a point, but it couldn't have been more like a couple surely?


Apparently about 5 which is about 10% of those that turned up.


I don't think anyone should put up with being abused. It's just pathetically childish from grown men/women. I am a hypocrite in this because I have boo'd in the heat of the moment but feel stupid having done it. To wait behind and single out a player with 'violent abuse' is fucking low like.

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