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Loïc Remy

Guest bimpy474
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We can cope without a winger as we do have cover, not top quality but still...


What we can't afford to go without is a CB and I'd rather we have one in than having Remy.

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Gomis is strong and fast but can't play wide because his skill isn't that great, he's a target man really which means it will be hoof to Gomis if we signed him but hes a lot better at holding the ball up than Ba and probably stronger and faster than him.


Never been impressed when I have seen him play, admittedly it hasn't been a great deal. Always looked like a frustrating player to watch


Aye me neither despite all that, he would be a lot better target man then we have and in theory could make hoofball work but i really don't want to see hoofball.

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Gomis seems very unlikely and PEA has already said he's not leaving in this window. I'm not sure where we'll go after this since I don't think we've got a plan outside of France. Danny Graham is the most likely option but can you see us spending £7 million on a 27 year old with his record?


I hope I'm proven wrong, but two weeks doesn't seem long enough for us to formulate a plan B :lol:

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Aubameyang has said he won't leave this window as have st.etienne and i believe Gomis is pretty key for lyon so no chance on either.


I'm pretty convinced we won't get anyone. Gutted.


Lyon would sell Gomis for the right money. Regardless of how well he's done for them, they were actively trying to flog him in the summer as part of a cost cutting mission - much like Marseille - and nothing has changed despite their position at the top of the league.

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Aubameyang has said he won't leave this window as have st.etienne and i believe Gomis is pretty key for lyon so no chance on either.


I'm pretty convinced we won't get anyone. Gutted.


I'd be ok with us not signing a striker if we get Moussa Sissoko and a top quality CB.

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We can cope without a winger as we do have cover, not top quality but still...


What we can't afford to go without is a CB and I'd rather we have one in than having Remy.


We need both a Striker and CB tbh if this window is to be deemed any kind of success. Maybe worth taking a punt on a striker from Championship and if nothing else will be used to that level for next season.


Or maybe looking at short term getting odemwingie

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If the regime has done anything wrong it's letting it get to this stage where we are chasing targets in January we should have had in summer, and putting too much faith in a manager who is 10 years past his sell by date.


Couldn't agree more with this. They only have themselves to blame if we go down


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Aubameyang has said he won't leave this window as have st.etienne and i believe Gomis is pretty key for lyon so no chance on either.


I'm pretty convinced we won't get anyone. Gutted.


I don't think even Ashley will take a gamble on this side keeping us up. He simply has to get a forward in.

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Both of them will probably cost more than Remy anyway. Really looks to me is that we've blown our only top quality, realistic target.


Really though? He's hardly been pulling up trees has he?


Not this season but he's proven it in the past, and because of his current situation he was an available transfer. The only one I can see where the very specific list of variables fall into place (plays in Ligue 1, cheaper than he should be for some reason, willing to join, positionally a good fit to the team).


I'm looking around and struggling to see anybody who we could get. Hopefully I'm wrong and we pull something out of the bag.

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Guest neesy111

The pessimism on here is insane, maybe I shouldnt be surprised. It's been a bad night but, by all accounts, we have other options. Let's see what they are.


Where were these other options in August?

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There's plenty wrong with this regime and we've done to death the whole thing about how they fucked up not bringing anyone in in the summer. I don't have any complaints over this though. If the lad doesn't want to come and play for us then move on. We can't get into a situation where agents/players have us over the barrel to pay ludicrous wages like this. Ofcourse the extreme is the carry on like with the Debuchy situation but I don't blame them that they won't get into a wages war with QPR.


If the regime has done anything wrong it's letting it get to this stage where we are chasing targets in January we should have had in summer, and putting too much faith in a manager who is 10 years past his sell by date.


Lack of investment isn't to blame for anything, remember?

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Mark Douglas‏@MsiDouglas


Tomorrow in Journal: QPR get #nufc target Remy, 2 new/old striker targets & what really happened when Le Delegation went to France last wk

Bet it is underwhelming.


Absolutely fuck all.


Yoof orientated weren't it. God forbid we don't sign French players at all levels.

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The pessimism on here is insane, maybe I shouldnt be surprised. It's been a bad night but, by all accounts, we have other options. Let's see what they are.


Not for me, it's fully justified. We're on the worst run of results I can remember and everything involving bringing players in is ending up in chaos.


Excluding Debuchy, however look how long that took.

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The pessimism on here is insane, maybe I shouldnt be surprised. It's been a bad night but, by all accounts, we have other options. Let's see what they are.


it's understandable though, feels like when your 1 nil up, cruising piling the pressure on for the second, only to concede an equaliser in the final minute, and tomorrow will be like conceding the winner on 94 mins.

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The pessimism on here is insane, maybe I shouldnt be surprised. It's been a bad night but, by all accounts, we have other options. Let's see what they are.


Where were these other options in August?


Well yes, August was a fuck up. That was 5 months ago though, situations change - mainly an urgency from our end because we've somehow got to 16th.

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Aubameyang has said he won't leave this window as have st.etienne and i believe Gomis is pretty key for lyon so no chance on either.


I'm pretty convinced we won't get anyone. Gutted.


Players say they won't leave all the time only to leave a couple of weeks later.

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We all know we should've had more players in, in the summer, but ffs that's history now, stop harping on about it.


We're all a bit pissed off about this but if the guy wanted too much money and enjoys the company of cunts, what can we do?


Best to move on and forget this ever happened.

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The pessimism on here is insane, maybe I shouldnt be surprised. It's been a bad night but, by all accounts, we have other options. Let's see what they are.


Where were these other options in August?


Well yes, August was a f*** up. That was 5 months ago though, situations change - mainly an urgency from our end because we've somehow got to 16th.


We're 2 weeks into the window and in profit, man. Nothing's going to change.

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Guest neesy111

The pessimism on here is insane, maybe I shouldnt be surprised. It's been a bad night but, by all accounts, we have other options. Let's see what they are.


Where were these other options in August?


Well yes, August was a fuck up. That was 5 months ago though, situations change - mainly an urgency from our end because we've somehow got to 16th.


They'll just risk it like Ashley has for the 5 1/2 years he's been here. :anguish:

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