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Newcastle United 1 - 0 QPR - 22/12/12 - post-match reaction from page 27


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What was Harry doing on his mobile during the first half btw? Left my screen for a second, came back and just saw it...


'Probably putting a bit in for Demba right now. HAHA' according to the cockemtators.

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I had a first today, I stopped cheering when we won a corner.


I genuinely cannot believe how bad our corners are. It's beyond a joke. I doubt such a statistic is readily available, but i'd love to see if there's ever been a longer streak without a goal from a corner in the Premier League.


It's absolutely fucking pitiful. We create so little that the corners we get are a good chance for us; they need to be. You can see that they haven't been worked on in the slightest - it's absolutely fucking criminal, especially seeing as we do have players who can head it in.

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Kevin Friend is an absolute fuckwit. One of the worst referees I've seen.

His continued insistence that the ball should be taken from the exact point (more often than not completely the wrong place) where the foul happened was infuriating. Muppet.

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Kevin Friend is an absolute fuckwit. One of the worst referees I've seen.


He really is terrible, I remember us having a really good record with him in the Championship so I like him. Even in neutral games though, he is terrible. Can never find that middle ground between not calling anything and over-refereeing.

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Atrocious "match".  But that was an absolutely crucial three points.  QPR are so so so so so bad it's almost unimaginable.


Watching us is certainly a chore, as others have pointed out.  You do it out of duty rather than excitement.  You grit your teeth and try to get through it hoping that something better will eventually come.  A midfield of Tiote/Perch/Anita cannot possibly create any chances for strikers.  And so it turned out.  Santon was probably the best hope for a decent ball.  Obviously Ba and Cisse don't work together well in the best of times but without any service they were destined to starve.  Cisse's clearly had enough of whatever shit is going on - uncreative midfield, played out of position, Ba, whatever - and I can't blame him too much.


I actually agreed with the subs - if we're going to play stark, barebones, uninspiring football, then Sholer is the man for that job.  So it turned out.  Marv and Obertan were decent as well.  Marv has to play if HBA and Cabaye are not in the side.  Literally no one else has an ounce of creativity.


Just hope January brings some much-needed reinforcement.  Help is needed pretty much everywhere. 

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Win ugly sometimes? :lol: We've not won anything other than ugly for about 9 months.


The trouble is that a team has to be as bad as QPR were today for us to have shot at even getting a draw. Very relieved at three points but I don't see us picking up another point until at least mid-January. Man United, Arsenal, Everton and Norwich are write offs, along with every other away game.


Astonishing negativity.

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Ba celebrating the goal with the rest, but only cares about scoring himself.


Aye, because walking away in disgust would do him so much good.


Aye, cast iron proof Demba is 100% focused by celebrating a late and probably most important goal of the season.

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You'd have said the same if I told you in August that we'd have been beaten at home by Swansea and West Ham, still haven't scored from a set piece, still haven't won away, still haven't come from behind.


We're absolutely rotten. No matter how utterly awful we are, you can guarantee someone will come and tell you that you're too "negative". Had an entire season of it when we went down and yet folk never learn.

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Another one where I come in from the match happy and read depressing shit on here. Suppose I've only got myself to blame.


We bossed the entire game from beginning to end, and we didn't hoof it. We lacked imagination in the final third, our inability to hurt them was really frustrating at times. Then again we did get a decent number of crosses across the box, albeit not great ones.


If Cabaye and HBA had been playing we would have hammered them four or five.


Jonas has to go out and Marveaux come in. I've always been his biggest fan but he is now done. I thought we desperately needed someone with the ability to go outside and stretch the game. When Pards brought on Obertan I thought that was why, but it actually looked more like a defensive move to counter Wright Phillips.


Overall we controlled play and stayed patient for the majority of the game. Shola offered us something different up front but I think it's unfair to say we only scored because we hoofed it.


I feel really sorry for Cisse, thought for a second he was going to put that 1-2 away. Didn't deserve to come off really.


Anyway, some random thoughts!

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Another one where I come in from the match happy and read depressing s*** on here. Suppose I've only got myself to blame.


:lol: I'd feel so guilty if I put you on ignore.


Likewise mate, I've been genuinely surprised a couple of times though.


We got an absolutely vital win today when we really needed it, and when it looked at times we wouldn't manage it. I'd like to think I'm not a total mug, but I honestly didn't expect to find such negative feeling tonight.


I didn't mean anyone's opinions were shit BTW, I meant shit in the sense of stuff.

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Another one where I come in from the match happy and read depressing s*** on here. Suppose I've only got myself to blame.


:lol: I'd feel so guilty if I put you on ignore.


Likewise mate, I've been genuinely surprised a couple of times though.


We got an absolutely vital win today when we really needed it, and when it looked at times we wouldn't manage it. I'd like to think I'm not a total mug, but I honestly didn't expect to find such negative feeling tonight.


We had 1 good shot on target against as bad a team as I can remember us playing at SJP and probably the worst goalkeeper too. It was the absolute definition of papering over the cracks.

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Another one where I come in from the match happy and read depressing s*** on here. Suppose I've only got myself to blame.


:lol: I'd feel so guilty if I put you on ignore.


Likewise mate, I've been genuinely surprised a couple of times though.


We got an absolutely vital win today when we really needed it, and when it looked at times we wouldn't manage it. I'd like to think I'm not a total mug, but I honestly didn't expect to find such negative feeling tonight.


We had 1 good shot on target against as bad a team as I can remember us playing at SJP and probably the worst goalkeeper too. It was the absolute definition of papering over the cracks.


I suppose so, obviously we lacked the invention we'd all like to see. But otherwise we did OK I thought, we just had one clear weakness - the ability to cut through.


Anyway, never mind, me arguing this is largely pointless. We'll get hammered in the next couple and everyone get have proper reasons to complain.

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Another one where I come in from the match happy and read depressing shit on here. Suppose I've only got myself to blame.


The forum can fuck off tonight like. Read some embarrassing bollocks in this thread.


We looked solid without scoring for an hour. We controlled the game without dominating it: QPR were absolutely fucking dogshit and apart from that freekick in stoppage time that Krul dealt with, he did not have a single save to make. Pardew made his subs (Shola and Obertan FFS MAN BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) at the exact right time and we built up a head of steam, largely thanks to the input of those two, scored, won the game and saw it out comfortably-ish. The pleasing thing was we looked to play on the counter and grab the second goal instead of trying to sit really deep and defend 1-0.


I mean, come on. In isolation it was a professional, comfortable performance. It wasn't vintage or champagne (cue Pards: 'flat bitter') but it was good enough and that's all that counted today: we needed 3 points and we got them.


Even from the likes of Wullie, who normally is negative with good reason, the posts I've read have been absolutely fucking stinking. We won the match with relative ease, we haven't won or kept a clean sheet for fucking ages so shut yer trap and enjoy it for a change, man. Gan get some Prozac, honestly.

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