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Who would you go for?


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Just want some hope for the future. Doesn't have to be a world class manager, doesn't have to be huge spending on world class players, far from it. But the club as it stands right now needs to be gutted in all aspects, a reasonable investment made in the coaching and playing staff and most importantly a change in direction from the top. A commitment to trying our best, trying to win every competition we enter. Everyone knows we'll not win but that isn't the point and never has been.


There's simply no sign of the requisite changes happening. No hope. And that's what kills me.

Never thought I'd be jealous of Boro - but in Aitor Karanka they've a young up and coming Manager.




He's a really likeable guy as well. Same can't be said about our last 2 managers.


Tbf our only likeable managers in the last 20 years have been Keegan, Sir Bobby and Hughton, the rest have been train wrecks. It's always, always been our problem. Ashley needs to get this right and the rest can fall into place, hire someone good and give him free reign on where HE wants to take us. Don't tell him no cups, no Europe,  let him try and take the club as far as he can on whatever financial constraints he has. I don't think half of our players are as bad as they are right now, they just need a leader and direction.


Not saying this summer is the real test because I lost that hope a long time ago, but a good managerial appointment can change the face of an entire club. If it is Carver, whatever the league, I'm done.

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I'd rather give Beardsley a go than hiring someone like Steve Bruce.




I'm not suggesting Beardsely should be high up on our list. I actually think the opposite is true - he shouldn't even be on our list given the number of credible managers we could go for.

However, with Steve Bruce you know what you're getting - a mid-table (at best) average manager who has never done anything of note and can't manage talented foreign players.


At least Beardsley has the unknown factor. He might be (and probably would be) totally shit but he might turn out to be brilliant. None of us know.

I do think he'd try to play decent football though.


Steve Bruce is about as 'meh' as you can get.

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There were a few national journalists on 5 Live yesterday morning talking about Bruce and they basically admitted that he gets an easier ride because he's affable, funny and a nice bloke to them. Tells you everything you need to know really.

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A likely 3 years of compensation due if we get Fatty Bruce, thankfully that rules him out.


Not when he is sacked if Hull go down.

Free and available.


They've already said they won't sack him even if they go down

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