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Tottenham Hotspur vs. Newcastle United - 09/02/13 @ 12:45pm (Live on Sky)

Fenham Mag

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Good chance of winning this, however I think the manner of the win over Chelsea has overshadowed the fact that they had a number of very good chances to finish us off after their 2nd goal, so I'm not 100% confident about our defense atm and think both teams will have good chances to score. So I'll predict a 3-1 win for whichever team takes those chances.

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Adebayor available for them.


knew would be, was clinging o hope he wouldn't tho :(


We'll see. He's back, but who knows (a) how fit/ready to play he is (b) if AVB will give him a kick up the arse and not start him. I'll not be convinced until I see him out on that pitch.

The Mirror this morning reckon he ain't back and Bale will play as a lone striker cos Dempsey has just got back from Honduras???????


This may come back to bite me, but I can't see Bale operating well as a lone striker.

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Why would you do that.


Still not completely sure what you're asking, but I don't think Bale can do well as a lone striker because that position is all about making the best of limited space (often with your back to goal). Bale causes havoc when there's space for him to run into.

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Niall Quinn co-commenator  :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish:






I'm not one for sending official complaints but I am gonna send one about this.

please don't, it's a very mackem, small time, thing to do.


Nah that would be organising every one to do it en mass.

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