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Alan Pardew


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One of the saddest things about this whole Telegraph split stuff is that Pardew has a ready made excuse when we get battered at West Ham


"we was distracted by all the nonesense from the media and that affected us today I felt"


Jesus man, this point has been done to death and is really idiotic.

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One of the saddest things about this whole Telegraph split stuff is that Pardew has a ready made excuse when we get battered at West Ham


"we was distracted by all the nonesense from the media and that affected us today I felt"


Jesus man, this point has been done to death and is really idiotic.


Except it's definitely not, because it will 100% be mentioned if we lose.

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One of the saddest things about this whole Telegraph split stuff is that Pardew has a ready made excuse when we get battered at West Ham


"we was distracted by all the nonesense from the media and that affected us today I felt"


Jesus man, this point has been done to death and is really idiotic.


Except it's definitely not, because it will 100% be mentioned if we lose.


It's just irrelevant though, if we lose it doesn't matter what he says. We know he talks bollocks.


The 'when we get battered' was probably what got me.

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One of the saddest things about this whole Telegraph split stuff is that Pardew has a ready made excuse when we get battered at West Ham


"we was distracted by all the nonesense from the media and that affected us today I felt"


Jesus man, this point has been done to death and is really idiotic.


Except it's definitely not, because it will 100% be mentioned if we lose.


:thup: Ian still having the nerve to do his forum police routine after all that's happened.  Nicest bloke on the forum.  Aye.

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One of the saddest things about this whole Telegraph split stuff is that Pardew has a ready made excuse when we get battered at West Ham

"we was distracted by all the nonesense from the media and that affected us today I felt"


Jesus man, this point has been done to death and is really idiotic.


Except it's definitely not, because it will 100% be mentioned if we lose.


Jesus Christ this is pure incompetence.

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101 pages in 5 days must be some kind of record  :lol:

The Ben Arfa thread runs it close. All we need now is Mourinho jumping on a plane, getting his picture taken at Newcastle airport, and staying in a local hotel without permission.
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One of the saddest things about this whole Telegraph split stuff is that Pardew has a ready made excuse when we get battered at West Ham


"we was distracted by all the nonesense from the media and that affected us today I felt"


Jesus man, this point has been done to death and is really idiotic.


Except it's definitely not, because it will 100% be mentioned if we lose.


It's just irrelevant though, if we lose it doesn't matter what he says. We know he talks bollocks.


The 'when we get battered' was probably what got me.


Well if it doesn't matter then why the hell are you so bothered?  It's like any criticism of Pardew hurts you, that's how it comes across. :lol:


I'm off to bed, so I'll be answering no questions etc. :lol: Was just saying.

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For those of you who don’t know, that is the motto of Newcastle United. It’s Latin, and translates to “Triumphing by brave defense” which is ironic considering the pitiful surrender from ours against Liverpool. However, the motto was only adopted by the club.


The brave defense referred to in the city’s motto makes sense, because Newcastle upon Tyne grew up as a walled city to protect us from our enemies. These days there isn’t a lot left of the old city walls, but the motto remains true.


We Geordies come under fire all too often. We’re stereotyped by anyone south of scotch corner as alcoholic simpletons who fight all the time and are sexist and homophobic (and friendly??) The press love to have a go. They hate us, and it’s obvious. If United are doing well you can bet they’ll conjure up lies to destabilise us. If we’re struggling they’ll kick us when we’re down, with bollocks like this:


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ sport/football/teams/ newcastle-united/10026476/ Newcastle-United-manager-Alan- Pardew-sees-position-at-St- James-Park-put-in-peril-by- dressing-room-split.html


And yet we remain. The indomitable toon army. Incapable of being overcome, subdued or vanquished. We pack out our ground every game and we rack up more miles than anyone else travelling the length and breadth of the country to support our team. We look after each other up here, to hell with anything further right. It’s our way and we’re happy with it.


And so the question I have to ask is “Do you love your football club?” I would hope the answer is yes, because despite the awful season we’ve had domestically it would take a pretty badly stung mag to have no love left for Newcastle. And right now they need us.


4 years ago I attended a supporters club meeting at the Irish centre. I’ll never forget the way every head turned to me as I was given the microphone. The point I made then is the same one I’m making now. Hopefully the consequences we suffered in 2009 will be enough to persuade people to take heed this time, because we didn’t last time.


Our club needs us. Your club needs you. We stand divided, bickering amongst ourselves as our team slides down the league and the press gleefully watch on. We’re p*ssed off, and to be fair its understandable. We’ve been poor, but that isn’t important. There is only one thing that matters now. Supporting our team. We can’t afford not to, (literally, given the financial implications of relegation.) Almost all of us now know the bitter taste of relegation, and it isn’t nice.


Its all about mindset. On paper we have a team very capable of 3 wins. But they’re not performing because their heads have dropped. We have to change that. We have to support them. And the gaffer. Some of you may not like Alan Pardew, but its too late to replace him now, and its foolish to suggest otherwise. We have to lift our team and ourselves, and not just on match day.


This begins now. Take to the internet, to the forums and Facebook and Twitter in particular. Let the players know we’re still right behind them. Overwhelm them with messages of support and praise. Let’s see if we can get #howaythelads trending. Get yourself down to the pub and spread the word. We have to stop trying to figure out where things have been going wrong and who is to blame and instead decide how we can improve and who the next hero will be. We are the 12th man. We can make a difference. Now it’s over to you.


Howay The Lads.




What a load of sentimental chest thumping bollocks.

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I agree with your view to a certain extent but I also agree with the point that it is time to try to be positive. There will be plenty of time to be negative if we get relegated. One of my criticisms of Pardew is his recent negative words e.g. "I think we've got enough quality to avoid relegation". Roberto Martinez comes out with stuff like "I know we will not get relegated". In our situation positive thinking is a lot more helpful than negative thinking. I can't see Pardew keeping his job even if we stay up (unless we put in 3 great, winning performances in over the last 3 games and he comes up with amazing reasons for Ashley not to sack him) so there is little to be gained at the moment debating his future.

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We’re stereotyped by anyone south of scotch corner as alcoholic simpletons who fight all the time and are sexist and homophobic (and friendly??)


:dontknow: Did I miss something...is this not accurate?

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It will soon be time to put up the poll "Will Pardew be dismissed by the club at the end of the season?" I think the answers no irrespective of whether we are relegated or not. I'm sure that thought will cheer you all up.

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I agree with your view to a certain extent but I also agree with the point that it is time to try to be positive. There will be plenty of time to be negative if we get relegated. One of my criticisms of Pardew is his recent negative words e.g. "I think we've got enough quality to avoid relegation". Roberto Martinez comes out with stuff like "I know we will not get relegated". In our situation positive thinking is a lot more helpful than negative thinking. I can't see Pardew keeping his job even if we stay up (unless we put in 3 great, winning performances in over the last 3 games and he comes up with amazing reasons for Ashley not to sack him) so there is little to be gained at the moment debating his future.


I’ve seen this club get relegated enough times now to know that our supports will not make the slightest bit of difference to how we get on.  If it did then we would have never been relegated at any time because the club is supported as well as any team in the league and better than most.


If our support was going to make the slightest bit of difference we wouldn't have just come out of 2 massive home games with no points and a minus 9 goal difference.  If our support made a difference our trophy cabinet would be full of silver shiny things instead of dust.


It's bollocks and so was what he's said about the championship.  I enjoyed the championship a lot more than I have enjoyed this season.

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The Championship was crap.


The quality and reffing was frequently terrible. Winning it by a landslide and visiting a load of different grounds was a hoot. There's only one of those statements I can guarantee would still be the same.

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The Championship was crap.


Winning games was far more enjoyable that losing games has been this season.


Each to their own I suppose - but I didn't enjoy it much.  Yeah, it was nice winning, but I'd rather be bottom half of the Premiership than top of the Championship.  Beating teams like Doncaster and Preston loses any appeal after the second week.

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Each to their own I suppose - but I didn't enjoy it much.  Yeah, it was nice winning, but I'd rather be bottom half of the Premiership than top of the Championship.  Beating teams like Doncaster and Preston loses any appeal after the second week.


Being 1 place above relegation with 3 games to go doesn't have any appeal in the slightest.

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