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Thing is, for every game we've come sharp out of the traps, this guy and turgid/archaic approach negates the lot as we sit on a 1-0 lead if we're lucky. He'll then spout some shite about progressive 'front foot football' (?) and some people swallow it. For that reason I can't be confident, no matter how good a squad it looks on paper.

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Guest Dontooner

Incredible how Pardew still has the job, Other managers would have being sacked by now. Goes to show how important PR skills are in the real world. Not sure how far his finger is up Derek L's Ass but he is definitely sticking it to him.

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Incredible how Pardew still has the job, Other managers would have being sacked by now. Goes to show how important PR skills are in the real world. Not sure how far his finger is up Derek L's Ass but he is definitely sticking it to him.


Currently speed-bag training with DL's tonsils round about now.

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Guest icemanblue

He has to go for making us want these horrible cunts to win.




This isn't intentionally directed at you, but these kind of posts tickle me. You're so angry with him that you're forced to type in capitals on the Internet! Gallows humour, I guess.

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Pardew is doing a remarkable job of lowering expectations and he's cheap. The club is back in the top 20 of world football in terms of revenue and despite the horrible stuff on show the ground is full every other week. I don't doubt the club are feeling a bit nervous at present but if we'd won just two more games we'd be 9th and they'd be fucking ecstatic with him tbh.


He's going nowhere.


The shite he's dishing up will soon put an end to the sell out crowds if he does stay.


The anticipated drop in revenue with Pardew as manager next season is our best chance of getting rid of him imo. The bottom line is the one thing that Ashley understands, and he will be ruthless to protect it. I hope!

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Stats until the end of jan


Goals scored per game: 1.29

Goals conceided per game 1.75


Stats since start of Feb (after adding 3 defenders to the team, and 2 attacking players)


Goals scored per game 1.09

Goals conceided in a game 2.18


The stats were shit before the transfer window. Worse than shit now.


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He has to go for making us want these horrible cunts to win.




Agreed. This is how low this absolute fucking inept cunt has made us sink. Fuck the fuck off.

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To be fair, it looks better before February because of the first couple months of the season, which were average. Between October and mid-Jan was utterly horrendous.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Big fan of the American Sports is Pardew. He's really taken the 'D-FENCE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS' mentality to heart.

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The defensive teams that win championships over here actually put up masterclass defensive performances and find a way to score. Therefore we'd have an strong positive goal differential and one of the best defenses in the league, barely conceding any goals.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

The every lasting impression of this season for me was Alan Pardew's 'No more goals' command after we scored an equaliser against Arsenal... which resulted in the other team scoring a ton of goals.

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Guest Dontooner

Looks like Villa has some good Premier League Experience in the squad and we are realy lacking it seems.

What a load of bull shit

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