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Penniless footballer Nile Ranger goes to war with Blackpool to get out of £150-a-week contract


The rebel claims to have been left skint after his basic £150-a-week wage and a £33-a-minute playing bonus was reduced following the Tangerines' relegation

Nile Ranger is at war with Blackpool to get out of his low-paid contract after an astonishing series of snubs which have left him broke.


The striker, 24, finally returned to training this week only to be immediately bombed out by new boss Neil McDonald.


Ranger was then also thrown out of the club's hotel despite Blackpool originally promising him a week's free accommodation.


Blackpool have made it clear they want rid despite taking up an option this summer to extend his contract after Ranger went AWOL last November.


But Ranger claims to have been left virtually penniless after his basic £150-a-week wage and a £33-a-minute playing bonus was reduced after relegation


The striker has also recently been mourning the death of two pals, including musician Lukey Maxwell, in London in separate stabbing incidents.


Ranger even had to ask League One Blackpool for an advance just to pay his petrol money to drive back to the club from the capital this week.


But his request was denied and despite their actions, Blackpool still retain his registration as they hold out for a fee for him.


It the latest row at the Bloomfield Road club where chairman Karl Oyston is serving a six-week FA ban for misconduct.


Ranger was determined to make a go of it at Blackpool this term after fitness training with fellow striker Carlton Cole and other athletes.


A source told MirrorSport: “Blackpool took up the option to extend his contract for a year which they didn't have to do.


“Now they have told him he will not play for them again and to find another club.


“The manager has told him to go home as he will not be in his plans this season.”


Ranger agreed a cheap deal with Blackpool last term in a bid to play again after being sacked by Swindon.

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Penniless footballer Nile Ranger goes to war with Blackpool to get out of £150-a-week contract


The rebel claims to have been left skint after his basic £150-a-week wage and a £33-a-minute playing bonus was reduced following the Tangerines' relegation

Nile Ranger is at war with Blackpool to get out of his low-paid contract after an astonishing series of snubs which have left him broke.


The striker, 24, finally returned to training this week only to be immediately bombed out by new boss Neil McDonald.


Ranger was then also thrown out of the club's hotel despite Blackpool originally promising him a week's free accommodation.


Blackpool have made it clear they want rid despite taking up an option this summer to extend his contract after Ranger went AWOL last November.


But Ranger claims to have been left virtually penniless after his basic £150-a-week wage and a £33-a-minute playing bonus was reduced after relegation


The striker has also recently been mourning the death of two pals, including musician Lukey Maxwell, in London in separate stabbing incidents.


Ranger even had to ask League One Blackpool for an advance just to pay his petrol money to drive back to the club from the capital this week.


But his request was denied and despite their actions, Blackpool still retain his registration as they hold out for a fee for him.


It the latest row at the Bloomfield Road club where chairman Karl Oyston is serving a six-week FA ban for misconduct.


Ranger was determined to make a go of it at Blackpool this term after fitness training with fellow striker Carlton Cole and other athletes.


A source told MirrorSport: “Blackpool took up the option to extend his contract for a year which they didn't have to do.


“Now they have told him he will not play for them again and to find another club.


“The manager has told him to go home as he will not be in his plans this season.”


Ranger agreed a cheap deal with Blackpool last term in a bid to play again after being sacked by Swindon.

Deserves it all. Has had it coming for a long time.
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Penniless footballer Nile Ranger goes to war with Blackpool to get out of £150-a-week contract


The rebel claims to have been left skint after his basic £150-a-week wage and a £33-a-minute playing bonus was reduced following the Tangerines' relegation

Nile Ranger is at war with Blackpool to get out of his low-paid contract after an astonishing series of snubs which have left him broke.


The striker, 24, finally returned to training this week only to be immediately bombed out by new boss Neil McDonald.


Ranger was then also thrown out of the club's hotel despite Blackpool originally promising him a week's free accommodation.


Blackpool have made it clear they want rid despite taking up an option this summer to extend his contract after Ranger went AWOL last November.


But Ranger claims to have been left virtually penniless after his basic £150-a-week wage and a £33-a-minute playing bonus was reduced after relegation


The striker has also recently been mourning the death of two pals, including musician Lukey Maxwell, in London in separate stabbing incidents.


Ranger even had to ask League One Blackpool for an advance just to pay his petrol money to drive back to the club from the capital this week.


But his request was denied and despite their actions, Blackpool still retain his registration as they hold out for a fee for him.


It the latest row at the Bloomfield Road club where chairman Karl Oyston is serving a six-week FA ban for misconduct.


Ranger was determined to make a go of it at Blackpool this term after fitness training with fellow striker Carlton Cole and other athletes.


A source told MirrorSport: “Blackpool took up the option to extend his contract for a year which they didn't have to do.


“Now they have told him he will not play for them again and to find another club.


“The manager has told him to go home as he will not be in his plans this season.”


Ranger agreed a cheap deal with Blackpool last term in a bid to play again after being sacked by Swindon.

Deserves it all. Has had it coming for a long time.


Could not have happened to a nicer bloke.

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Penniless footballer Nile Ranger goes to war with Blackpool to get out of £150-a-week contract


The rebel claims to have been left skint after his basic £150-a-week wage and a £33-a-minute playing bonus was reduced following the Tangerines' relegation

Nile Ranger is at war with Blackpool to get out of his low-paid contract after an astonishing series of snubs which have left him broke.


The striker, 24, finally returned to training this week only to be immediately bombed out by new boss Neil McDonald.


Ranger was then also thrown out of the club's hotel despite Blackpool originally promising him a week's free accommodation.


Blackpool have made it clear they want rid despite taking up an option this summer to extend his contract after Ranger went AWOL last November.


But Ranger claims to have been left virtually penniless after his basic £150-a-week wage and a £33-a-minute playing bonus was reduced after relegation


The striker has also recently been mourning the death of two pals, including musician Lukey Maxwell, in London in separate stabbing incidents.


Ranger even had to ask League One Blackpool for an advance just to pay his petrol money to drive back to the club from the capital this week.


But his request was denied and despite their actions, Blackpool still retain his registration as they hold out for a fee for him.


It the latest row at the Bloomfield Road club where chairman Karl Oyston is serving a six-week FA ban for misconduct.


Ranger was determined to make a go of it at Blackpool this term after fitness training with fellow striker Carlton Cole and other athletes.


A source told MirrorSport: “Blackpool took up the option to extend his contract for a year which they didn't have to do.


“Now they have told him he will not play for them again and to find another club.


“The manager has told him to go home as he will not be in his plans this season.”


Ranger agreed a cheap deal with Blackpool last term in a bid to play again after being sacked by Swindon.

Deserves it all. Has had it coming for a long time.


Could not have happened to a nicer bloke.

Yep just wasted what talent he had, cant see another club having a punt on him.

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I know Luke Edwards is sometimes a bit of a tool but I completely agree despite the sour grapes angle - this prefered media partner business is bad for the fans and the fact the club wants to control the media output through this method - rather than say through positive actions speaks volumes about the pathetic pettiness of all those involved in the media relations of the club


Mike Ashley’s eight-year stewardship of Newcastle United has been defined by a soul-sapping lack of ambition, a complete disregard for one of the country’s most passionate set of supporters, and persistent use of the club as a vehicle to promote his own interests. His reign should serve as a warning to others of the damage that can be done to a club’s reputation and status by mismanagement in the boardroom.



It is a newspaper’s ability to say things like this and it is why Newcastle and Ashley have gone to extreme lengths to try to control what is written about them this season. Newcastle have banned more reporters than any other club since 2007 – this newspaper included – for writing things that they did not like but this has now been supplemented by a new, more insidious tactic that has led to what appears to be the creation of the Premier League’s first “preferred media partners”.



When the new head coach, Steve McClaren, was unveiled in June, Newcastle only allowed him to speak to their in-house “journalists” and those deemed friendly to the regime, Sky Sports and the Daily Mirror, who have become the first national newspaper to enter into a commercial agreement with a Premier League club in order to obtain exclusive access.



When asked at a subsequent fans’ forum why they had adopted such a restrictive approach, managing director Lee Charnley admitted it was to “control and reinforce the positive messages the club wished to deliver”. It is a “worrying” trend according to the Football Supporters Federation and one the Premier League claims it is powerless to stop. Only Newcastle are trying to tamper with the principle of free access in return for free publicity, but other clubs are watching closely.


“When access to players or club officials is dependent upon money or a guarantee of favourable reporting, it stops those in power from having to face independent scrutiny,” said a spokesman for the FSF. “An objective and independent press is vital, and is often the only way that fans can find out the truth about what’s going on at their clubs.”


Rather than deal with an independent press that has the ability to criticise, as well as praise – as Newcastle were lavishly when they finished fifth in 2012 – Ashley has created a situation where only those media organisations who have paid for access receive meaningful cooperation from their press office.


McClaren has, against his wishes, been told he will only be allowed to do the minimum required by the Premier League in terms of speaking to non-rights holding media, both before and after games. Press conferences for the written press are restricted to 10 minutes. Requests to interview Newcastle players are declined, with only the Mirror and other rights holders (companies that have paid to cover the games) allowed to speak to team members.


Newspapers have always been able to report on football free from the constraints imposed by commercial contracts, which tie organisations together for mutual financial benefit. Within the tight constraints of libel law, newspapers can print any story they deem to be in the public interest and say what they want about people in football, just as they can any other individual or company. They can write nice things about players, managers and owners, but they can also hold them to account when things go wrong.


"Preferred media partners" have gained exclusive, and expensive, levels of access 


There is no hidden anti-Ashley agenda, as some in the Newcastle boardroom have claimed. Newcastle have been criticised because they have underperformed consistently since Ashley took charge in 2007. Ashley’s motives have been questioned because he has made so many bad decisions. The coverage has been negative because their own supporters were so angry and disillusioned, they spent virtually all of last season protesting against both the manager and owner.


The same things happen in America, yet all the major sports recognise the importance of independent media coverage. It is the best way to promote their product, give exposure to sponsors and engage with supporters daily. An open-door policy is enshrined. Indeed, players in the NFL are fined if they refuse interview requests. The governing body even has the power to impose match bans. That is not a power shared by the Premier League. Although conditions of access are guaranteed under a collective agreement, the right of access is not. In theory, clubs could ban every newspaper from their press box and press conferences, granting access solely to their preferred media partners. That is why Newcastle’s behaviour is dangerous.


Football supporters should be alarmed, even if they have little sympathy for newspapers like this one that have been excluded from Newcastle games and press conferences for almost a year.


The suspicion is clubs are starting to resent newspapers because they do not want you to read a match report written by someone independent, someone who questions the tactics of the manager and the performances and commitment of the players.


They do not want you to read why the decision to sell their star striker and not buy a replacement was stupid. They do not want you to read about who they are trying to sign before they have managed to sign them. They do not want you to read an interview with a player in a newspaper because they want you to buy a subscription to their website or television channel instead, no matter how restricted the line of questioning is. They do not want you to know they are about to sack their manager and they certainly do not want any scandals emerging that make a nonsense of the positive front-of-house spin contained in their own publications.


Journalists are not universally liked or respected, but supporters should ask themselves this: Do you only want to know what a football club want you to know, or do you also want to read things they would prefer you did not? If newspapers are excluded, or sign a contract in return for access, they will be restricted in what they can report. Newcastle’s behaviour suggests they still fear proper scrutiny, even though things look more positive than they did two months ago.


“This just seems unnecessarily antagonistic,” said Michael Martin, chairman of the Newcastle United Supporters Trust, when asked about Newcastle’s attempt only to cooperate with media partners. “To not have all the local media and journalists there [at manager and player unveilings] makes them look like a club that does not even know where their supporters are from. It looks like a club that has no idea what it is doing, it is clumsy and shows what a daft football club it is. We were told things were going to change, that there would be better communication and more transparency, but this suggests nothing has changed at all.”


Newcastle’s determination to push newspapers away is all the more strange because they had a chance this summer to launch a new era in a blaze of good news stories. Having promised to invest heavily following a third needless battle against relegation in six years, Newcastle have signed Holland international Georginio Wijnaldum, promising Serbian striker Aleksandar Mitrovic and his exciting former Anderlecht team-mate, defender Chancel Mbemba.


Three exciting new signings have arrived, such as defender Mbemba


You do not need to be a media partner to argue the trio – who cost in excess of £30 million – represent a far higher calibre of player than Newcastle’s recent forays into the transfer market. While more work needs to be done, over a prolonged period, if they are really going to become – as Ashley has suddenly claimed he wants them to be – a top-eight force capable of not only winning a domestic cup competition, but also playing in Europe regularly, it is encouraging.


There is only cautious optimism at this stage, but clubs need to remember newspapers prefer to celebrate success than complain about failure, because more people read positive stories than negative ones. However, it is only right that newspapers are also allowed to criticise without fear of exclusion. It is only right they can publish stories that do not always paint the individuals concerned in a positive light. It is a fundamental principle of free speech.


More people get their news from newspapers, whether in print or online, than any other source because it is not sanitised, controlled or written with the permission of those in power. But will a “preferred media partner” hold Ashley and Newcastle to account if they do not continue to live up to the bold promises made at the end of last season?


Will they ask the difficult questions of Ashley, Charnley and McClaren if things go wrong; if key players are again sold and not replaced, or if a weakened team is played in a cup competition?


Will they protest if Ashley, as he has done before, changes the name of St James’ Park to the name of his sport shop? Will they expose hypocrisy or misleading public declarations? Will they expose players who no longer want to play for a club? Will they continue, as newspapers did long before any of the Premier League rights holders last season, to cover the sort of protests that allowed Newcastle supporters to show their displeasure at the way their club was being run?



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I'm not sure the cunts lining their own pockets at Blackpool beat and rape women for a few giggles, like.

I'm going to be perfectly honest here and admit the fact he beat up lasses and raped someone (?) has somehow passed me by. I thought he was just a bellend tbh.

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