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Still Not Worthy Of A Thread


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Ten years ago today, Marc Vivien Foé collapsed in the centre circle during a Confederations Cup semifinal and was taken from this world less than an hour later. Though I was only 13 at the time, I vividly remember watching that match and seeing the replays of Foe as he lied on the pitch. What struck me at the time was his eyes. They were lifeless, as though his soul had already left. You hoped he would recover, but from the moment you saw his eyes you knew that the situation was incredibly serious. However, those we have lost should not be remembered for the nature of their demise, but the nature of how they lived. Foé was like so many of the players from the Cameroon sides of the late 90s and early 2000's in that he truly embodied the form of an Indomitable Lion through his sheer physicality, aggressiveness and sheer will. That was a great team and they inflicted one of our greatest defeats in the 2000 ACN final in Lagos. I recall Foé missing a kick to give them the title, but it was still theirs in the end. It was a dominant side that inspire respect much more than hatred from bitter rivals, and Marc was one of the catalysts.


I just really cannot fathom that it was ten years ago. This makes me feel old in the sense of how much time has passed, but at the same time makes me feel young because it seems like it happened last week. From all that I saw of him as a player, and all that we have learned about the generosity of his personal life posthumously, it is just a shame that we only given twenty-eight years of him. I hope he is resting well.


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Always liked him as a player and pretty sure I touted him as a potential signing somewhere on the net (can't believe it was 10 years ago!).


Hope you are resting in peace Marc Vivien Foé .



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watched an hour long HD video of all 1998 world cup goals....15 years ago, but I remember it like yesterday (Despite being 7 at the time)


It actually feels it's not the same sport anymore.


Salas-Zamorano, Laudrup brothers, Desally/Blanc/Lizarazu/Thuram, and BERTIE FUCKING VOGTS managing Germany.


Christian Vieri though. extremely under-rated player. Best Italian striker of the last couple of decades.

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Guest Roger Kint

watched an hour long HD video of all 1998 world cup goals....15 years ago, but I remember it like yesterday (Despite being 7 at the time)


It actually feels it's not the same sport anymore.


Salas-Zamorano, Laudrup brothers, Desally/Blanc/Lizarazu/Thuram, and BERTIE FUCKING VOGTS managing Germany.


Christian Vieri though. extremely under-rated player. Best Italian striker of the last couple of decades.


I bought a dvd pack for about £5 on ebay someone had put together. Was the official goals videos of 86, 90, 94, 98. They were miles better tournaments than the more recent ones.

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Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher joins former Manchester United captain Gary Neville in the new look MNF studio on Monday nights.




Good luck listening to that squeaky cunt.

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Guest reefatoon

anyone have this ball?  :drool:




That is just asking to be kicked.

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From an interview over at fifa.com.


I've cried, suffered a lot and I've had many nights where I've slept only a little bit and badly. I am a 'Madridista' through and through, but more important than me is the club.


Poor lad, Mou probably beat him up after training  :'(

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