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Still Not Worthy Of A Thread


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Guest firetotheworks

Isn't TCD a forrin?  Possibly KI would like to elaborate on the point in that language.


Pretty sure this is an English forum that he's on, not a foreign language forum that I'm on.


And so you expect perfect grammar and writing?  Your time must be full going through all these threads picking up on minor mistakes.  Unless you're just being a dick to one person in particular of course.  No, you wouldn't be that small and petty, right?


No, I absolutely would be actually. I go through threads, full stop. It's not like you have to go far to find a TCD post, or a TCD post with 'where' and 'were' mixed up, nor am I the first one to mention it. Obviously it's just me though, because I'm the only TCD disliking grammar Nazi on N-O. :lol:

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Isn't TCD a forrin?  Possibly KI would like to elaborate on the point in that language.


Pretty sure this is an English forum that he's on, not a foreign language forum that I'm on.


And so you expect perfect grammar and writing?  Your time must be full going through all these threads picking up on minor mistakes.  Unless you're just being a dick to one person in particular of course.  No, you wouldn't be that small and petty, right?


KI's the worst.



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Guest firetotheworks

Again, I'm not the first or even the second or third person to have mentioned it. Nor am I arguing, I'm openly mocking.

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You oughtn't be bringing up awards then like you didn't place or show in any of those categories, or win a few of your own :lol:




The College Dropout

Kid Icarus

First Place
  • Worst Football Poster
  • Most Boring Poster
  • Poster You wish would get in the sea

  • Most deteriorated poster
  • Planet Soft Cunt

Second Place
  • Donald Trump Award

  • Worst Chat Poster
  • Most Overrated Poster

Third Place
  • Poster You'd Least Like To Meet

  • Most Boring Poster
  • Poster You Wish Would Get In The Sea





Maybe the takeaway is everyone could stand to chill out a little :)


edit: takeaway #2 - best use of table tags should be a category.

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Guest firetotheworks

Not really, I completely agree that I'm probably the most deteriorated poster and all of the other places I ended up in. I have no problem with admitting that.

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This was discussed a few days ago. You don't go to jail in Spain for a first offence, if it's less than 2 years of prison time.


The article is crap, I guess they didn't bother checking how our legal system works.

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This was discussed a few days ago. You don't go to jail in Spain for a first offence, if it's less than 2 years of prison time.


The article is crap, I guess they didn't bother checking how our legal system works.


Missed that one, cheers VI :thup: tbf if you have that kind of money there's always a way out in most corrupt legal systems

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This was discussed a few days ago. You don't go to jail in Spain for a first offence, if it's less than 2 years of prison time.


The article is crap, I guess they didn't bother checking how our legal system works.


It also seems that sending him to jail for tax evasion would be pretty stupid considering he's probably outsourced all that shit to a licensed tax accountant.


You might as well lock up the patient for malpractice when a surgeon has cut their wrong leg off.


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