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RIP Joe Kinnear (1946–2024)


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I wouldn't be surprised if he starts conducting the post match interviews once the season starts.


He won't be hiding from the spotlight you can guarantee that. Expect weekly interviews and possibly even Kinnear being in the dug out.

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I wouldn't be surprised if he starts conducting the post match interviews once the season starts.


I hadn't even thought about this :scared: Can really see him over-stepping his 'duties' and thinking he's the manager. He already seems to any way.

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He must be suffering from dementia, man.


In all seriousness I wouldn't be surprised if there are mental health issues with the bloke - he can't simply be just this thick can he?

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The media obviously love the circus, so next time they interview him, why don't they have a producer with Wikipedia open and a line to the interviewer's earpiece?


"When I took Luton to the semi-final, that was through..."


You never took Luton to a semi-final.



Would be much more fun to see him actually challenged on stuff there and then.

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The media obviously love the circus, so next time they interview him, why don't they have a producer with Wikipedia open and a line to the interviewer's earpiece?


"When I took Luton to the semi-final, that was through..."


You never took Luton to a semi-final.



Would be much more fun to see him actually challenged on stuff there and then.


:lol: :lol: :lol:


I'd pay to watch this to be honest. Pay subscription for a month just to see this one interview.

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There are 7,000,000,000 people on this planet and 6,999,999,999 think that Joe Kinnear is a dinosaur who has no place in top flight football. What are the chances that the one person who thinks otherwise just happens to own a premier league club?


If we divide 7 billion by twenty does that give us the actual figure? 350,000,000? That's got to be like winning the lottery two weeks in a row. Which just about sums up our fortunes as a club. We can go decades without winning a trophy, when even Boro get one and Wigan win the FA cup, just turning up you should win something eventually except we never do. Yet we can pull of the greatest feat of improbability in sports history by hiring this trainwreck of a man.

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Guest pont-toon

I wouldn't be surprised if he starts conducting the post match interviews once the season starts.


Wouldnt surprise me if he conducted a post match interview before a match started tbh

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Guest bimpy474

There are 7,000,000,000 people on this planet and 6,999,999,999 think that Joe Kinnear is a dinosaur who has no place in top flight football. What are the chances that the one person who thinks otherwise just happens to own a premier league club?


If we divide 7 billion by twenty does that give us the actual figure? 350,000,000? That's got to be like winning the lottery two weeks in a row. Which just about sums up our fortunes as a club. We can go decades without winning a trophy, when even Boro get one and Wigan win the FA cup, just turning up you should win something eventually except we never do. Yet we can pull of the greatest feat of improbability in sports history by hiring this trainwreck of a man.


Whoa there egghead.  :icon_scratch:

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Guest bimpy474

7 billion people divided by twenty premier league owners, is that right? My maths is shocking.


I was hoping someone might get the Simpsons quote tbh :lol:

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BBC to schedule Newcastle United as light entertainment


THE BBC’s coverage of Newcastle United’s 2013-14 season has been transferred to the department running variety shows and situation comedy.


Following Joe Kinnear’s appointment as ‘director of football’ the corporation decided that for Newcastle to appear on Match of the Day alongside serious teams, wold be ‘incongruous’.


Instead the club’s farcical adventures will will go out 8.30 on Wednesday nights as ‘Kinnear a Minute’ with a laugh track and Ronnie Hazlehurst-style theme tune.


A Geordie will provide a voiceover as we follow Kinnear’s bumbling antics.


Other characters will include Alan Pardew, who will act as dreary, grey sidekick to Kinnear and Mike Ashley, the club owner, who according to a BBC source would be like ‘Captain Mainwaring, or some other fat oaf with appalling judgement’.


Storylines include Kinnear accidentally turning up on his first day at Nottingham Forest’s ground after forgetting he was sacked by them in 2004, as well as repeated attempts to sign Kevin Keegan as a striker.


Kinnear will also insist that winger Jonas Gutierrez is former Argentine dictator General Galtieri, before dragging him to the Hague and demanding they prosecute him for war crimes.


In one episode he will mistake himself for the late actor, Roy Kinnear.


Meanwhile, Mark Lawrenson will make a guest appearance as The Man Who Says ‘Not’.

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Guest chicken little

just took a quick trip back to pg. 77 - i dunno. i'm so disenchanted and discouraged and other dis- words about it all that there's a little snidey little bastard in the back of my mind that's really looking forward to next season on account of it is obviously going to be an absolutely fucking mind-bending trip.







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Feck me, my brain is so fried with all this. I think I have lost the plot and decided to join the mad hatters tea party. It is so beyond ridiculous there is nothing left to do but laugh.


Can someone not gag him. I could possibly cope with this fucking dreadful situation if he wasn't spouting off making him and us look even more stupid every five minutes.

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He's certainly done a great job of taking the spotlight away from Pardew's abysmal performance last season.


This. His disastrous management is second to Kinnears shenanigans. It's actually been nice to  :anguish: because of someone else for a while.


Unless something drastically unexpected happens in the next 1,5 month, we're in for one hell of a season. Not because we have bad players, but because the club and fans will be in turmoil from minute one. They're as important factors as the playing staff.

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Really don't know what I can add to what's already been said on here.

This man is going to drive me so mad, I'll not even know what to do with myself.


It's almost as if he's doing a parody of himself now just for shits and giggles.




Seriously, read that again and then take a moment, and really think about that for a while.


My mind boggles  :(



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