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RIP Joe Kinnear (1946–2024)


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I wonder if there's legs in the story that Derek backed Pardew, when Ashley wanted him gone. Perhaps Mike's now lashing out from a position of insecurity? Putting his man in the mix, to prevent having to make a payout to dispose of, at least, two members of staff?


It's plausible.


Posted something similar on the previous page. Then I read JFK's comments in the Chronicle which imply that Llambias is onside with this. Mind you I question my sanity at attaching credence to any comments by JFK. I am struggling to understand this but can only come to the conclusion that it is Ashley playing games to ruffle feathers - but whose? There are theories around that he has done this to p1ss the fanbase off but I am not buying that. His targets are AP, DL or both.     


It's as clear as it's always been that anything Kinnear says is pure fantasy. He's Ashley's man on the ground here, like. I'm absolutely convinced he is. Something is massively amiss in the boardroom. There were a few separate stories last year about a fallout between Ashley and Llambias, which were dismissed at the time. That, coupled with the stories of the disagreement over whether to stick with Pards, has resulted in our current plight.


It's what all signs point to. Why would Ashley let someone come in, undermine 2 people at once, and shout so much what seem like orders and clarification? It's like he's been given a remit by Ashley to go and out and stamp this stuff down.


Why else would anyone allow such a useless old man go on and on about something such as this?


Or, he's been appointed as DOF because they want another 'football person' there, and because Ashley trusts him, and he just happens to be a gob s****?


:lol: Football Person is a bit of a stretch. If that's the case, and this is the best football man Ashley could find.... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking hell.


Trust comes above ability when it comes to Ashley's appointments though, I think we know that.

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Yeah prolly.


“What I’m saying is that I’ve got my finger in the pie halfway around the world.


“There’s no-one I can’t pick the phone up to in sports and introduce myself to and talk to them about football or any situation.”

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I'm having nightmares of Carr finding a quality player arranging everything and then Kinnear meets the player. Mispronounces his name, says something else offensive and then kills the deal.


Saying that I can't imagine there is too much difference between Kinnear and Llambias. Both slimy toads.

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I'm having nightmares of Carr finding a quality player arranging everything and then Kinnear meets the player. Mispronounces his name, says something else offensive and then kills the deal.

The mental image of him breaking out in a cold sweat over "Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang" :lol:
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I wonder if there's legs in the story that Derek backed Pardew, when Ashley wanted him gone. Perhaps Mike's now lashing out from a position of insecurity? Putting his man in the mix, to prevent having to make a payout to dispose of, at least, two members of staff?


It's plausible.


Posted something similar on the previous page. Then I read JFK's comments in the Chronicle which imply that Llambias is onside with this. Mind you I question my sanity at attaching credence to any comments by JFK. I am struggling to understand this but can only come to the conclusion that it is Ashley playing games to ruffle feathers - but whose? There are theories around that he has done this to p1ss the fanbase off but I am not buying that. His targets are AP, DL or both.     


It's as clear as it's always been that anything Kinnear says is pure fantasy. He's Ashley's man on the ground here, like. I'm absolutely convinced he is. Something is massively amiss in the boardroom. There were a few separate stories last year about a fallout between Ashley and Llambias, which were dismissed at the time. That, coupled with the stories of the disagreement over whether to stick with Pards, has resulted in our current plight.


It's what all signs point to. Why would Ashley let someone come in, undermine 2 people at once, and shout so much what seem like orders and clarification? It's like he's been given a remit by Ashley to go and out and stamp this stuff down.


Why else would anyone allow such a useless old man go on and on about something such as this?


Or, he's been appointed as DOF because they want another 'football person' there, and because Ashley trusts him, and he just happens to be a gob s****?


:lol: Football Person is a bit of a stretch. If that's the case, and this is the best football man Ashley could find.... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking hell.


Trust comes above ability when it comes to Ashley's appointments though, I think we know that.


Aye, you're right there. I honestly can't see this appointment being for football reasons more than it is control reasons, though. If he appoints people on trust over their ability in their field, then that itself would point to it being less of a football issue, or hiring a football man, and more to hiring a 'man on the ground', as Inochi said. Pretending to be a football man. Whether Ashley is aware of how little Kinnear is actually a football man in 2013 remains to be seen.

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Yeah prolly.


“What I’m saying is that I’ve got my finger in the pie halfway around the world.


“There’s no-one I can’t pick the phone up to in sports and introduce myself to and talk to them about football or any situation.”


:lol: Someone get this guy a straight jacket.


Ring ring... ring ring...



"Pep. It's Joe Kinnear, how you doing?"


"Joe Kinnear. Mr football. The guy everybody knows"

"Don't call here again"

"Pep....? Pep, you there.....?"

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I'm having nightmares of Carr finding a quality player arranging everything and then Kinnear meets the player. Mispronounces his name, says something else offensive and then kills the deal.

The mental image of him breaking out in a cold sweat over "Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang" :lol:


I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if "coloured lad" and "darky" feature prominently in his limited vocabulary.

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Timber has spoken.


Stephen Harper ‏@steveharper37 3m

Just finished @GameOfThrones, quality. Still no official confirmation of JKs arrival at SJP yet. Intriguing times at the toon #nochangethere

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Good old Harps. Clearly hasn't picked up the 'mad bantz' skills of Twitter from Barton.

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I wonder if there's legs in the story that Derek backed Pardew, when Ashley wanted him gone. Perhaps Mike's now lashing out from a position of insecurity? Putting his man in the mix, to prevent having to make a payout to dispose of, at least, two members of staff?


It's plausible.


Posted something similar on the previous page. Then I read JFK's comments in the Chronicle which imply that Llambias is onside with this. Mind you I question my sanity at attaching credence to any comments by JFK. I am struggling to understand this but can only come to the conclusion that it is Ashley playing games to ruffle feathers - but whose? There are theories around that he has done this to p1ss the fanbase off but I am not buying that. His targets are AP, DL or both.     


It's as clear as it's always been that anything Kinnear says is pure fantasy. He's Ashley's man on the ground here, like. I'm absolutely convinced he is. Something is massively amiss in the boardroom. There were a few separate stories last year about a fallout between Ashley and Llambias, which were dismissed at the time. That, coupled with the stories of the disagreement over whether to stick with Pards, has resulted in our current plight.


It's what all signs point to. Why would Ashley let someone come in, undermine 2 people at once, and shout so much what seem like orders and clarification? It's like he's been given a remit by Ashley to go and out and stamp this stuff down.


Why else would anyone allow such a useless old man go on and on about something such as this?


Or, he's been appointed as DOF because they want another 'football person' there, and because Ashley trusts him, and he just happens to be a gob s****?


:lol: Football Person is a bit of a stretch. If that's the case, and this is the best football man Ashley could find.... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking hell.


Trust comes above ability when it comes to Ashley's appointments though, I think we know that.


Aye, you're right there. I honestly can't see this appointment being for football reasons more than it is control reasons, though. If he appoints people on trust over their ability in their field, then that itself would point to it being less of a football issue, or hiring a football man, and more to hiring a 'man on the ground', as Inochi said. Pretending to be a football man. Whether Ashley is aware of how little Kinnear is actually a football man in 2013 remains to be seen.


Pardew was appointed for control reasons as well. I think there's a chance that they've decided they need someone who knows football better than DL at the club in a management role, but unfortunately the appointment's been made on who Ashley trusts above anything else. I'm not saying that Inochi's musings are inaccurate btw, just seems the more far fetched of the two possibilities. Although on the other hand Ashley may well be losing faith in DL/AP, to my mind the best option would be to bring in someone else over DL, but he's probably running out of people he does trust now.

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I understand the need to work with people who you trust, but if he appointed DL and AP for that reason than why does he need Kinnear in there as well? And if he's run out of patience with either of them, why not just replace? Trust is important but it's not like he's running an intelligence agency.

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I'm having nightmares of Carr finding a quality player arranging everything and then Kinnear meets the player. Mispronounces his name, says something else offensive and then kills the deal.


If it turned out that Cisse's talk with the club about Wonga was to be held with Kinnear, I'd pay good money to be a fly on that wall.

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There's no official announcement because of the outcry. Might not even be one at all. They're very calculating over stuff like this.


I bet they are livid with the deluded loud mouthed cunt, I cannot imagine the okay'd him getting on the blower to SSN and the local Journo's.

I doubt very much they thought "let him leak it so we can gauge the reaction" I am more than certain they knew dam well what the reaction was going to be.

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I'm having nightmares of Carr finding a quality player arranging everything and then Kinnear meets the player. Mispronounces his name, says something else offensive and then kills the deal.


If it turned out that Cisse's talk with the club about Wonga was to be held with Kinnear, I'd pay good money to be a fly on that wall.




Jesus, the thought of him handling stuff like that.

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Guest icemanblue

There's no official announcement because of the outcry. Might not even be one at all. They're very calculating over stuff like this.


Can't see that, like. They've made statements, albeit with the customary slight delay, on all manner of unpopular decisions. It'll be interesting to see if anything is put up today and, if it is, how detailed the release is.

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There's no official announcement because of the outcry. Might not even be one at all. They're very calculating over stuff like this.


I bet they are livid with the deluded loud mouthed cunt, I cannot imagine the okay'd him getting on the blower to SSN and the local Journo's.

I doubt very much they thought "let him leak it so we can gauge the reaction" I am more than certain they knew dam well what the reaction was going to be.


They won't be that livid with the guy. He spent his whole time here spouting garbage and then they offer him another job. JFK. Does what it says on the tin.

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I understand the need to work with people who you trust, but if he appointed DL and AP for that reason than why does he need Kinnear in there as well? And if he's run out of patience with either of them, why not just replace? Trust is important but it's not like he's running an intelligence agency.


It depends what you think the first priority was. Either 1) Ashley wants a DOF in based on recent meetings with DL/AP etc, then he's chosen one from his very small list of people he's prepared to employ, or 2) Ashley specifically wants JFK in there to regulate what DL/AP are doing.


I just think option 1 is slightly more likely.

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“Even through the bad times, I always had a good rapport with the fans.”


Fuck off.


Aye, Joe, just like at Blackburn away when you got abused all the way through the second half.

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