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They are such a pointless club.


And they know it too: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/the-biggest-indictment-of-safc.846074/

some harsh home truths in there.


This made me laugh. A lot. A hell of a lot.


This might sound pathetic, but I genuinely feel we're not wanted in this league, as we don't offer the entertainment that Sky demands. We seem to be very unpopular with the press, and even the FA has singled us out for unwarranted criticism. I hate being made to feel crap by them because of their own agendas. FFS, they give Stoke more credit than us, and they've played shite football for years.
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£47 for Mags Away

Not sure exactly how true this is but seen this posted on twitter earlier


Also suggests making it a 'bubble' trip, which is ridiculous as we're not the ones who cause the bother at our games


im contacting the FSF tonight with regards to this, minimal violence and disorder from our fans for 3/4 seasons and impeccable behavior at away games so, yet they twat osses and smash up service stations yet we are the ones being forced into a fucking bubble trip, bubble trips are archaic and only further demonstrate Northumbria Polices inability to manage an allocation over 10 fans, worst force in the country by far


You fucking what?  Are we talking about the same flare throwing, bus bricking, pitch invading, coin chucking, keeper punching rabid apes? :lol:


The sanctimonious piety of macums is matched only by their blind defiance and persecution complex. Strange people.

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there are times when you talk to fans from other clubs and local rivalries crop up, "so what do you really think of Sunderland ?" and you pause, do you mention the club, their fans, the area but thank you Mr Randy Savage now I know exactly what to say..........."they


hang around like a bad smell


just sums up all facets of them so, so perfectly.

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In that thread about the indictments of SAFC that certain Randy Savage has been able to get his point across relating to his personal feelings surrounding the club that he supports very nicely.  I think his use of language and overall tone was well done.


What I need to know is how come when he came on this site he suffered a monumental meltdown second in gravitas only to that of Wearside / Masterplan The Jaw Wirer.....


Seems to be a fairly stable and level headed poster on that RTG site....


Strange breed those mackems!

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What I need to know is how come when he came on this site he suffered a monumental meltdown second in gravitas only to that of Wearside / Masterplan The Jaw Wirer.....


I think the 5-1 fried a circuit in his brain.  Think he'd made some post the day before the match which was extremely quotable with hindsight and after having that nonchalantly waved in his face a few times he snapped.

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What I need to know is how come when he came on this site he suffered a monumental meltdown second in gravitas only to that of Wearside / Masterplan The Jaw Wirer.....


I think the 5-1 fried a circuit in his brain.  Think he'd made some post the day before the match which was extremely quotable with hindsight and after having that nonchalantly waved in his face a few times he snapped.


Also worth pointing out that this resignation to their miserable plight and realisation that they are indeed "like a bad smell" may just be a blip. They are only ever a couple of wins away from unbridled optimism and the latest managerial messiah.

The zenith of their cyclical optimism and delusion normally occurs around June/July as they set another transfer window alight making their rivals green with envy.

There have been many occasions during that 7 year period that they have been only too willing to give it large and strut around like a dog with two dicks and it will be around again sometime.

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What I need to know is how come when he came on this site he suffered a monumental meltdown second in gravitas only to that of Wearside / Masterplan The Jaw Wirer.....


I think the 5-1 fried a circuit in his brain.  Think he'd made some post the day before the match which was extremely quotable with hindsight and after having that nonchalantly waved in his face a few times he snapped.


Also worth pointing out that this resignation to their miserable plight and realisation that they are indeed "like a bad smell" may just be a blip. They are only ever a couple of wins away from unbridled optimism and the latest managerial messiah.

The zenith of their cyclical optimism and delusion normally occurs around June/July as they set another transfer window alight making their rivals green with envy.

There have been many occasions during that 7 year period that they have been only too willing to give it large and strut around like a dog with two dicks and it will be around again sometime.



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What I need to know is how come when he came on this site he suffered a monumental meltdown second in gravitas only to that of Wearside / Masterplan The Jaw Wirer.....


I think the 5-1 fried a circuit in his brain.  Think he'd made some post the day before the match which was extremely quotable with hindsight and after having that nonchalantly waved in his face a few times he snapped.


Fancy digging up said quotes? Could do with a giggle.

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£47 for Mags Away

Not sure exactly how true this is but seen this posted on twitter earlier


Also suggests making it a 'bubble' trip, which is ridiculous as we're not the ones who cause the bother at our games


im contacting the FSF tonight with regards to this, minimal violence and disorder from our fans for 3/4 seasons and impeccable behavior at away games so, yet they t*** osses and smash up service stations yet we are the ones being forced into a f***ing bubble trip, bubble trips are archaic and only further demonstrate Northumbria Polices inability to manage an allocation over 10 fans, worst force in the country by far


You f***ing what?  Are we talking about the same flare throwing, bus bricking, pitch invading, coin chucking, keeper punching rabid apes? :lol:


:lol: Talk about selective memory.

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£47 for Mags Away

Not sure exactly how true this is but seen this posted on twitter earlier


Also suggests making it a 'bubble' trip, which is ridiculous as we're not the ones who cause the bother at our games


im contacting the FSF tonight with regards to this, minimal violence and disorder from our fans for 3/4 seasons and impeccable behavior at away games so, yet they t*** osses and smash up service stations yet we are the ones being forced into a f***ing bubble trip, bubble trips are archaic and only further demonstrate Northumbria Polices inability to manage an allocation over 10 fans, worst force in the country by far


You f***ing what?  Are we talking about the same flare throwing, bus bricking, pitch invading, coin chucking, keeper punching rabid apes? :lol:


:lol: Talk about selective memory.


They're quick to mention the horse puncher and the way the Bigg Market was smashed up after the FA Cup final but can they fuck remember the carnage they caused in their own city centre after we humped them 4-1. I'm just glad that every pitch incursion that occurs whenever they score in a home derby has been taped by Sky's cameras otherwise they'd have Ministry of Truthed that as well.


Both sets of supporters have their wankers and neither really cover themselves in glory come derby day but at least there's a recognition from our lot when our doylums are caught doing the idiotic. They move heaven and earth to either justify or ignore anything their lot do wrong (which considering the near constant infighting being a Sunderland fan seems to entail is bizarre in itself). I remember some of the speculative shite that was spouted when Darren Bent's mother was abused, which ranged from the complaint being completely false to her hearing but not actually being subject to a light-hearted racist joke. Of course the truth was much grimmer.


I suppose it comes back to the classy club thing, which is essentially part of a wider inferiority complex. They need to better us in any and every way possible and if that means bending the truth then that's fine. Why? "Well, because Sky Sports say that there are 55,000 Mags in St James' Park every week when the stadium actually only holds 52,000 and they don't even play at home every week it's usually every two weeks and sometimes they don't even sell all their tickets and even when they do they're cheap but maybe not as cheap as our free ones but we can give away free ones because the dirty jawdees once gave tickets to recovering drug addicts as part of a community initiative which is much worse than giving them away to school kids and Chinese university students and anyway the scum punch horses and horses are much bigger animals than the dogs we kicked at Central Station and anyway that wasn't our fans that was loads of Maggy bastards who conspired to make us look bad with Northumbria Police and the Magedia which is why we're always last on Look North because Dawn Thewlis, Tim Healy and Ant & Dec hate us 9-1 ftm marra".


Or something like that anyway.

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£47 for Mags Away

Not sure exactly how true this is but seen this posted on twitter earlier


Also suggests making it a 'bubble' trip, which is ridiculous as we're not the ones who cause the bother at our games


im contacting the FSF tonight with regards to this, minimal violence and disorder from our fans for 3/4 seasons and impeccable behavior at away games so, yet they t*** osses and smash up service stations yet we are the ones being forced into a f***ing bubble trip, bubble trips are archaic and only further demonstrate Northumbria Polices inability to manage an allocation over 10 fans, worst force in the country by far


You f***ing what?  Are we talking about the same flare throwing, bus bricking, pitch invading, coin chucking, keeper punching rabid apes? :lol:


:lol: Talk about selective memory.


They're quick to mention the horse puncher and the way the Bigg Market was smashed up after the FA Cup final but can they f*** remember the carnage they caused in their own city centre after we humped them 4-1. I'm just glad that every pitch incursion that occurs whenever they score in a home derby has been taped by Sky's cameras otherwise they'd have Ministry of Truthed that as well.


Both sets of supporters have their w*****s and neither really cover themselves in glory come derby day but at least there's a recognition from our lot when our doylums are caught doing the idiotic. They move heaven and earth to either justify or ignore anything their lot do wrong (which considering the near constant infighting being a Sunderland fan seems to entail is bizarre in itself). I remember some of the speculative s**** that was spouted when Darren Bent's mother was abused, which ranged from the complaint being completely false to her hearing but not actually being subject to a light-hearted racist joke. Of course the truth was much grimmer.


I suppose it comes back to the classy club thing, which is essentially part of a wider inferiority complex. They need to better us in any and every way possible and if that means bending the truth then that's fine. Why? "Well, because Sky Sports say that there are 55,000 Mags in St James' Park every week when the stadium actually only holds 52,000 and they don't even play at home every week it's usually every two weeks and sometimes they don't even sell all their tickets and even when they do they're cheap but maybe not as cheap as our free ones but we can give away free ones because the dirty jawdees once gave tickets to recovering drug addicts as part of a community initiative which is much worse than giving them away to school kids and Chinese university students and anyway the scum punch horses and horses are much bigger animals than the dogs we kicked at Central Station and anyway that wasn't our fans that was loads of Maggy b******s who conspired to make us look bad with Northumbria Police and the Magedia which is why we're always last on Look North because Dawn Thewlis, Tim Healy and Ant & Dec hate us 9-1 ftm marra".


Or something like that anyway.


:lol:  :clap:

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I do have to question Northumbria police though, it's probably like this across the country so someone will have to explain, but how can a police force not handle two games being played on the same day in cities separated by half an hour?

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I do have to question Northumbria police though, it's probably like this across the country so someone will have to explain, but how can a police force not handle two games being played on the same day in cities separated by half an hour?


I don't think it's just the police, stuff like transport would be a major issue if both NUFC and SAFC were to kick off at home on Saturday at 3pm since both clubs draw a large amount of support from outside the respective cities.

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To be fair, Short is getting it in the neck on RTG recently.


They spent 153 million on transfers in the past five years, or nearly 50 mill net, putting them 8th in the nett spend table. His decision making is there to be questioned, but they cannot complain they haven't been royally backed by their owner.

We were heavily backed financially by Shepherd and the board over many years, during and after SBR era. Throwing money at the problem alone, clearly is not the way to go, especially for clubs spending well above their means.


And we challenged for top honours and got into the Champions League. Whilst mindlessly throwing money at a problem will not solve it, neither will stopping to spend money. As I said, the can have no complaints about the way Short has backed them, and every managerial appointment they have done has been greeted with a nod of approval, even their DoF/Udinese model was. Their problem is they are just a nothing club with a culture of failure deeply ingrained in them, and long may it continue. The day Short has had enough is the day the will slump down the leagues never to be heard of again.

backing alone isn't in any way to judge someone its decision making and shorts decision making has been mighty rubbish


If you think that I wonder how you rate Fat Mike's..?

all over the place. Some ideas and theorys I can get and understand but they're followed up with awful execution. Others are just plain bad ideas. Examples, having a director of football to focus on the transfer negotiation and strategy and also be a backer of the manager with an experienced football man giving advise to the suits and ashley-good idea thinking Denis Wise or JFK is that man-horrible execution.

Having the club financially stable and be able to support itself without large amounts of cash injected to cover losses-good idea, doing so soley by focusing on keeping costs down instead of trying to grow commercial income (the one area of income that is solely the boards responsibility) -horrible execution.


Overall then, who do you reckon has been the better owner?





Well Short backs his manager, but their's far less of an advantage in backing the manager if you can't get any decisions right, including the appointment of the manager you're backing.  In fact it can be detrimental to the club in that case.  Ashley makes some amazingly bad decisions, but he makes some correct ones in there to which have paid off.  Short stumbles from one disaster to the next, shoveling money into the fire as he goes.  Also when it comes time for him the go I doubt he's going to forget the money he's put in.  For all Ashley's shitness I wouldn't want Short in his place.




Short's backing of his managers is like someone claiming to be father of the year because he got his young kid a big box of fireworks.



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To be fair, Short is getting it in the neck on RTG recently.


They spent 153 million on transfers in the past five years, or nearly 50 mill net, putting them 8th in the nett spend table. His decision making is there to be questioned, but they cannot complain they haven't been royally backed by their owner.

We were heavily backed financially by Shepherd and the board over many years, during and after SBR era. Throwing money at the problem alone, clearly is not the way to go, especially for clubs spending well above their means.


And we challenged for top honours and got into the Champions League. Whilst mindlessly throwing money at a problem will not solve it, neither will stopping to spend money. As I said, the can have no complaints about the way Short has backed them, and every managerial appointment they have done has been greeted with a nod of approval, even their DoF/Udinese model was. Their problem is they are just a nothing club with a culture of failure deeply ingrained in them, and long may it continue. The day Short has had enough is the day the will slump down the leagues never to be heard of again.

backing alone isn't in any way to judge someone its decision making and shorts decision making has been mighty rubbish


If you think that I wonder how you rate Fat Mike's..?

all over the place. Some ideas and theorys I can get and understand but they're followed up with awful execution. Others are just plain bad ideas. Examples, having a director of football to focus on the transfer negotiation and strategy and also be a backer of the manager with an experienced football man giving advise to the suits and ashley-good idea thinking Denis Wise or JFK is that man-horrible execution.

Having the club financially stable and be able to support itself without large amounts of cash injected to cover losses-good idea, doing so soley by focusing on keeping costs down instead of trying to grow commercial income (the one area of income that is solely the boards responsibility) -horrible execution.


Overall then, who do you reckon has been the better owner?





Well Short backs his manager, but their's far less of an advantage in backing the manager if you can't get any decisions right, including the appointment of the manager you're backing.  In fact it can be detrimental to the club in that case.  Ashley makes some amazingly bad decisions, but he makes some correct ones in there to which have paid off.  Short stumbles from one disaster to the next, shoveling money into the fire as he goes.  Also when it comes time for him the go I doubt he's going to forget the money he's put in.  For all Ashley's shitness I wouldn't want Short in his place.




Short's backing of his managers is like someone claiming to be father of the year because he got his young kid a big box of fireworks.




So you reckon Short does his own scouting then?

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To be fair, Short is getting it in the neck on RTG recently.


They spent 153 million on transfers in the past five years, or nearly 50 mill net, putting them 8th in the nett spend table. His decision making is there to be questioned, but they cannot complain they haven't been royally backed by their owner.

We were heavily backed financially by Shepherd and the board over many years, during and after SBR era. Throwing money at the problem alone, clearly is not the way to go, especially for clubs spending well above their means.


And we challenged for top honours and got into the Champions League. Whilst mindlessly throwing money at a problem will not solve it, neither will stopping to spend money. As I said, the can have no complaints about the way Short has backed them, and every managerial appointment they have done has been greeted with a nod of approval, even their DoF/Udinese model was. Their problem is they are just a nothing club with a culture of failure deeply ingrained in them, and long may it continue. The day Short has had enough is the day the will slump down the leagues never to be heard of again.

backing alone isn't in any way to judge someone its decision making and shorts decision making has been mighty rubbish


If you think that I wonder how you rate Fat Mike's..?

all over the place. Some ideas and theorys I can get and understand but they're followed up with awful execution. Others are just plain bad ideas. Examples, having a director of football to focus on the transfer negotiation and strategy and also be a backer of the manager with an experienced football man giving advise to the suits and ashley-good idea thinking Denis Wise or JFK is that man-horrible execution.

Having the club financially stable and be able to support itself without large amounts of cash injected to cover losses-good idea, doing so soley by focusing on keeping costs down instead of trying to grow commercial income (the one area of income that is solely the boards responsibility) -horrible execution.


Overall then, who do you reckon has been the better owner?





Well Short backs his manager, but their's far less of an advantage in backing the manager if you can't get any decisions right, including the appointment of the manager you're backing.  In fact it can be detrimental to the club in that case.  Ashley makes some amazingly bad decisions, but he makes some correct ones in there to which have paid off.  Short stumbles from one disaster to the next, shoveling money into the fire as he goes.  Also when it comes time for him the go I doubt he's going to forget the money he's put in.  For all Ashley's shitness I wouldn't want Short in his place.




Short's backing of his managers is like someone claiming to be father of the year because he got his young kid a big box of fireworks.




So you reckon Short does his own scouting then?


No but I reckon he hired the ones who do it.

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£47 for Mags Away

Not sure exactly how true this is but seen this posted on twitter earlier


Also suggests making it a 'bubble' trip, which is ridiculous as we're not the ones who cause the bother at our games


im contacting the FSF tonight with regards to this, minimal violence and disorder from our fans for 3/4 seasons and impeccable behavior at away games so, yet they t*** osses and smash up service stations yet we are the ones being forced into a f***ing bubble trip, bubble trips are archaic and only further demonstrate Northumbria Polices inability to manage an allocation over 10 fans, worst force in the country by far


You f***ing what?  Are we talking about the same flare throwing, bus bricking, pitch invading, coin chucking, keeper punching rabid apes? :lol:


:lol: Talk about selective memory.


They're quick to mention the horse puncher and the way the Bigg Market was smashed up after the FA Cup final but can they fuck remember the carnage they caused in their own city centre after we humped them 4-1. I'm just glad that every pitch incursion that occurs whenever they score in a home derby has been taped by Sky's cameras otherwise they'd have Ministry of Truthed that as well.


Both sets of supporters have their wankers and neither really cover themselves in glory come derby day but at least there's a recognition from our lot when our doylums are caught doing the idiotic. They move heaven and earth to either justify or ignore anything their lot do wrong (which considering the near constant infighting being a Sunderland fan seems to entail is bizarre in itself). I remember some of the speculative shite that was spouted when Darren Bent's mother was abused, which ranged from the complaint being completely false to her hearing but not actually being subject to a light-hearted racist joke. Of course the truth was much grimmer.


I suppose it comes back to the classy club thing, which is essentially part of a wider inferiority complex. They need to better us in any and every way possible and if that means bending the truth then that's fine. Why? "Well, because Sky Sports say that there are 55,000 Mags in St James' Park every week when the stadium actually only holds 52,000 and they don't even play at home every week it's usually every two weeks and sometimes they don't even sell all their tickets and even when they do they're cheap but maybe not as cheap as our free ones but we can give away free ones because the dirty jawdees once gave tickets to recovering drug addicts as part of a community initiative which is much worse than giving them away to school kids and Chinese university students and anyway the scum punch horses and horses are much bigger animals than the dogs we kicked at Central Station and anyway that wasn't our fans that was loads of Maggy bastards who conspired to make us look bad with Northumbria Police and the Magedia which is why we're always last on Look North because Dawn Thewlis, Tim Healy and Ant & Dec hate us 9-1 ftm marra".


Or something like that anyway.



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I do have to question Northumbria police though, it's probably like this across the country so someone will have to explain, but how can a police force not handle two games being played on the same day in cities separated by half an hour?


I don't think it's just the police, stuff like transport would be a major issue if both NUFC and SAFC were to kick off at home on Saturday at 3pm since both clubs draw a large amount of support from outside the respective cities.


Is it like this everywhere in England, West Brom and Aston Villa wouldn't play home games on the same day right? Just hard to comprehend because it happens so much over here in the same city.

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