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90% of our time dominating the mackems, in a general sense, was part of an era where we challenged for trophies and made it into European competition- both Champions League and UEFA Cup- whilst playing an exciting brand of football with iconic players.


Now, their dominance is a direct result of our hugely corrupt and inept regime. It also coincides with a hugely underambitious time in their history where they are viewed as a joke of a club by the country now- scraping to survival each year, whilst they only ever turn up in the news after a laughable losing streak or, as we know by now, when they best us. Their dominance against us will represent a time in their history where they played an appalling standard of football, reflecting their ambitions on the field too- pouring their heart into bearing NUFC and surviving in the PL (in that order).


Imo, we are suffering the worst period of managemen/ownership in NUFC's history, and it is no coincidence that we are now on the humiliating end of this '6 in a row' record they hold over us- and thanks to Ashley/Pardew, this is a shackle around our neck which will never be forgotten. It will take the club years and years to even come close to erasing the pain of this era (both in and away from Derby day), that it upsets me with each passing day.

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TF going after Johnson's 'celebration';




THRU BLACK & WHITE EYES – Maladjusted – 25/Oct/15



The last time I came out of the SoS after a derby defeat I was amongst a febrile away support sickened after another gutless surrender from a team which just looked to have cowardice running through it like Blackpool rock. This time, don’t get me wrong, I was with people similarly devastated at a derby defeat of an infinitely more emphatic score-line but this felt different. The difference I suppose was McClaren leading part of the team to the away end at the final whistle and the support returning the applause and a travelling support loudly chanting its defiance as all around the SoS Mackems could scarely believe what they had just witnessed.


United didn’t just edge the first half – we were completely dominant. We passed the ball well, our movement and shape was far superior and a goal to us looked inevitable. Then of course the sky fell in on us. We are denied a clear penalty by a grotesquely incompetent referee who got decisions big and small wrong all afternoon. Then we are looking horrified as the referee points to the spot and Coloccini is given a red card. Johnson puts the penalty away and we are staring at another derby defeat square in the face.


What has been widely overlooked by the media however is Johnson’s celebration! I’m not going to defend the relentless abuse heaped upon Johnson in connection with his forthcoming hearing into allegations of sexual offences with a minor. They are a bit over the to me and I don’t particularly like it.


Johnson has a right (if he’s innocent) to feel wounded by the abuse but what he is not entitled to do is run the length of the pitch, arms outstretched in an aeroplane gesture that many around me took to be connected to the loss of two Newcastle United supporters in the MH17 disaster last year. It was a gesture not dissimilar to what has been common-place at Old Trafford for many years from nugget supporters wishing to goad home supporters with Munich tragedy gestures that I’m delighted to say has never been something we have indulged in with the exception of one or two utter tools.


Needless to say it will be impossible to prove what was in Johnson’s mind. Had he celebrated with Sunderland fans behind the goal where he scored the penalty, this discussion wouldn’t be happening. But he ran the full length of the pitch with a gesture that looked to me to be calculated.


Obviously, no-one in the media will have the balls to put the matter to him or Sunderland AFC.


That’s not to score ghoulish points off Sunderland. No other set of fans or club responded so well to the MH17 tragedy our near neighbours and that should never be forgotten. This should not distract from the magnificent gestures that came from Sunderland last year but Johnson appeared to be up to something offensive and distasteful as far as I could see. It should not be swept under the carpet.


But onto the referee Robert Madley. If I wasn’t so invested in the game I think I’d have just laughed but obviously this was no laughing matter. How on earth Madley can decide Tiote’s two fouls warrant a yellow card but let Cattermole’s persistent offences go unpunished is mind-boggling.  I could go on and I’m sure you have.


But obviously the biggest rick is Madley’s decision to ignore the hand-ball and then clear foul on Gini in the Sunderland box which happened only seconds before they get their penalty.


Let’s leave it at that.


The derby has gone and we have to suck up the humiliation that comes with a sixth successive defeat to a team as lamentably piss poor as Sunderland. What must happen next is we beat Stoke City on Saturday. For all of the lift we got after the Norwich game last week, that has all gone now and we need to get a win on the board and recover from this defeat. Anything less and we are going to be looking down the barrel of relegation again. For me we need 20 points before the end of the calendar year and we had better start collecting them now.


If we don’t beat Stoke on Saturday then we are in the shit and it is rising.




I can't comment on what Johnson did. TV had him pegging it down to the away end. Is it a mountain being made out of a molehill?

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Why run the full length of the pitch? He's never known to do that celebration before, it's fairly easy to see why people see it that way and it's easy to see why the TV networks have glossed it over. If it was him running the full length of the pitch then it's probably shown on TV, ala Adebayor?

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I personally think he done it on purpose. However the majority of Sunderland supporters would have found it shocking if that's the case and not have realised what he was doing as it happened.

When you allow thugs and torags on the football pitch then stuff like this is going to happen. I hope one day that clubs, even Sunderlrand don't feel the need to employ such utter fucking underclass of humans to play for them. Similar could have been said for some of our players, in recent times giving Ranger and Barton chance after chance isn't exactly high up the moral tree either.

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Like many apparently on this page, the thought hadn't even entered my mind... Just thought it was sad he so desperately ran the whole length of the pitch instead of celebrating with his own fans.


But fucking hell... This MH17 stuff does seem plausible.

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The utter state of that @JB0495's timeline, man.


Joshua ‏@JB0495  6h6 hours ago

Joshua Retweeted Toon Army America

Cattermole sliding tackled the twin towers to the floor

Toon Army America @ToonArmyAmerica

Mitrovic would have been sent off in seconds for what Cattermole was doing.  Clowns on Total Sport say Mitro was bullied today.


Joshua ‏@JB0495  12h12 hours ago

Rumours circulating that Paul Gascoigne used to suck Bobby Robson off for baccy


Joshua ‏@JB0495  12h12 hours ago

Moussa sissokos ma carries baskets on her head


Joshua ‏@JB0495  12h12 hours ago

Just seen Wijnaldum shifting chewys in establishment bogs for £3 the fucking shithouse


Joshua ‏@JB0495  23h23 hours ago

Heard a rumour Gary speed loves playing hide and seek in the garage


Joshua ‏@JB0495  Oct 24

Tim Howard did 9/11

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Barry Sweeney's dad;


"I've heard Adam Johnsons getting stick about his goal celebration today. Well take it from me it had nowt to do with a flying tragedy which happened last year. Adam is in trouble because of an action he has been accused of but remember British law states that innocent until proven guilty. Also remember Adam was a Newcastle fan and I know because it was the Keegan era. Give the kid the benefit of doubt and let justice prevail"

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