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On a separate note...It makes you wonder where the SMBs players' heads will be at after all this...well...The whole club really


They're footballers. Most of them are thick as mince, as AJo has shown.


The extent of their thoughts on the trial probably goes something like "adam is doin tym lyk ,    lol"


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Canny hard if she supports the Mackem bastards and idolises Nohnson. She's hardly ganna want to condemn him to prison.


It's already gone to court though. :lol: Seems pointless to take it that far and then lie about it.


She was made to go to the police though, and he's plead guilty on the charges he can't lie about. Who knows what she's ever even admitted to her parents. She may also claim they just 'passionately kissed' and that'll be that IMO.


As damning as these texts are from a "Johnson is a filthy nonce perspective", I don't think they've proven that he had sexual activity with her, especially if she contradicts that notion.


Johnson: "Am in only getting a kiss?"

Girl: "Depends what else you're after"

AJ: "Depends what you're up for -a little bit more than a kiss"


After sexual activity in the car park, Johnson text her to say: "Wasn't bad was it? Lol"


Johnson went on to tell her: "Was class. Just wanted to get ya jeans off lol"

Girl: "Next time haha"

AJ: "I will last 10 seconds tho lol"


As much as I agree that the whole world knows what happened at that time, I don't think those texts are enough to convict someone on, without her testimony, if he says they just kissed.


Fair point. But stuff like this being said:


Craig HopeVerified account ‏@CraigHope_DM  34m34 minutes ago

Crown outlines charges against Johnson to the jury. "He penetrated her mouth with his penis. And penetrated her vagina with his fingers".


Makes you think she's confirmed that and will do so again in court (video, whatever), no?  They havent just got that from nowhere


:thup: Most probably, aye. We'll see.

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FWIW I'm virtually certain there will be direct evidence from her (likely to be pre-recorded video evidence) which covers the outstanding counts.


Yeah, I very much doubt the CPS would bring charges of this gravity if they didn't have some extremely compelling evidence to present.


To quote from the book of Partridge: " With respect, they're hardly going to arrest him if he`s innocent"

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I still can't believe so many sunderland fans keep banging on about "the club have done nothing wrong." 


It's been quite clear all along, that there was a pretty serious case to answer.  He should have been suspended until the outcome of the trial.  The fact they suspended him, then unsuspended him, as they were in a relegation scrap and he was one of their better players.  Is pretty fucking shitty, if you ask me.


Others have pointed it out already.  But I would imagine in a lot of high profile jobs, you would be suspended.  Never mind in one where you play a professional sport, in front of thousands of people, every week. Being suspended does not mean you're guilty or that you're going to get the sack.  It's just the right thing to do whilst the investigation is on-going.  So I think it is poor form from them.  He's been out there playing, scoring and celebrating like fuck all has happened and everything is normal.  He's got fans from other teams constantly calling him a paedo and a nonce.  Fans of his own team, cheering for him and singing that ridiculous "shags who he wants" chant.


All of that could have been avoided.  If they had just kept him out of the firing line and not lifted the suspension.  They've handled it terribly and now look pretty stupid.


As for their fans.  The level headed ones that didn't join in with any ridiculous chanting.  It must have been pretty weird to cheer a goal that he scored.  They must have been in denial, surely?  As to anyone with half a brain, the minute it got referred to crown court.  It's been pretty obvious that something has gone on. 

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Imagine the lass and her family this derby day if we essentially beat them, relegate them and we're singing about the nonce man...


Aye. Dead funny, like.


Wasn't saying it was funny. If anything it's canny grim. Inevitable though.

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I dunno like, most of us seem shocked at the level to which it went on. Perhaps I haven't read up on it enough, but I assumed she pushed herself onto him at some club, he didn't bother to ask if she was 16 and shagged around like the majority of footballers do.


Didn't realise there was all of the evidence of texting and the backstory being that he essentially groomed her throughout the whole thing. If the club / mackem fans assumed the former, it's at least vaguely understandable, rather going total Rolf.

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So how much time behind bars does something like this usually gives?


If he's found guilty it'll be around 5 years.


Ahh. Thank you!


Not enough but more than you get in Sweden. Miiko Albornoz admited having sex with a 14yr old.. Got probation.. played football 2months later and 14months later he was in Chiles WC-squad

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No matter what the outcome of the other two charges is, Johnson has absolutely ruined his life and will always have this hanging over him.


What an awful quality of life he will have compared to what he has now, whatever savings the bloke has is going to get smashed up by legal costs and seperation to his mrs (once she leaves him and stops milking it). He will never work again, at least within his current occupation. He'll struggle to get a job literally anywhere and will forever be taunted and abused for the rest of his life.


And all of it is thoroughly deserved.

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Slightly odd how RTG has channeled current events into random outbursts of pride and appreciation of their classy club and fan-base i.e. themselves. Well done mackem martyrs - Should we expect another rendition of "he shags who he wants" tomorrow?

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