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The other games today - 2013/14


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Liverpool team -  Mignolet, Wisdom, Skrtel, Sakho, Enrique, Lucas, Gerrard, Henderson, Coutinho, Moses, Sturridge

Swansea team tonight v Lpool - : Vorm, Rangel, Flores, Williams (capt), Davies, Britton, Shelvey, Michu, Dyer, Routledge, Bony

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MNF is one of my favorite shows on telly............................., Carrager and Neville versus Savage and Garth Crooks no competition


Couldn't agree more It's great how Chamberlain takes a back seat and lets them both get into a good debate.

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I can't stand Carragher though which spoils it for me. Hard to tell if these two actually get on or if it's just politeness for TV. I mean they must have hated eachother as players plus Carragher comes out with stuff like just now " no one wants to grow up to be a gary neville" :lol:

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I can't stand Carragher though which spoils it for me. Hard to tell if these two actually get on or if it's just politeness for TV. I mean they must have hated eachother as players plus Carragher comes out with stuff like just now " no one wants to grow up to be a gary neville" :lol:

Speaks his mind which I like.... " no one wants to grow up to be a gary neville" was class :laugh:

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