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The other games today - 2013/14


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Arsenal without Theo man ... Need that pace getting in behind.


Should have started Podolski wide left.


Not just pace but finishing and movement too.... he's by far the best goalscorer at the club, the only one who will genuine pace which puts defenders on the backfoot and looks to stretch teams.


Maybe one day people will respect him instead of the tiresome "he should be a sprinter hur dur derp."


He's plenty respected. By 90% of fans. Direct, scores and offers his team something else. Even the commentator was acting like he was being sorely missed already.

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Arsenal without Theo man ... Need that pace getting in behind.


Should have started Podolski wide left.


Not just pace but finishing and movement too.... he's by far the best goalscorer at the club, the only one who will genuine pace which puts defenders on the backfoot and looks to stretch teams.


Maybe one day people will respect him instead of the tiresome "he should be a sprinter hur dur derp."


Oh definitely, his movement and finishing are both great. I like Theo. He's quality.

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What's happened to Villa? There were some really positive signs at the back end of last season, they seem to have become a much more ponderous side.


Too young, needed to get a bit of experience in and didn't. Benteke has been shite as Interpolic pointed out too hasn't helped.

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Guest palnese

Would anyone take a punt on Agbonlahor? Would be a cracking player for me powerful ,full of pace and can hold up play


And 2 goals a season? No thanks.

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Would anyone take a punt on Agbonlahor? Would be a cracking player for me powerful ,full of pace and can hold up play


And 2 goals a season? No thanks.

Under lambert he has been shit but who hasn't? Villas best player by far always up for the fight

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