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Aston Villa 1 - 2 Newcastle United - 14/09/13 - post-match reaction from page 33


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Fantastic performance, pretty much everything went right for us today, apart from Cisse who was again off the pace. Otherwise, I can't fault much. Even the Anita for Tiote sub turned out to be a good decision from Pardew, which I didn't think it was as we know what Tiote is like and Anita was having a stormer.


Was going to list some 'stand out players' but pretty much everyone bar Papiss, really.

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Cisse's touch. :lol:

We get it.


I don't think you do.

I do, but you've made a comment literally every time he's done anything wrong. It's a bit overkill like.


Twice. Settle down.


:lol: Y'all can't possibly feel like arguing right now, right?


I'm sorry. <3



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Guest bimpy474

Great result.


You still worried about the Colo/Mapou pairing Ron ?, while they got a little bit bullied by Benteke in the air today, it was only from straight balls from their GK or Def, overall they have been excellent together.

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Enjoyed that for a change. Debuchy's best game for us. And Ben Arfa was 10 out of 10. Sissoko excellent too.


Have to agree with this.


Dare i say i Tiote also looked good when he came on too  :frantic:


Almost starting to look like the Real Tiote.

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Guest bimpy474

Enjoyed that for a change. Debuchy's best game for us. And Ben Arfa was 10 out of 10. Sissoko excellent too.


Have to agree with this.


Dare i say i Tiote also looked good when he came on too  :frantic:


Still had those nearly lost the ball moments, but he kept it sensible which was nice to see.

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Guest firetotheworks

Krul: 4

Debuchy: 8

MYM: 7

Coloccini: 7

Santon: 7

Anita: 7.5

Cabaye: 7

Sissoko: 7

HBA: normal scale 10, his own scale 9.

Cisse: 5

Remy: 8

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Guest Haris Vuckic

Excellent performance.


I think some referees would have disallowed there goal and whilst it's something I disagree with I think there should be more consistency. Also Hatem - who was back to his best - should have had a penalty.

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Guest bimpy474

Apart from the 20mins at the start of the second half (when you would expect to be under pressure away). We were excellent.


The team, Ben Arfa especially deserves praise. And so does Pardew, the way we played and his subs were spot on.


Praise is deserved today.

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Really happy with that.... before i go on to Ben Arfa who was utterly ridiculous today i mention some other key players.


Sissoko was immense today i thought, Cabaye was a little bit off, Anita did well but not as good as his previous two performances.


Cisse was poor, really wish we got another forward in as competition as he can't play like this all season. But with Remy we have a real classy player who adds so much in pace, movement and link up.


Santon and Debuchy while not exactly enterprising attacking fullbacks stuck to their task and defending well.


Coloccini and MYM were f*cking immense, says a lot that Benteke hardly did a thing in open play and the goal he did score was more due to Krul than the two CBs IMO.


Ben Arfa tho....  :notworthy: Villa did not know what to do with him today and was absolutely unplayable took the piss out of both fullbacks and was unlucky only to get one should have had a penalty as well, MOTM by a f*cking mile.


All in all its another win which will probably boost everyones spirits, on to Hull at SJP next week.  :indi:



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