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Newcastle United 2 - 2 Liverpool - 19/10/13 - Post-match reaction from page 27


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We'd take the p*ss out of the mackems for celebrating a draw.


I think you must be able to see the difference between settling and celebrating a draw before the game, and then celebrate a draw in a game like this, when we go down to 10 men but manage to stay strong and high and weather the storm esp. when we have capitulated in similar or even not so bad situation in the past.

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SO proud of all the lads - all of them for putting in a shift and working their socks off for the result.


I'm sitting here thinking, would the result been the same if we had 11 out there? Would we ended up losing? I'm thinking the 10 men somehow suited us. Maybe I'm wrong.


We looked likely to win it at 11 v 11.


I just don't know dude, I hear you though. Hope you see where I'm coming from.


Few points I want to make:


1) We conceded when Big Mike was drawn out, I doubt we would have had he stayed in the middle. He was brilliant shouting and organizing today - Mapou looked much more assured before the send off with Big Mike organizing.


2) This point could be massive for us, everyone was nervy about playing Liverpool and the whole fighting together and keeping together and grinding out a result will do wonders for us psychologically.  Perfect heading into the derby, you want that unified positive effort and feeling.


3) Think Mapou will learn a ton from this, he was playing great leading up to it and AP will do well to tell him so, this is a teaching moment for him and should tell Mapou he's all the confidence in him.

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SO proud of all the lads - all of them for putting in a shift and working their socks off for the result.


I'm sitting here thinking, would the result been the same if we had 11 out there? Would we ended up losing? I'm thinking the 10 men somehow suited us. Maybe I'm wrong.




Nar man we were by far the better team with 11 and the only time they worried us defensively was from set pieces in the first half. One moment of madness changed the whole complexion of the game.


I can see what you're saying in that we never know what newcastle we're going to get 2nd half but if we had carried on bossing the midfield like we were then I think we'd have won.

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So without seeing the game I'm guessing we controlled things until MYM went off but still kept our shape well with 10 men. We were more threatening than usual and it's just the standard moments of ropey defending which have cost us again?

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Guest firetotheworks

I'd have been happy with 2-2 before the match with 11 v 11, so I'm surprised that there are some unhappy people when it was 10 v 11.

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I don't think they were celebrating as much as they were enjoying the relief. Could have gone really badly for us with 10 men. Liverpool were there for the taking. They were utter shite in the first half and we gave them a reason to wake up with the penalty and sending off.


Fair result in the end I suppose.


Tiote (apart from playing Suarez onside) was brilliant, as were Cabaye, Debuchy and Dummett (bless his heart). Krul commanded his area much much better in the second half as well.


I thought Moses and Gerard were their best two players. Suarez still diving and cheating. By far the ugliest cunt I have ever seen. Will be a happy day when he finally leaves this league.

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So without seeing the game I'm guessing we controlled things until MYM went off but still kept our shape well with 10 men. We were more threatening than usual and it's just the standard moments of ropey defending which have cost us again?

Liverpool were quite sluggish on the day as well if I'm honest. Maybe they don't buy the 3-5-2, who knows. Even after the sending off they never moved out of 2nd gear. Their equalizer was a good bit of play.
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I'm glad the players celebrated the result because it shows they give a fuck and we have some team spirit.


Let's enjoy the positives for a change, no we didn't win but we actually went out and tried to win and I wont ask for more than that.

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No, I just don't think its right to celebrate a draw. Yes we played well but I believe we could have won.

We'd take the p*ss out of the mackems for celebrating a draw.


We could have, but Mbwia got sent off, remember?


If you genuinely can't see the positives in a point against a side like Liverpool, with the form they're in, and the state of our defence then there is no helping you.

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Guest firetotheworks

So without seeing the game I'm guessing we controlled things until MYM went off but still kept our shape well with 10 men. We were more threatening than usual and it's just the standard moments of ropey defending which have cost us again?


You can always look for things to improve upon, but there was nothing majorly wrong, imo.


MYM was naive for the sending off, but Tiote played him on. Their second was good movement and good football. It could have been avoided, but it was good play tbf.

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Guest DebuchyAndTheBeast

Great result even if we were a bit battered in the second half. Shows what we can do when we stay organized defensively and get in tackles and blocks even if it means a bit more yellow cards. Cabaye was outstanding but imo Krul was MoTM, best match in a while. Also Yohan thinks too much outside the box  :lol: :lol:

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So without seeing the game I'm guessing we controlled things until MYM went off but still kept our shape well with 10 men. We were more threatening than usual and it's just the standard moments of ropey defending which have cost us again?


You can always look for things to improve upon, but there was nothing majorly wrong, imo.


MYM was naive for the sending off, but Tiote played him on. Their second was good movement and good football. It could have been avoided, but it was good play tbf.

Set piece defending was pretty bad tbh. Every time a ball was whipped in it met a liverpool head.  Could have gone worse for us, I'm not having a major moan about it, but it definitely needs worked on.


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