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How far can they go - what would break you?

Guest Howaythetoon

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I see lots of comments on facebook from other forum pages saying "Outrageous, I can't believe we didn't sign anyone and we're letting players go" etc Where has everyone been the last 4 years :lol: The club is a total sham run by a cunt whose only interest is his pockets.


What would break me? I decided after the Hull match at home last season that I couldn't be bothered anymore which related to Pardew and the rank football but also the endless stream of shite the club puts the fans through. Am I motivated enough to go on marches etc? No I don't think I am but I've taken the decision (what seems an easy one now) to completely disconnect myself from the club in terms of going to matches while this regime is there. There's no enjoyment there and the board just takes the piss out of the fans so for me (and I don't hold it against anyone else who goes) it doesn't feel right going anymore.


I still go down my local to watch matches and have a bit of banter with others but the club has disappeared off my radar a bit now. I don't cheer goals like I used to and the results come and go without much thought. Sad state of affairs but that's the way it is under this regime.



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I see lots of comments on facebook from other forum pages saying "Outrageous, I can't believe we didn't sign anyone and we're letting players go" etc Where has everyone been the last 4 years :lol: The club is a total sham run by a cunt whose only interest is his pockets.


What would break me? I decided after the Hull match at home last season that I couldn't be bothered anymore which related to Pardew and the rank football but also the endless stream of shite the club puts the fans through. Am I motivated enough to go on marches etc? No I don't think I am but I've taken the decision (what seems an easy one now) to completely disconnect myself from the club in terms of going to matches while this regime is there. There's no enjoyment there and the board just takes the piss out of the fans so for me (and I don't hold it against anyone else who goes) it doesn't feel right going anymore.


I still go down my local to watch matches and have a bit of banter with others but the club has disappeared off my radar a bit now. I don't cheer goals like I used to and the results come and go without much thought. Sad state of affairs but that's the way it is under this regime.



This reflects my sentiments too since moving upto Scotland and this regime sucking my passion for the club I watch at home or in a bar and can't even muster any excitement at a goal or a win...or do I despair at a defeat it's just complete apathy


10 years ago life was so different

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I see quite a few people saying 'if they appoint Carver, that's it, I'm done'.


If everything else he's done hasn't broken you by now then I don't think the appointment of JC will.


Carver, even if appointed, will be/is a joke figure.


It's the degradation of our history, the tarnishing of our soul, the lack of sporting interest, the lack of communication, the pure disregard for the masses/region, the lack of respect for season ticket holders, the horrendous link to that nasty brand, the mucky sponsorship arrangements, the total inability of us, as fans, to relate to/warm to players knowing that they'll be flogged at the first sign of interest and the way the fucking hangers on sell their soul for the money (yes, Peter Beardsley, Stone, Carver etc - where are your fucking morals?).


This isn't a football club anymore and that's whats broken me.


John Carver being appointed? Meh, whatever. Join the back of a fucking long list pal. You're not even the icing on the cake.

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The club isn't dead its just coasting along trying to spend as little as possible without causing Ashley too much bother, I just can't understand why people pay money to take part in this sham. 

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im about 95% broken and have been for a couple of years, i guess.


My only hope is Ashley leaving or if he by chance should be so mad that he install an exciting manager in the summer...ala De Boer or Garde.


Also 3 new CBs are desperately needed.


A good manager and a handful of good players and we could easily challenge for 4-7 every year....which is ironic. Its actually looks like they (the regime) are doing their best so that we finish 8-13 every year! But thats old news.


Since we finished 5th it would have been so easy to keep that position just by investing in a couple of good players per season. still do not understand their motivation for not doing so....fans/media would be much understanding and happy.



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The only slither of hope that we are all clinging to is that Ashley decides to sell us to somebody and moves his interests up north...

Still watch the games online but nowadays can switch it off half way through or even go out with the wife if required. Was never the case up until a year or so ago.

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For me it's now more a fight for the preservation of the aspects I loved. In it's current semblence, this club does not provoke any feeling of joy or excitement more than any other company, it's only a distant memory of something that was a huge part of my life. Like many have said, this place and the near ideological battle in trying to inform people who don't get it is the only thing keeping me around. Games, goals, signings etc. feel as irrelevant to me as they do to the people running the club.


What irritates, fascinates and scares me is the sheer cynicism behind it all. It's so carefully orchestrated, with the misleading, the propaganda, the dismantling of the local press, the ticket pricing, the outsourcing. In a way, we're just an expression of what's going wrong with football in general. Like many others, again, my interest in the entire game has decreased because of our fate.


At the same time, there's something really unfair about it. A market economy requires legislation to avoid compromising with certain values. Football clubs are social institutions, they're as important to society and to the community as national parks or other cultural symbols, the difference being that national parks and museums, or whatever, receive protection from commercial exploitation of this magnitude.

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Since we finished 5th it would have been so easy to keep that position just by investing in a couple of good players per season. still do not understand their motivation for not doing so....fans/media would be much understanding and happy.



Is it possible that finishing 5th and competing in the Europa League would lower profits rather than increase them? You're unlikely to win it due to Champs League drop outs, the money is sh*te, the games many and the squad and wage bill needed much greater. 11-8th is perhaps the optimal profitability level without ploughing millions into the squad and coaching staff.

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At the same time, there's something really unfair about it. A market economy requires legislation to avoid compromising with certain values. Football clubs are social institutions, they're as important to society and to the community as national parks or other cultural symbols, the difference being that national parks and museums, or whatever, receive protection from commercial exploitation of this magnitude.


I believe in this 100% and I'm surprised it never gets mentioned in public debate. For me certain aspects of football clubs (badge, colours, stadium name etc) should be protected in the same way that listed buildings are. And more than that, changes within the ground and on the outside should be subject to planning permission with fans having a chance to object.


Like you say, football clubs are more than just businesses and a stadium isn't like a branch of a retail store.

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At the same time, there's something really unfair about it. A market economy requires legislation to avoid compromising with certain values. Football clubs are social institutions, they're as important to society and to the community as national parks or other cultural symbols, the difference being that national parks and museums, or whatever, receive protection from commercial exploitation of this magnitude.


I believe in this 100% and I'm surprised it never gets mentioned in public debate. For me certain aspects of football clubs (badge, colours, stadium name etc) should be protected in the same way that listed buildings are. And more than that, changes within the ground and on the outside should be subject to planning permission with fans having a chance to object.


Like you say, football clubs are more than just businesses and a stadium isn't like a branch of a retail store.


Great points raised there. This is one of the things which really fucks me off about Ashley. The utter contempt for the heartbeat of the club and its relationship to the region and it's a big two fingers to everything that NUFC stands for. The truly despicable thing about it all is that for an absolute minute fraction of what comes in he could make the club competetive, the fans would be pretty content if the club was buying wisely, aiming at a cup and trying to push for that 5th-7th place with a credible manager.....and he could STILL make an absolute packet out of it.


Classic leach of a businessman thinking solely of ££££ and crapping on anyone in his way. Those zero hours contracts sum him up.

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I see lots of comments on facebook from other forum pages saying "Outrageous, I can't believe we didn't sign anyone and we're letting players go" etc Where has everyone been the last 4 years :lol: The club is a total sham run by a c*** whose only interest is his pockets.


What would break me? I decided after the Hull match at home last season that I couldn't be bothered anymore which related to Pardew and the rank football but also the endless stream of s**** the club puts the fans through. Am I motivated enough to go on marches etc? No I don't think I am but I've taken the decision (what seems an easy one now) to completely disconnect myself from the club in terms of going to matches while this regime is there. There's no enjoyment there and the board just takes the p*ss out of the fans so for me (and I don't hold it against anyone else who goes) it doesn't feel right going anymore.


I still go down my local to watch matches and have a bit of banter with others but the club has disappeared off my radar a bit now. I don't cheer goals like I used to and the results come and go without much thought. Sad state of affairs but that's the way it is under this regime.



This reflects my sentiments too since moving upto Scotland and this regime sucking my passion for the club I watch at home or in a bar and can't even muster any excitement at a goal or a win...or do I despair at a defeat it's just complete apathy


10 years ago life was so different


I moved back here from London to study in 2012 and my enthusiasm has gradually been whittled away. Never thought I'd be in a situation where I live a 20 min walk from St James yet it doesn't even cross my mind to go anymore. Tragic really.

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My enthusiasm has definitely waned and I hate a lot (if not everything) that our club now stands for, but for me, NUFC and football has been such a huge part of my life that I don't know I could ever not care at all.  Being obsessed with football is such a huge part of me and my family - it's just what I do with my dad and my brother.  We go to games (admittedly more London away games now), we watch games on tv and it's what we talk about every day. 


I absolutely detest Ashley for the fact that it is highly unlikely that I will ever see us win something and share that experience wuth my dad - but I just don't know that I could give it up completely.

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Since we finished 5th it would have been so easy to keep that position just by investing in a couple of good players per season. still do not understand their motivation for not doing so....fans/media would be much understanding and happy.



Is it possible that finishing 5th and competing in the Europa League would lower profits rather than increase them? You're unlikely to win it due to Champs League drop outs, the money is sh*te, the games many and the squad and wage bill needed much greater. 11-8th is perhaps the optimal profitability level without ploughing millions into the squad and coaching staff.


This must be the only reason for their behaviour / strategy. Coz its obvious that for the last couple of years (even with pardew and without much squad depth) that adding a quality player in defence, midfield and attack would have had us easily in top 8 without much effort.

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It will be interstingt o see if Liar Charnley does another interview after the financial results are released and it shows a mega profit.  I wonder if someone will ask him "when will the club be allowed to spend its own money"?

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They've already broken me. I truly hope we get relegated every year to the point of irrelevance - only then do I feel the fat man will leave us in peace.


Burn the place down, salt the earth and start again.

Old friend of mine who died 5 years ago had it right and he had been following the club since before WW2 ; he said they might as well knock the place down and build flats on it.

Can't see a better alternative in the foreseeable future.


That's bollocks though. Ashley won't be here forever, that's one thing we can be sure of. The way I see it, the club is in a coma rather than dead.


Like KK said, one day we will get our club back.

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They've already broken me. I truly hope we get relegated every year to the point of irrelevance - only then do I feel the fat man will leave us in peace.


Burn the place down, salt the earth and start again.

Old friend of mine who died 5 years ago had it right and he had been following the club since before WW2 ; he said they might as well knock the place down and build flats on it.

Can't see a better alternative in the foreseeable future.


That's bollocks though. Ashley won't be here forever, that's one thing we can be sure of. The way I see it, the club is in a coma rather than dead.


Like KK said, one day we will get our club back.


It's agonizing waiting for it though. My biggest fear is that by the time we get the club back the damage inflicted will be too great to rectify. I also believe that before he does sell - he'll hold an "everything must go" style fire-sale. Putting it mildly he'll probably leave us in a worse condition than when he bought us :rant:

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How old is Ashley? I might get a few years in my 70s where NUFC comes back to life.


He's 50, but looks like he's going to have the life expectancy of your average WWE wrestler.  I think it may well be a health problem or something else unexpected that eventually sees him leave.  Like having dodgy emails exposed, Malky Mackay or Sony Pictures style.  Or his other businesses going tits up.  Or being chucked in jail when one of his dubious business practices crosses the legal line.


I can dream.

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