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How far can they go - what would break you?

Guest Howaythetoon

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If we were relegated tomorrow it wouldnt bother me one bit. In fact Id probably go to a few games. I dont get angry when we concede or lose and I don't jump for joy when we score or win. This a club I used to get so excited about, a club where if we lost, my whole weekend would be ruined. I look at Newcastle United today and there is nothing there for me. I cant stand the owner, manage and most of the players. The fans are f***ing cretins in the main too. Its just a shitty club owned, managed, played for and represented by complete and utter toss in a sport fast becoming a joke. They can all go and f*** themselves!


Absolutely bang on.

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Completely disillusioned with it all now, I used to be passionate about NUFC, wear my replica shirt with pride in a town predominantly covered in red and never miss a match one way or another. These days however I've lost all desire in this club, I still love NUFC and I look back on the SBR and Keegan eras with pride and passion, but that's a long way off now. Like HTT said, I can't even mustre a celebration for a goal these days, once upon a time I used to make my daughter cry from jumping out my chair, punching the air and shouting. Even a win these days feels laborious, scrappy and unfulfilling. How can winning be so joyless? Lack of ambition? Ultimately winning is fruitless just a means to and end, that end? Premiership survival.

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I will never stop following. The upside for me is that I now live in Canada, so the advantage is I don't get my nose rubbed in it every week. I don't get to live in the negativity or toxic atmosphere that I would back home and can't start to imagine the hell it would be living with it up close.


Would certainly be tougher if we dropped down a couple of leagues. Championship wasn't easy to follow over here.

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If we were relegated tomorrow it wouldnt bother me one bit. In fact Id probably go to a few games. I dont get angry when we concede or lose and I don't jump for joy when we score or win. This a club I used to get so excited about, a club where if we lost, my whole weekend would be ruined. I look at Newcastle United today and there is nothing there for me. I cant stand the owner, manage and most of the players. The fans are f***ing cretins in the main too. Its just a shitty club owned, managed, played for and represented by complete and utter toss in a sport fast becoming a joke. They can all go and f*** themselves!


Totally understandable views here - you are right in that far too many fans are cretins because they are still prepared to spend money - in some cases, on credit cards - to support a regime that is taking the p--- so badly that if they walked up to half these idiots face to face and said what they think of them, the fans would drop them there and then. Instead, these so-called 'fans' hide behind some stupid vision of gang loyalty, or keep going because they have nothing else in their drab lives and it gives them something to gripe about without doing anything to alter things.


The club is almost at the point now where the bedrock of support it had nurtured since 1992 is about to crumble big-time and Ashley will achieve his aim of wrecking it for good.

Unless action is taken to force the discontent on to the agenda of the media by a sustained boycott, nothing will be done unless Ashley has agreed to sell in summer and is just now asset stripping.


I cannot blame HTT or anyone else for thinking as they do.

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Two words:





I will never stop following. The upside for me is that I now live in Canada, so the advantage is I don't get my nose rubbed in it every week. I don't get to live in the negativity or toxic atmosphere that I would back home and can't start to imagine the hell it would be living with it up close.


Would certainly be tougher if we dropped down a couple of leagues. Championship wasn't easy to follow over here.


BEIN (the channel) has the Championship in the US.


The upside of being in Ohio is the same - when there's a shitty result I can hide from it a bit. I miss out on the good times though. The real danger is that distance makes me see the Premier League, Champions League and clubs like Liverpool, Chelsea, Man City etc for what they are, and what they are doing to football. That more than anything is driving a wedge between me and the game I love.

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Two words:





I will never stop following. The upside for me is that I now live in Canada, so the advantage is I don't get my nose rubbed in it every week. I don't get to live in the negativity or toxic atmosphere that I would back home and can't start to imagine the hell it would be living with it up close.


Would certainly be tougher if we dropped down a couple of leagues. Championship wasn't easy to follow over here.


BEIN (the channel) has the Championship in the US.


The upside of being in Ohio is the same - when there's a shitty result I can hide from it a bit. I miss out on the good times though. The real danger is that distance makes me see the Premier League, Champions League and clubs like Liverpool, Chelsea, Man City etc for what they are, and what they are doing to football. That more than anything is driving a wedge between me and the game I love.


What are Liverpool doing to football that Tottenham aren't?  I understand the Chelsea and Man City part but the Liverpool one just smacks of jealousy because they've improved and probably will cost your lot Champions League football.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Wish I was cool enough to be one of the complete w*****s who couldn't care if Newcastle were relegated.


Why should I fucking care man? There is no point to us at the moment. We are a coat hanger for SD as someone put it, owned by a complete and utter cunt, managed by a slimey fucking fraudster and half our players are half arsed, shit or totally dis-likeable.


The Premier League is fucking shit when your sole intention is to simply make up the numbers.


I am cool mind, and a wanker :lol:

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Guest Howaythetoon

Btw, when Chelsea's 3rd went in, the camera panned to the stands and a good few hundred rather than jumping up and down like lunatics to celebrate, were stood camera/phone in hand taking photos and videos. What the fuck is happening to football? I was more angry at that then us losing :lol:

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Just read an article by an ex-Cardiff City fan who now follows Dulwich Hamlet FC in the lower leagues- primarily due to Vincent Tan's destruction of CCFC, but also due to the 'passive consumer' matchday experience, extortionate ticket prices, and the general staleness of the PL.


It really has made me think what is the point in bothering again? We follow a club that doesn't want to win anything, the matchday experience even at SJP is completely mundane, as 'fans' we are completely insignificant in the grand scheme of things, simply making up the numbers so the big rich boys can play.


I know football in general at the elite level has taken a turn for the worst, but the PL is by far the most sterile league of them all. And following a club within that is now completely soulless makes it even more pointless. It's a fucking joke.

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You look at all that SD graffiti around the stadium, you look at the back of your season ticket and see it has SD logos on it, you see during matches our nazi stewards trying to eject people from the match because they're standing, or standing in a different seat to be with their mates, you read the Kevin Keegan thread on here and read about the ambition and passion that man had and gave this club, you watch the incredible football we played under Sir Bobby, too- the fast attacking brand with heroes such as Shearer. And then you look at where we are now- our most talented player being forced out by a manager who epitomises everything that is wrong about our club nowadays, who represents and enforces this totally unjust and poisonous regime, and who contradicts everything great about this clubs history.


Why the f*** bother anymore? We don't matter.

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You look at all that SD graffiti around the stadium, you look at the back of your season ticket and see it has SD logos on it, you see during matches our nazi stewards trying to eject people from the match because they're standing, or standing in a different seat to be with their mates, you read the Kevin Keegan thread on here and read about the ambition and passion that man had and gave this club, you watch the incredible football we played under Sir Bobby, too- the fast attacking brand with heroes such as Shearer. And then you look at where we are now- our most talented player being forced out by a manager who epitomises everything that is wrong about our club nowadays, who represents and enforces this totally unjust and poisonous regime, and who contradicts everything great about this clubs history.


Why the f*** bother anymore? We don't matter.



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You look at all that SD graffiti around the stadium, you look at the back of your season ticket and see it has SD logos on it, you see during matches our nazi stewards trying to eject people from the match because they're standing, or standing in a different seat to be with their mates, you read the Kevin Keegan thread on here and read about the ambition and passion that man had and gave this club, you watch the incredible football we played under Sir Bobby, too- the fast attacking brand with heroes such as Shearer. And then you look at where we are now- our most talented player being forced out by a manager who epitomises everything that is wrong about our club nowadays, who represents and enforces this totally unjust and poisonous regime, and who contradicts everything great about this clubs history.


Why the f*** bother anymore? We don't matter.


Basically. NUFC is hollow as fuck and it's a reflection of football in this country in general.

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Two words:





I will never stop following. The upside for me is that I now live in Canada, so the advantage is I don't get my nose rubbed in it every week. I don't get to live in the negativity or toxic atmosphere that I would back home and can't start to imagine the hell it would be living with it up close.


Would certainly be tougher if we dropped down a couple of leagues. Championship wasn't easy to follow over here.


BEIN (the channel) has the Championship in the US.


The upside of being in Ohio is the same - when there's a shitty result I can hide from it a bit. I miss out on the good times though. The real danger is that distance makes me see the Premier League, Champions League and clubs like Liverpool, Chelsea, Man City etc for what they are, and what they are doing to football. That more than anything is driving a wedge between me and the game I love.


What are Liverpool doing to football that Tottenham aren't?  I understand the Chelsea and Man City part but the Liverpool one just smacks of jealousy because they've improved and probably will cost your lot Champions League football.


It is jealousy, of course it is. I'm jealous because it doesn't matter how much better we are than them over a sustained period on the pitch, they get more money through their name and large following in Asia etc. The relentless promotion afforded to them by the media in the UK and abroad gives them a competitive advantage that ensured that they would eventually get back to the select group at the top. There's a "tournament of champions" or some such happening this summer that will give extensive exposure over here to the usual suspects...including, naturally, Liverpool. Thus, casual football supporters in the US will be restricted - by and large - to Liverpool, Man U, Arse, and Chelsea. I just find it frustrating and depressing, and living in the US makes it all the more transparent.


I realize that there aren't really some halcyon days for me to look back at with longing - I remember all the glory-hunting Liverpool twats in my North London school in the 80s. I just find the whole exercise increasingly pointless and divorced from what I love about football - about supporting your local team, rooted in the community, that can approach each season thinking that this could be the one.

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You look at all that SD graffiti around the stadium, you look at the back of your season ticket and see it has SD logos on it, you see during matches our nazi stewards trying to eject people from the match because they're standing, or standing in a different seat to be with their mates, you read the Kevin Keegan thread on here and read about the ambition and passion that man had and gave this club, you watch the incredible football we played under Sir Bobby, too- the fast attacking brand with heroes such as Shearer. And then you look at where we are now- our most talented player being forced out by a manager who epitomises everything that is wrong about our club nowadays, who represents and enforces this totally unjust and poisonous regime, and who contradicts everything great about this clubs history.


Why the f*** bother anymore? We don't matter.


Incredibly depressing and equally accurate.

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It is a good piece, and has me thinking I should be doing more even from 5,000 miles away. Calls out and shames us supporters and rightly so, we profess that we care about the club but continually fail to show it.

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