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Alan '48 points' Pardew

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Just watched his post match Stoke interview. Doesn't really come across as being bothered in the slightest. Have quite often seen the pressure cracking him but showing no signs of that this time. Don't think he really gives a shit because he actually thinks we are doing alright.

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Amazingly, there was a short spell earlier in the season where we played some really good football. Until January he had the squad motivated and performing to its ability more or less. Since then Pardew's completely lost the dressing room. Cabaye's departure and non replacement has been influentual, but once again Pardew is showing he is completely unable to use a squad and is fucked when one of his first teamers is missing for any length of time. When he has done well he has riden the wave of individual quality of certain players. There is no style to our play where if a player goes missing a replacement slots in and we keep going. This after three full seasons. For that reason alone he needs to go, and fast.

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So if we're languishing near the bottom come January and he gets some players in like he did last year, that'll be him wanting success?


His success is remaining in the league. That. is. it.


Probably true to a point.


The club don't value cup runs or a second tier European tournament because they don't generate enough revenue. They've made that clear. I'd bet you Ashley would bite you hand off for a bit of the champion's league money, though.


I think he wants us to improve, but in very specific ways, on very specific terms. This summer is the big test. He's taking a more active role in the club so here we'll see what his intentions are.


If it's just more of the same then I'll hold my hands up and admit defeat. No ambition, no desire to be anything more than mid-table.


If we invest then I'm sticking to my guns. Early indicators, with the upgrades to the academy, are that he's going to double down on youth and try to get the best out of kids as offering value for money. I like that prospect. It was great seeing the likes of Bassong and Krul come good. As a fan I find that exciting.


Agreed. A more sensible management structure is in place for making decisions, Pardew must know who needs to go and where the team needs strengthening, and there should be some money to spend. There are opportunities to kick on.


Which is why I find the current level of hostility a bit frustrating. It's come at the wrong time. Under Ashley we've seen very active transfer windows, and we've seen very quiet ones. This one will be a good indication of his thinking.


:lol: as if people still think like this. Luca basically admitted he only

come in here as a WUM but the fact you actually still think this sort of stuff is insane to me. And indicative of why Ashley takes the p*ss out of us at every turn



Agreed - Ashley must laugh all the way to the bank...he - rightly - believes we have the most gullible fans in football.



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It also implies that Ashley doesn't want us to succeed.


The theory goes he just wants to use us as a vehicle to push Sports Direct. I'm sure he does like the free advertisng. But the better we do, the more exposure he gets.


What marketing genius wants their brand associated with the football team that gets humped every week? Or at best achieves mid-table stability.


Moreover, there are much cheaper ways to buy that advertising. He could have put the same fucking banners up all over SJP or any other ground for a fraction of what it cost to buy the club.


It doesn't. Make. Sense.


Ahh. Another one that doesn't understand advertising. Next you'll be saying 'yeah but have you ever watched a car advert and then just gone out and bought that car?'.


We've been having the conversation about Ashley's motives for the club for years as well. Long term exposure  (ie 15 years) for his brand would have cost him there or thereabouts what he's spent. This way he gets SD anywhere and everywhere he wants, plus the extra column inches and mentions of SD anytime we're reported on. It makes perfect sense.


The fact Sir John Hall actually came out and said that's what he bought the club for a few months after he sold it to him should have put this discussion to bed a long time ago.

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The day that Alan Pardew took the manager's job at Newcastle this was the respective Premier League record for him and Chris Hughton, the man he was replacing.




The difference between the two was imperceptible in terms of results, which made the decision bizarre.  There were other factors that took it to the realms of concerning though.  In terms of character, the gulf between the two men was huge.  Pardew arrived with a history of "dodgy" moments in his past which Reading Chairman John Madejski, Arsenal Manager Arsene Wenger, Ian Ashbee, West Ham fans and the entire MOTD audience can attest too. Pardew has since gone on to commit further indiscressions against match officials, opposition managers and players, while Hughton's respect and popularity in the game remain undiminished, despite his less than successful stint at Norwich.


It seemed to me like Mike Ashley was bringing in the Frank Spencer of the football world to replace Gus Fring.  Someone who demanded no respect from anybody whatsoever, a derided individual who would put their foot in it at any and every opportunity in place of someone cool and collected who may not have ultimately succeeded, but ran a tight ship and inspired 100% effort and respect from every one of his employees.  And has black and white hair.


As you will guess, like most, I was not keen on the appointment.


Then came the 2011/2012 season.  With new signings Cabaye, Ba and Santon in the team Newcastle went undefeated for the first eleven games, winning seven of them on the way to sitting pretty in third place by November.  Pardew’s stock was on the rise.  To paraphrase Paul Simon, pundits can gather all the news they need from the Premier League table.  For those of us that actually paid money to watch it week in and week out though, it wasn't so simple.  The football was awful even in that early run which remains Pardew’s best.  We were scraping wins on individual moments of skill, by one goal, against relegation bait like Wigan, Wolves and Sunderland.  We were taken to extra time in the cup by lowly Scunthorpe and Nottingham Forest.


While the laziest observers  (Redknapp, Lawrenson) were waxing lyrical about the job Pardew was doing, I looked at the quality  of opposition each Premier League team had faced in the opening ten games.  The result showed Newcastle had had one of the easiest starts possible.




It was clear to me Pardew had landed on his feet, but his good fortune couldn't last.  And so it proved.  After those initial eleven games Newcastle went on a run of eight games with just one solitary win against (ultimately relegated) Bolton.  Only five points. While you might suppose that new players bedding into a team should see the performances improve over time, as players learn about the system and each other, the opposite seemed to be true at Newcastle.  Players were not gelling over time.  They were becoming more disjointed.


Then Papiss Cisse arrived. From his debut, when he scored a peach of a volley against Aston Villa, Cisse scored in every single game we won from then on, up to his unbelievable strike, from the dugout if I remember correctly, in our last win of the season at Chelsea.  Everything he swung a foot at seemed to fly into the back of the net.


Mike Ashley had loosened the purse strings and papered over the cracks for Pardew on what had been starting to look like a downward spiral. For the remainder of the season Newcastle never dropped below 7th and ultimately finished 5th, securing a UEFA cup place for the following season.  Pardew won the LMA Manager of the year award and the likes of Redknapp and Lawrenson had an ever so pleased look on their ill-informed, stupid, smug, melty faces.

Begrudgingly I had to accept the man was staying, not enthusiastically.


The way 2012/2013 went, it should have been vindication for those of us opposed to Pardew, but a strange thing happened.  He started to gain some of my sympathy.  On the transfer front, Vurnon Anita was little (in every sense) reward for having achieved UEFA qualification, in whatever style.  With over a dozen extra fixtures in the calendar Pardew was being forced to make do.  The relegation scrap that ensued was one that Ashley took the blame for almost entirely.  The club went on a dreadful pre-christmas run (again) of thirteen games with just two victories (against lowly Wigan and QPR), but criticism of Pardew was muted and always caveated by the fact the threadbare squad had not been strengthened to any great degree.


In January, Pardew went cap in hand to Ashley and once again would have been grateful as five signings dug him out of the hole he found himself in.  Five wins in the following nine games were largely attributable to the new blood and only just ensured survival for the club and for Pardew.


Whatever the failings of Ashley in the transfer market, a pattern was emerging of results worsening consistently under Pardew until new players came in.  He has never been able to maintain the performance of those new players or the team further than their initial honeymoon.  It was a pattern that would continue into the current season.




Once again at the beginning of the season we saw small shoots of success.  Loic Remy arrived on loan and singlehandedly fired us up the league while the Cisse that we had known and loved continued to go AWOL.  The long balls we had been lumping up to Ba and Shola previously were less prevalent as we instead capitalised on Remy’s speed and skill to score goals on the break.  It’s at times like these, in the moment, you are tempted to take the positives.  I found myself defending Pardew based on Ashley’s dereliction of duty on the transfer front.  The justification that we flirted with relegation as a cost of Europa league qualification without squad improvement seemed logical, and here we were back in the top six and passing it about much better.  The form we’ve shown since Christmas has disavowed anyone of that notion though.  It’s been relegation form without any Europa excuses whatsoever.


Few Newcastle fans will make the mistake of listening to the excuses again.  The pattern has become too recognisable.  With the benefit of hindsight any minimal success Pardew has had can be put into context showing that he’s always been the problem, new players coming in to offer a temporary lift are the only solution he has.


Under Mike Ashley, a man not keen to be signing expensive players to come straight into the first team, it’s not a sustainable approach.  Ashley has two options in the summer.  Keep bailing Pardew out, bring in another four or five players to ensure a good start, but watch them quickly fall off in form too, or he could bring in a manager who can maintain enthusiasm and effort enough to avoid relegation form from a squad which is better paid and cost more to build than over half of the other squads in the league.


I’d say Chris Hughton is available, but Ashley has had problems with re-instating old Newcastle managers in the past.

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Agree with pretty much all of that article HF although also agree with Mojo that last season could and would have been avoided with any semi-decent manager.


aye, he utterly fucked it from start to finish like...i'm not having any excuses on his part for that fuckfest, none of it

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Agree with pretty much all of that article HF although also agree with Mojo that last season could and would have been avoided with any semi-decent manager.


Aye, some of it is more about explaining where i was coming from earlier in the season.  Up to then Pardew either had a canny season or mitigating circumstances to excuse the poor form.  I thought at that time there was a debate to be had about that and whether Pardew deserved all the stick he was getting.


As we all know, correlation isn't causation though.  This season has been the one to prove beyond any doubt Pardew's failings. No-one can legitimately defend him in any way now.

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"A new word has entered the Geordie vocabulary: Pardewed. To be Pardewed involves having all the creativity crushed out of you. Increasing numbers of Newcastle United fans believe its victims include several members of the club's first-team squad.


Moussa Sissoko, Yoan Gouffran and Sylvain Marveaux are seen as good examples of a process that Hatem Ben Arfa is, rather forlornly, rebelling against."


Get in. One of the few times she's done something good.

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Is it only me, or do people on here feel strange about the opinions many of us on here have been arguing for the past 12 months  are hitting home NOW? (his philosophy and negativity being the main reasons for last season, technical and dynamic players being Pardewed etc.)


It's been incredibly obvious for more than a year. I know many on here were done with him after Reading at SJP. He lost me for good by the derby. His ideas and true footballing mentality has been painfully transparent even when we've had good spells. He always reverts to it.


How f***ing hard is it to see? They needed banners at Stoke to admit to this?

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Is it only me, or do people on here feel strange about the opinions many of us on here have been arguing for the past 12 months (his philosophy and negativity being the main reasons for last season, technical and dynamic players being Pardewed etc.) are hitting home NOW?


It's been incredibly obvious for more than a year. I know many on here were done with him after Reading at SJP. He lost me for good by the derby. His ideas and true footballing mentality has been painfully transparent even when we've had good spells. He always reverts to it.


How fucking hard is it to see? They needed banners at Stoke to admit to this?


I don't think anyone has ever doubted his inability.  That's why I referred back to his first full season when I thought we were generally awful.


Fans only vary in the degree of their pragmatism and how long it's held out.

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"A new word has entered the Geordie vocabulary: Pardewed. To be Pardewed involves having all the creativity crushed out of you. Increasing numbers of Newcastle United fans believe its victims include several members of the club's first-team squad.


Moussa Sissoko, Yoan Gouffran and Sylvain Marveaux are seen as good examples of a process that Hatem Ben Arfa is, rather forlornly, rebelling against."


Get in. One of the few times she's done something good.


WOW!  :lol:


Actually put in the full definition of Pardewed with examples of players who have ben affected.


That is glorious. Absolutely glorious.


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Is it only me, or do people on here feel strange about the opinions many of us on here have been arguing for the past 12 months  are hitting home NOW? (his philosophy and negativity being the main reasons for last season, technical and dynamic players being Pardewed etc.)


It's been incredibly obvious for more than a year. I know many on here were done with him after Reading at SJP. He lost me for good by the derby. His ideas and true footballing mentality has been painfully transparent even when we've had good spells. He always reverts to it.


How f***ing hard is it to see? They needed banners at Stoke to admit to this?

Yeah, without trying to sound like a prat, although it is difficult when saying this, it's just entirely obvious to me (or "us"). I see no reason to read or write anything in any great detail anymore that tries to analyse Pardew's performance or explain why he shouldn't be managing the club. I'm just happy the media have finally decided to inform everyone else.
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Decent write up that from statz man. Pardew has built his entire NUFC career on the individual talents of players and the bounce they give when they join, before gradually dragging them down to the shitty disorganised malaise that he has the balls to refer to as a style of play. Unless we pull 3-4 Remy/Cabaye level players out of nowhere in the summer we will be relegated next season.

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