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Newcastle United 0 - 2 Man City - 12/01/14 - Post-match reaction from page 41


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"It was an amazing strike but what Harty says was that although the lad [Gouffran] wasn't blocking his view of the ball he was standing where he was going to dive, so Harty couldn't really make a dive.


"Harty also said he wasn't sure if he would have got it anyway, but Gouffran was in his way. If someone is in your way you are not going to dive on them. Maybe he wasn't interfering, but it is such a hard one to get right. I can see both sides. It was an amazing strike and it was unfortunate for them, but it's the grey area of the offside rule."




U wot?

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Only saw first half - totally disgusted with the decision over Tiote's strike and went to bed because I could see what was going to happen...


Apart from the fact that we seem to have given them a better game than usual, this match told us little that we didn't know ;

1. That we are pathetically lightweight up front and unless a new striker of quality(ha ha) is brought in, we will continue to struggle for goals

2.They have so many quality players that even when they lose people like Aguero, they can have a bad day and still win whereas if we lose a couple of our best players, we cannot win even on a good day

3. There are many unanswered questions about refereeing standards/decisions in the PL


The game's powers-that-be chose to alter the off-side rule interpretation OFFICIALLY, but they still allow referees to interpret the rules as they see fit ; Gouffran may have been offside under the old rule but in this case, he was clearly NOT interfering with Hart's ability to attempt a save and Hart's obstruction of vision came from his own players...not that he would have stopped Tiote's rare bullet shot anyway.

In cases like this, it is small wonder people suspect that the game is corrupt at the highest levels - once again, a fifth official, watching a replay in the stand on TV and linked to Jones by headset would have been able to ensure that justice was done....so why won't the game's rulers allow it......??? Your guess is as good as mine.

Even the SKY commentators, including our friend Waddle, were mystified over the decision......


Leaving this aside, we cannot allow the incident to blind us to our problems so that Pardew/Ashley can sweep them under the table during this transfer window - the Mackems beat this lot and we have not done that in many attempts and mainly because a)Pardew's over-cautious style of play in past meetings and b) we lack firepower up front.

None of these issues is going to be solved by hiding behind the blatant injustice of the disallowed goal.

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Anyone hear about an elderly lady receiving CPR before the game outside the east stand, few people on twitter saying she died.


awful news if true, thoughts go out to her family


Yeah, me and Dino walked past that, scary/saddening stuff.



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Referee Jones consulted with his assistant and ruled out the goal. TV cameras picked up a conversation between the two men, with the assistant asking the referee if the ball had struck Gouffran.


Jones appeared to reply, wrongly, that it had, so the assistant told him the goal should be disallowed for offside.




For those at the game, any truth in this? Doesn't make any sense at all.

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Referee Jones consulted with his assistant and ruled out the goal. TV cameras picked up a conversation between the two men, with the assistant asking the referee if the ball had struck Gouffran.


Jones appeared to reply, wrongly, that it had, so the assistant told him the goal should be disallowed for offside.




For those at the game, any truth in this? Doesn't make any sense at all.

Not sure how anyone could tell what was said between the two inept cunts, linesman didn't flag its just all happened after Hart used to new appeal system Jones seems to have decided football needs.

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Just got back (walked back). What a game! We took them to the wire, Negredo's late goal was a sickener but I still enjoyed myself and Cheick's strike has got to be a contender for gotm! A great team display.


on a slightly negative note, a disappointing amount of people were leaving with 5 mins to go and the game still tied. I know it was clashing with Songs of Praise, but still.


This act never becomes tiresome at all.


But, but, but, he's the funniest poster 2013

If you so much as come near my house...
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I'll ask again................does anyone think that decision today would have happened the other way round ?


Never. If we were 1-0 up at Etihad and they equalized, no ref in this country would have the guts to disallow the goal. Man City are a big team and all.

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Guest Roger Kint

Referee Jones consulted with his assistant and ruled out the goal. TV cameras picked up a conversation between the two men, with the assistant asking the referee if the ball had struck Gouffran.


Jones appeared to reply, wrongly, that it had, so the assistant told him the goal should be disallowed for offside.




For those at the game, any truth in this? Doesn't make any sense at all.


The linos actions suggested this mind, hardly seemed convinced at all

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Referee Jones consulted with his assistant and ruled out the goal. TV cameras picked up a conversation between the two men, with the assistant asking the referee if the ball had struck Gouffran.


Jones appeared to reply, wrongly, that it had, so the assistant told him the goal should be disallowed for offside.




For those at the game, any truth in this? Doesn't make any sense at all.


The linos actions suggested this mind, hardly seemed convinced at all


Talk at SJP was that this was mentioned on the Sky coverage.

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So the ref standing 10 yards away had a clear unobstructed view of the incident consulted the lino whose view of the ball was blocked by Gouffran. Lino in turn fired the question on whether Gouffran had a touch back to Jones who on thinking back decided it had indeed been so and ruled out the goal?



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Guest reefatoon

Hart's excuses are absolute shit.  When has a keeper ever decided not to dive for a shot because someone was in the way?  Absolute bollocks of an excuse.  It will never happen, but I hope he gets ridiculed to fuck for that comment, the soft ponse. He didn't dive for it because it hit the net before he had time to react.  Hopefully that head and shoulders shit burns out his retinas the cheating bastard.

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Guest Roger Kint

Hart's excuses are absolute shit.  When has a keeper ever decided not to dive for a shot because someone was in the way?  Absolute bollocks of an excuse.  It will never happen, but I hope he gets ridiculed to fuck for that comment, the soft ponse. He didn't dive for it because it hit the net before he had time to react.  Hopefully that head and shoulders shit burns out his retinas the cheating bastard.


Its amazing how much time Hart had to think about all these factors, he had a split second ffs!

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I thought Toure didn't look fit from the first minute to the minute he got subbed. Surely Man City aren't that desperate they have to force players to play with injury. Never seen him be so ineffective and not interested in a match. Just went around kicking heels for the afternoon, unbelievable how he was never shown a card.


People have said had we of scored Man City may have upped gears and scored a couple more but i genuinley don't think they had it in them yesterday. Joe Hart's cheating and ability got them the 3 points yesterday. Very frustrating knowing we were the better side and got nothing.

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