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Winnet Sports claim Glenn Hoddle linked with DOF role


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No idea why any one rates Hoddle.


He's never once spoke of getting a tackle in, asking a player to perform some magic nor, and I might be wrong here, has he ever suggested that the best way to go into a derby game is to have two centre halves lump balls up to your completely immobile lone centre forward.


And he hates the disabled...

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I can't stand Hoddle personally, smug b****** that he is. I don't particularly rate him as a manager either, but he would play football as it's meant to be played, none of the long ball nonsense that we have to endure now. He might not be a bad DOF, although he did build a side of very small players at Chelsea. It was one of the shortest in stature in the league IIRC. College Dropout would have a stroke.


I fall roughly into this category but there is little doubt that Hoddle would be a vast improvement over either Pardew(as manager) or Kinnear(as DOF).

Hoddle tends to get a bit wound into the theoretical side of the game rather than the practical and you need both...wonder also about his motivational qualities, think KK and you can see what I mean but I would definitely be happier with Hoddle at the club in place of the idiots we have - or had - already.

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Is that actually what was said though? Or did the media blow it out of proportion?


I genuinely cant remember btw, I do know that he has done a lot of work with disabled charities ever since though.




"You and I have been physically given two hands and two legs and half-decent brains. Some people have not been born like that for a reason. The karma is working from another lifetime. I have nothing to hide about that. It is not only people with disabilities. What you sow, you have to reap."


But can he beat Aston Villa at home? Can he sow their reap so far up their ass we get three points?

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I liked Hoddle as England manager but that was 15 years ago ffs. He always strikes me as one of those who has a lot of friends in the media who continuously link him to work.


Having said that, Kinnear and Keegan had hardly been on the frontlines of football when we hired them so who knows

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No idea why any one rates Hoddle. He has done almost nothing at club level to be considered a decent appointment. Did ok with England but had a fantastic squad.


I'd rate him as a slight upgrade on Kinnear. It's debateable whether he did better than Kinnear managing at club level, and they are from the same era.  Hoddle can speak coherently though, and as far as I'm aware isn't likely to have a heart attack.


On the other hand Kinnear didn't seem to do anything except talk complete shit (which I would probably count as a plus). I could see Hoddle and his colossol ego going around interfering, causing chaos, and making a mess.


He has a connection to Spurs and no one has given him a job in 6 years so he fits Ashley's criteria, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there is something in it.


I know it was forever ago, but he did very well at Swindon first time at bat, and pretty well at a pre-Abramovich Chelsea (who at the time were almost as success-starved as us!). "Slight upgrade on Kinnear" is ridiculous hyperbole, and I notice there is no mention whatsoever as to the galactic gulf between their respective playing styles, either.

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No idea why any one rates Hoddle. He has done almost nothing at club level to be considered a decent appointment. Did ok with England but had a fantastic squad.


I'd rate him as a slight upgrade on Kinnear. It's debateable whether he did better than Kinnear managing at club level, and they are from the same era.  Hoddle can speak coherently though, and as far as I'm aware isn't likely to have a heart attack.


On the other hand Kinnear didn't seem to do anything except talk complete shit (which I would probably count as a plus). I could see Hoddle and his colossol ego going around interfering, causing chaos, and making a mess.


He has a connection to Spurs and no one has given him a job in 6 years so he fits Ashley's criteria, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there is something in it.


I know it was forever ago, but he did very well at Swindon first time at bat, and pretty well at a pre-Abramovich Chelsea (who at the time were almost as success-starved as us!). "Slight upgrade on Kinnear" is ridiculous hyperbole, and I notice there is no mention whatsoever as to the galactic gulf between their respective playing styles, either.


Just what I was about to post.


Had the audicity to get Swindon into the Premier league. Then built the base of Gullit's Chelsea side. All by playing a style of football totally different to Pardew's.

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In an ideal situation i wouldn't want him as manager and was hoping he would be palmed off with Spurs recently however given our current situation Hoddle wouldn't be that much of an embarrassment appointment and would happily take the gamble on him.


He’s welcome along in the Dof role if this is what it's rumoured to be shaping up as, again he’s an upgrade on what we previously had but it doesn't take much.

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