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Hatem Ben Arfa (now retired?)

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Guest firetotheworks

The bloke is a complete dementor like. He just sucks the happiness, soul and life out of everything that's good.

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AP: Hatem Ben Arfa needs to show the required professionalism & commitment before he can return to 1st team, but is still part of club.


I don't know how he can keep a straight face talking about professionalism, the hypocritical arrogant useless bastard.

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AP: Hatem Ben Arfa needs to show the required professionalism & commitment before he can return to 1st team, but is still part of club.


I don't know how he can keep a straight face talking about professionalism, the hypocritical arrogant useless bastard.


I was just about to post this, :lol:


When was the last time HBA headbutted a player, pushed a linesman or called another manager an old cunt?

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AP: Hatem Ben Arfa needs to show the required professionalism & commitment before he can return to 1st team, but is still part of club.


Take a bit of comfort from that, like. Sounds like there's actually a chance of a way back.

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AP: Hatem Ben Arfa needs to show the required professionalism & commitment before he can return to 1st team, but is still part of club.


Take a bit of comfort from that, like. Sounds like there's actually a chance of a way back.


Same here, that was my initial reaction to be fair. Immediately afterwards I was overcome with a burning hate for that microphallic, genocidal mongoloid in charge

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AP just can't take criticism - and won't be the first coach tbf. Many have tried and failed with HBA, its just a shame for Hatem as give him the ball round the opposition box and he delivers chances. Seems to me that HBA needs to realise that football is a team game based on pass and move and at the RIGHT moment you create a goal by the magic he has.

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AP: Hatem Ben Arfa needs to show the required professionalism & commitment before he can return to 1st team, but is still part of club.

How come the guy is telling a player he wants rid of that he can still get into the squad and then telling a player that we are trying buy that it's too late and we don't want him?


Does he just go out of his way to piss on everyone?

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Said it before, it sounds a bit like Barton in 2012. Was training on his own, with the academy and suddenly Pardew realized he needed him and put him into the starting XI against Arsenal and Sunderland.

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Guest Haris Vuckic

I don't think a supposed 'lack of professionalism'  or whatever justifies the way Hatem has been treat by the club. Taking his rent out of his pay but not paying it etc - it's just petty.


He could have turned up with a KFC bucket in his hand and should be at least given the chance to prove himself like anyone else.

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Hatem can kick up a fuss all he wants, I hope he just puts his head down and gets to work and keeps his mouth shut. Its the only way he'll get on the pitch for the sake of his career but also the love (so he says and I believe him) he has for the fans and the support.

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Hatem can kick up a fuss all he wants, I hope he just puts his head down and gets to work and keeps his mouth shut. Its the only way he'll get on the pitch for the sake of his career but also the love (so he says and I believe him) he has for the fans and the support.


That's the problem with all of these player unrest situations. We might all support Hatem and dislike Pardew, but at the end of the day the only way it's going to move forward is if Ben Arfa knuckles down and forces his way back in. Assuming the manager is here to stay.

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He was knuckling down though and was treated like a prick all the same. He's damned either way because tampon brain doesn't trust him anyway. He's never going to be the player pardew wants and he ignores all his strengths to suit some benign agenda of proving he's right.

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He was knuckling down though and was treated like a prick all the same. He's damned either way because tampon brain doesn't trust him anyway.


I'm hoping he just does what he has to do so we can see him play. I'm sure his professionalism is fine right now and he's doing what he can - but the for sake of his career in football he needs to just do his job and get on the pitch. If there was ever a chance we could see Cabella wide left and HBA wide right, SJP will be rocking with the "go onnn!" shouting when either of those 2 are on the pitch running at defenders. That's all I want to see man. Fret from left and right.

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when he was marseille, after the season of the french title where he had a HUGE contribution (like nufc 2011_2012), deschamps told him "i want you to leave Marseille, find a club, you rnot in my plan"

his agent found a deal with nufc and when it was almost done, deschamps told him at the start of the season " you can't leave now mahmadou niang have left to turkey"

then the "strike" to leave…



we want the truth, we want hatem ben arfa :lol:


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Sounds like the beginnings of Pardew backing down to me.  Now if he's still at the club in a few weeks he can say "Atems been more professional so he's coming back into contention, I've always said he was still part of the club"..

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AP: Hatem Ben Arfa needs to show the required professionalism & commitment before he can return to 1st team, but is still part of club.



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Course there's a chance, it's in hatems hands, always has been but he's got to book up his ideas. I'm sure he won't though and everyone will be dead proud of him for sticking it to the club.

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