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Hatem Ben Arfa (now retired?)

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Those idiots don't actually have an opinion of their own, it's quite sad really they just repeat what they hear being said by the media/club. You would think grown men would actually learn to forge their opinion based on actual evidence instead of being sheep.

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Yes, the defenders might not cover themselves in glory in that clip but even then, some things to consider are:


- That defenders always seem to be shit in clips of Hatem doing something good. He has that knack of making it look easy

- At any moment in a game if you have 2, 3 or even 4 defenders worrying about one player it opens up areas and space everywhere else


Still, posting here is preaching to the choir. It's disappointing to still be reading such shite, and I wonder what those people want from watching this club. A laboured backwards passing season finishing 17-15th? Well, what is the point.

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How can some f***ing numbskull sit and watch that and proceed to call him s***? Absolutely astounding how thick our fans can be at times. There's not many players in the world that can do that with such ease. But yeah let's slag him off because he "never tracked back enough.".


Not to worry Forest Oberwang filled his shoes nicely last year, we'd all prefer him any day of the week wouldn't we, WOULDN'T WE?!??

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Admitting Ben Arfa was actually f***ing class conflicted with their weird lust for Alan Pardew's tail.


It's like trying to convince yourself that your fit as fuck ex that dumped you was a munter cuz she didn't know algebra.

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Just the same theory as religion though int it? Many of our fans saw Pardew as some kind of deity, therefore his decision to drop Ben Arfa couldn't have been unfounded.


That's pretty much the long and short of it, anything else ('he was ineffective too often', 'he was lazy', 'he was too fat') was just conjecture created in the hive mind of extremely confused and impressionable men.

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