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The other games today - 2014/15


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I don't have a problem with Felliani like, he's alright. Whether Man Utd should be launching hoofs towards him is another question.

He's a very good target man, fuck all else about him though. Massive cunt on the pitch as well with his constant elbowing of other players.

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Is it me or is Rooney barely an above average player these days?


Admittedly I don't watch many Man U matches but when I do he doesn't look anything special.


Absolutely nobody looks anything special for ManU these days. They are grinding out the results, but it's like watching paint struggling to dry.

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Wish the BBC would sack Keown whilst he's on air, like when Smithers' becomes an announcer at the Dragway on The Simpsons. "Get your hands off of me!"




"Guy, it looks like we're seeing some action, action, action!"


:laugh: Need to watch that episode again.

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