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Siem de Jong (still alive)

Guest ManDoon

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Problem is he looks soooooo slow... Really worried about this, can he cut the Prem or is he another brother of the same name...


i agree with this entirely, but i only see this as a problem until the team starts to function a bit better and hopefully become a bit less shaky at the back...then it'd be no worse than having an immobile 2nd striker in a 4-4-2, thing is he'd have to weigh in with goals for it to work


he should be nowhere near the pitch in games like sunday mind, not for a long while, hope mclaren gets this now

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People can't look past Luuk and are trying to put that shit on Siem man. My goodness.


He is not too slow to play in that position, and Sunday is no reference for his game, as the team was absolute garbage once he came on.


Can't believe the junk being talked about the guy man. So fickle.



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Problem is he looks soooooo slow... Really worried about this, can he cut the Prem or is he another brother of the same name...


i agree with this entirely, but i only see this as a problem until the team starts to function a bit better and hopefully become a bit less shaky at the back...then it'd be no worse than having an immobile 2nd striker in a 4-4-2, thing is he'd have to weigh in with goals for it to work


he should be nowhere near the pitch in games like sunday mind, not for a long while, hope mclaren gets this now


Sorry, this is just wrong, he's not immobile at all man.

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People can't look past Luuk and are trying to put that s*** on Siem man. My goodness.


He is not too slow to play in that position, and Sunday is no reference for his game, as the team was absolute garbage once he came on.


Can't believe the junk being talked about the guy man. So fickle.




Luuk de Jong is doing pretty well at PSV at the moment. One would almost think our coaching setup didn't have a clue at the time on how to use him or give him confidence. I realise he didn't set the league on fire in Germany either, but he's certainly a better striker than he showed at NUFC, and I wouldn't be surprised if he still managed to prove himself in a better league in the future.


As for his brother Siem, I've said he was a better version of Kevin Nolan straight from the start. He can certainly be a very useful player for us and I think he's plenty good and strong enough for the Premier League personally (he put two past Man City in the CL). Writing him off after only a few appearances like some on here are doing is incredibly harsh.

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People can't look past Luuk and are trying to put that s*** on Siem man. My goodness.


He is not too slow to play in that position, and Sunday is no reference for his game, as the team was absolute garbage once he came on.


Can't believe the junk being talked about the guy man. So fickle.




Luuk de Jong is doing pretty well at PSV at the moment. One would almost think our coaching setup didn't have a clue at the time on how to use him or give him confidence. I realise he didn't set the league on fire in Germany either, but he's certainly a better striker than he showed at NUFC, and I wouldn't be surprised if he still managed to prove himself in a better league in the future.


As for his brother Siem, I've said he was a better version of Kevin Nolan straight from the start. He can certainly be a very useful player for us and I think he's plenty good and strong enough for the Premier League personally (he put two past Man City in the CL). Writing him off after only a few appearances like some on here are doing is incredibly harsh.


Funny thing is I have no doubt that Luuk's poor showings were down to the buffoons in charge.


I would have had no issue with him staying actually. He had been injured, and I doubt the preparation for him to get back into the groove was good enough.


My post above was more referring to people's disappointment in Luuk at the time, and now transferring that onto Siem. I had no issue with Luuk whatsoever. I think it's a shame he never really got a chance to get into his groove here.

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not dismissing him or writing him off, just looks like he is three yards (not one) off the pace at the moment, has looked similar in the pre-season games also. Yes, he has good touch and control, holds the ball up well also, but when you see him run it looks like he's in slow motion FFS!

Hope to be proved totally wrong and he becomes a first rate Nolan type for us... fingers crossed

P.S. Still think Ayoze deserves to be in that 10 role before Siem just based on last seasons displays

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If LDJ wasn't cut out to succeed in Germany, I doubt very much he was cut to succeed in England - it may have been in his favour if he wasn't being asked to play CB-CF due to being a 'big lad' though.


But come on, this is pretty fucking irrelevant. Apart from sharing the same mam and being Dutch I don't see what else LDJ has in common with SDJ, so pairing them off together is pointless. SDJ has proven over a long career he is a top footballer and in the few appearances he's played for us when starting he's looked like he's more than capable of cutting it. Just give the bloke a bit of time to regain full match sharpness and get back to his best. If he manages to stay injury free for thewhole of this month he should be starting by September and back to his best.

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People can't look past Luuk and are trying to put that s*** on Siem man. My goodness.


He is not too slow to play in that position, and Sunday is no reference for his game, as the team was absolute garbage once he came on.


Can't believe the junk being talked about the guy man. So fickle.




Luuk de Jong is doing pretty well at PSV at the moment. One would almost think our coaching setup didn't have a clue at the time on how to use him or give him confidence. I realise he didn't set the league on fire in Germany either, but he's certainly a better striker than he showed at NUFC, and I wouldn't be surprised if he still managed to prove himself in a better league in the future.


As for his brother Siem, I've said he was a better version of Kevin Nolan straight from the start. He can certainly be a very useful player for us and I think he's plenty good and strong enough for the Premier League personally (he put two past Man City in the CL). Writing him off after only a few appearances like some on here are doing is incredibly harsh.


Funny thing is I have no doubt that Luuk's poor showings were down to the buffoons in charge.


I would have had no issue with him staying actually. He had been injured, and I doubt the preparation for him to get back into the groove was good enough.


My post above was more referring to people's disappointment in Luuk at the time, and now transferring that onto Siem. I had no issue with Luuk whatsoever. I think it's a shame he never really got a chance to get into his groove here.

Tbf I don't think you can blame Pardew for Luuk de Jong not being able to kick the ball with any force whatsoever

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Luuk was told to play the support striker role that Siem plays, man. Of course he was terribly managed and coached in that shit team of ours with the idiots in charge.

Maybe but you should be able to kick the ball with a bit of power no matter where you play

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He barely even had any shots. That guy was so low on confidence when he came here it was so obvious.


It always worries me when a striker isn't even looking to score, no matter how good his all round game is. It's a similar story to Riviere who looks okay everywhere except in front of goal. As far as Siem goes, I liked the look of him in the 30 mins or so he played in his first game, since then I just find it hard to get excited about him as he just hasn't turned up. I hope he does well when he's fit obviously, but I'm glad we aren't hanging our hat on him any more.

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Unless his injuries have done him in we've got the better brother, no doubt. Love the look of Siem. He plays a bit deeper but he reminds me a little of Viduka. Very accomplished footballer with such clever movement.

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People can't look past Luuk and are trying to put that s*** on Siem man. My goodness.


He is not too slow to play in that position, and Sunday is no reference for his game, as the team was absolute garbage once he came on.


Can't believe the junk being talked about the guy man. So fickle.




Luuk de Jong is doing pretty well at PSV at the moment. One would almost think our coaching setup didn't have a clue at the time on how to use him or give him confidence. I realise he didn't set the league on fire in Germany either, but he's certainly a better striker than he showed at NUFC, and I wouldn't be surprised if he still managed to prove himself in a better league in the future.


As for his brother Siem, I've said he was a better version of Kevin Nolan straight from the start. He can certainly be a very useful player for us and I think he's plenty good and strong enough for the Premier League personally (he put two past Man City in the CL). Writing him off after only a few appearances like some on here are doing is incredibly harsh.


Funny thing is I have no doubt that Luuk's poor showings were down to the buffoons in charge.


I would have had no issue with him staying actually. He had been injured, and I doubt the preparation for him to get back into the groove was good enough.


My post above was more referring to people's disappointment in Luuk at the time, and now transferring that onto Siem. I had no issue with Luuk whatsoever. I think it's a shame he never really got a chance to get into his groove here.

Tbf I don't think you can blame Pardew for Luuk de Jong not being able to kick the ball with any force whatsoever


It's funny that LDJ seems to be able to hit it just fine for PSV

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