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Our Summer Transfer Business


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I feel honoured to be holding our own with the sovrin state of burnley.


In all seriousness, it's been decent so far.  We've made some good acquisitions and hopefully we'll get at least the striker we need to round off a good effort.

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Shame about the manager, the deal team sticks to their rigid and frugal transfer policy and we seem to pluck out top players for peanuts in comparison. No doubt Cabella would be 15M+ by someone like Chelsea or Man Utd as they'd not spend 6 months negotiating a deal :lol:

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Guest neesy111

Still in transfer profit for 2014.  Should be shitloads left in the bank for other signings.....

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I'm relatively happy so far. With Arsenal after Debuchy bringing in Janmaat was the best we could have hoped for. We need a proven goal scorer though, to go into next season with what we currently have would be mental - so I'm 90% certain it'll happen.

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Signing players is great fun isn’t it? So much so that you may even elevate it to something it isn’t, maybe even praise those that have so often failed you in the past for simply doing what needs to be done.


Opinions of Cabella are all positive and his signing looks to be the perfect choice to fill the ever widening hole left by love him or hate him Ben Arfa, and the young Dutch right back is rated highly by my Feyenoord mates from Cabras Feliz, so you know, there’s that. The Colback kerfuffle of whether we tried to offload him to West Ham is irrelevant now, as is his hand gesture during the Derby. I’d prefer that from a player than refusing to celebrate. Remember that chap from Norwich who refused to celebrate against Villa because he nearly signed for them once, now there’s a man going places, born winner that one. As for Ayoze, we’ll see. Check out this on inbedwithmaradona about the lad, and if that doesn’t add intrigue to him it might help those keen to pretend they watch the Spanish second division.


So the story so far all seems quite promising what with the expected addition of another striker or two….but get those horses held.


The manager. He of back-patting-himself-off fame. He who has managed to lose over 50% of his matches as Newcastle manager in four years. He who has managed to lose a higher percentage of games than everyone else in English football other than Stevenage and Fulham in that time. It begs that age-old question of How shit does one have to be before someone thinks, you know, he might be a bit shit.


We’ve been here before with signings. The summer before we finished fifth we signed Cabaye for a fantastically low sum which was a great deal.  Mourinho’s hyperbolically adored Santon for not much more. We nicked Marveaux from under the noses of Liverpool which was sneakily impressive. Demba Ba for nowt, and a January signing to top all January signings when Cisse made the number 9 his own. And Gabriel Obertan.


No prizes for guessing what point I’m making with that list.


Since then we’ve also seen a highly rated, young, league winning captain centre back come from France and play less than half his games in his rightful position. He now looks destined to leave, a reputation in tatters, and some forgetting that the older Coloccini was much worse in his first season. Hell, he might have been worse last season.


So when I see myself and others being labelled negative during these hedonistic days, I find it difficult to not immediately judge the upbringing of those more chipper than I. Creative signings and goalscorers excite people more than any other position so it’s only natural for optimism to build for those still with a glimmer of hope. But for me it’s not negativity, I just can’t look past the failings, excuses, and active pursuit of mediocrity that we’ve endured over these last few years.


We needed to buy players, we had to buy to stay where we are because that squad from last year would have been relegated were it not for one two month period. The problem is that signing anybody has become so alien to us that it has diluted the rationale that we simply had to do it. The fact that they appear to be good deals and good players is not a surprise here, we’ve done that before. So praise for a managing director that was a big part of the team that didn’t sign anyone for 18 months seems utterly bonkers to me. They are doing what needs to be done to fix the mess they created and the fact they seem quite good at it is even more irritating when put up against that barren spell.


I’m struggling to get excited for the new season and they’ve done that, it’s not some negative badge of honour I sadistically write on these pages. It’s that I can’t enjoy what should be an exciting time because the old dogs are still there, still wanting to not win trophies, still not wanting the burden of Europe.


Believe it or not I write a lot more miserably than I feel; I think it’s called a high horse or a soapbox or something, and it’s often fuelled by other opinions, beer, or the local press, particularly those feeling justified that we’ve signed some players after they said we would. Falling into the trap of thinking that being right once holds enough weight to balance the prolonged period of wrong. But scales don’t work like that, for a journalist or a manager.


So forgive me while I merely look on with intrigue at the comings and goings at our club, neither furious nor thrilled, but through sceptical geps, hindsight trumps hope.




Spot on that. Particularly the bit in bold.


It's similar to when players are praised for not cheating.

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Still in transfer profit for 2014.  Should be shitloads left in the bank for other signings.....


Massively in profit, still about £45m in the kitty by my reckoning.  I think we'll possibly see another striker in and that'll be our lot.  Say £15m for a striker and we're left with a rainy day fund of about £30m just in case Pardew needs bailing out in January again.

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still think if a good striker is coming it'll be a season loan with the fee agreed to pay out of next years TV money and that'll be our lot....can't say i'd have a massive problem with that tbh if it's what they did, better than not having another striker


add a striker to what we've got and we really do have a decent a squad imho, just the manager 'issue' to resolve really

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Probably Pardew's first XI if everyone is fit.

Think so too. CF, CB and LB could be much better. Hope Anita over Colback but doubt the King agrees.


our left side looks bad defensively.

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Think so too. CF, CB and LB could be much better. Hope Anita over Colback but doubt the King agrees.


our left side looks bad defensively.


Col-col would cover for Santon in the event he ventures forward anyway. Although I rather Santon focuses on his defensive duties since he doesn't have much of a delivery on him and Cabella should be left to cause his damage.

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Not convinced at all that we've done brilliant business. At the end of last summer, everyone was unhappy with the squad. Since then, all we've done is replace cabaye, debuchy, Ben arfa, remy and gosling with de jong, janmaat, cabella, rivière amd colback.


That first four is going to have to do something special to be as good as the 4 they are replacing.

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Not convinced at all that we've done brilliant business. At the end of last summer, everyone was unhappy with the squad. Since then, all we've done is replace cabaye, debuchy, Ben arfa, remy and gosling with de jong, janmaat, cabella, rivière amd colback.


That first four is going to have to do something special to be as good as the 4 they are replacing.


I see what you're saying, but surely it's better that we've actually acted to get some decent signings in when they're needed. It doesn't mean we should be partying in the streets, but it's definitely better than we were expecting.

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Just seems more in line with being run like a normal club. That's about all you can say. It's much better than being a piss-thin water treader so yeah we resemble a normal club for a while. I'll enjoy that at least until Pardball boots up again.

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Probably Pardew's first XI if everyone is fit.

Think so too. CF, CB and LB could be much better. Hope Anita over Colback but doubt the King agrees.


our left side looks bad defensively.

It certainly does - all PL managers of any ability will immediately target Santon in that formation...he is more exposed than the Matterhorn peak on a clear day...

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Probably Pardew's first XI if everyone is fit.

Think so too. CF, CB and LB could be much better. Hope Anita over Colback but doubt the King agrees.


our left side looks bad defensively.

It certainly does - all PL managers of any ability will immediately target Santon in that formation...he is more exposed than the Matterhorn peak on a clear day...


They'd be targeting our left side anyway so it doesn't make that much difference.

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Fatman will always try to make sure we have a team good enough for comfortable safety. And if not, he'll go again in January/kick Pardew out.


We'll never look to kick on however. Never. As soon as we have a good team with an ounce of depth. Someone will be sold.



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Fatman will always try to make sure we have a team good enough for comfortable safety. And if not, he'll go again in January/kick Pardew out.


We'll never look to kick on however. Never. As soon as we have a good team with an ounce of depth. Someone will be sold.





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