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Fantasy Premier League 2014/15 - Svein best coach in da league


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                    De Gea

        Evans    Jones      Rojo

Valencia          Blind              Shaw

            Mata          Di Maria


            Rooney        Falcao


Complete guesswork.

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Hazard, Ramsey, Jones and Costa all doubtful. Had to make a safe sub this week to ensure I get a few good results. Cost me my initial plan of having two free transfers next week. Will definitely not be top 3 come monday night.

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I've decided to give Rooney another couple of weeks, given the fixtures. Jettisoned Cabella and Young to bring in Sterling and Lovren. Then preparing to bring in Welbeck and Costa either next week or the one after.


Was tempted to bring in HBA but I only get 30 transfers for the season in this stupid Telegraph league, and he obvs can't play next week.

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Froggy, is Jonny Evans a safer pick than Phil Jones right now?


I'd love Falcao in but Adebayor is more appealing, for some reason. Also unsure whether to have Ben Arfa or Zaha as 5th midfielder.



Courtois - McCarthy


Jones/Evans - Clyne - Wilson - N Taylor - Duff


Hazard - Ramsey - Sterling - Sigurdsson - Ben Arfa/Zaha


Costa - Falcao/Adebayor - Naismith

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